International HR Planning: Pakistan

Immigrant Pakistanis in Canada work as experts and traders in specialized fields like engineering and construction. Most of them are either self-employed, owning small businesses or employed in multinational organizations operating in the country. Pakistan-Canadian entrepreneurs also own some significant enterprises while others own factories in Pakistan and import their products to Canada. Furthermore, some of these immigrants operate textile mills in the country and engage in multinational trade. In the past decade, Economic relations between Pakistan and Canada have moved from aid to trade led by many Pakistani-Canadian corporations and businesspersons (Boyd & Schellenberg, 2008).

Pakistani Employment Laws or Norms Different from Canadian’s

Pakistan enacted the Employment of Children Act 1991 deal with issues relating to child labor alongside initiatives implemented to stop the habit of children working below 14 years of age. Any person entering Pakistan is required to possess the following documents to obtain a visa: the original passport, filled visa form and two passport size photographs. Pakistan is under intense pressure to raise its labor standards, particularly child labor standards. The country has no legal retirement age for those working in the private sector; employees retire according to the policy of the company normally ranging from 55-60 years. Except for cases of misconduct, no permanent worker can be terminated without prior notice of at least one-month notice by the worker or by the employer. Pakistan has adopted a labor policy that consolidates over 50 labor laws into only seven. The law deals with issues of employee compensation and working conditions (India Pakistan Trade Unit, 2008).

Cultural Differences in Resumes or Selection Procedures

Cultural difference awareness can signify the difference between turning down a qualified applicant and recruiting highly skilled worker. In Canada, a candidate has to outline his/her experiences and match them to the job requirements. Employers give priority to candidates with specialized experience and skill. Cover letters and resumes help in matching the candidates’ achievements and experiences with the job requirements. Chats are part of business norms, but there are no inquiries on family members during recruitment and selection. A standard business format consisting of polite, impersonal, and formal is used (Manitoba Labour and Immigration, 2009).

Social Differences in Workplace Norms Affecting Employees

In 2005, participation of women in the Canadian labor force was about 72%. The gap in employment of highly-skilled women was about 10% in 2000. There is a small variation in workforce participation of women at various family building stages since employment is combined with caring for children. The variation in occupation choices and high rates of part-time working women affect their wages negatively. Lack of adequate motivation of workers through rewards and promotions may decrease their productivity. Those in higher positions ought to respect the ones in junior positions to ensure the smooth running of the organization (Klarsfeld, 2010).

Education Level Accreditation or Equalization

Canadian immigration policies encourage employment of professionally trained immigrants to perform well in the knowledge economies. Immigrants are not aware of the structure of local labor markets and do not have sufficient language fluency and Canadian work experience. Immigrant professionals encounter difficulty in finding work suitable to their field. For them to get employment in regulated occupations, they ought to be licensed and/or certified through professional associations that operate under government statutes (Boyd & Schellenberg, 2008).

Employment Challenges Facing Canadian Immigrants

  • Accreditation of Skills: Immigrants find it expensive and difficult to have their education and professional experience recognized and evaluated. They face challenges in searching for employment relevant to their former field.
  • Lack of Canadian Basic Training and Advancement Opportunities: Canada does not recognize many international training skills and trades. Local employers consider foreign qualifications as less competent; thus, they pay low salaries to immigrants.
  • Lack of work experience in Canada: Majority of the new Pakistani immigrants do not have a stable work history or Canadian work experience. This makes their chance of employment slim since most employers are interested in skilled work force.
  • Little understanding of Canadian Laws, Business Regulations, and Bylaws: Trained professionals and Immigrant trade workers do not have sufficient knowledge of prerequisite North American standards required in their occupations.
  • Different Culture Norms: immigrants encounter cultural barriers when seeking employment (James, 2009).

Available Resources for Integrating, Attracting, Hiring, Training and Maintaining Pakistan Employees in Canada

Canada is endowed with massive resources sufficient to attract, hire and maintain employees from Pakistan. The availability of professional services ensures that immigrant employees get the best placement since the vetting prior to recruitment is through. In order to attract Pakistan employees, Canada can employ appropriate interview methods and evaluation tests offered by these professional organizations. Their primary goal is to hire the best candidates without encroachment of federal regulations. Recruitment and hiring procedures are designed in such a way that they protect all applicants and reduce lawsuits risk.

Secondly, performance appraisal provides feedback to workers regarding their performance, and thus they are able to utilize their strengths and correct their weaknesses. Training of Pakistan employees would equip them with necessary skills to adjust to a similar job position in Canada. Motivation and learning are fundamental to the welfare of employees. Adequate compensation of Pakistan employees can help in satisfying, motivating and retaining them. Finally, Canada can maintain these employees by ensuring employee safety and health, worker-management relations as well as benefits (Klarsfeld, 2010).

Reference List

Boyd, M., & Schellenberg, G. (2008). Re-accreditation and the Occupations of Immigrant Doctors and Engineers. Web.

India Pakistan Trade Unit. (2008). Pakistan Employment Law. Web.

James, J. (2009). A Few Challenges Facing Canadian Immigrants. Web.

Klarsfeld, A. (2010). International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Manitoba Labour and Immigration. (2009). Ration Information for Manitoba Employers: Employers’ Guide to Hiring Newcomers. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, December 10). International HR Planning: Pakistan.

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BusinessEssay. "International HR Planning: Pakistan." December 10, 2022.