12 Examples of Product Design Strategy

A solid product design strategy can take any business to the next level. It helps to combine the customers’ needs with the company’s goals and creates a strong brand identity.

Keep reading to find real-world examples of companies leveraging this approach, steps to creating a great design strategy, and much more!

🔝 Top 12 Examples of Product Design Strategy

  1. Definition of Design Thinking in Business
  2. Dell Company Change Management
  3. Procter & Gamble Company's Production Management Process
  4. Sage Costuming Business's Operation Strategy
  5. Avlon: Market Research Proposal
  6. Product Packaging Designing Kimberly Clark Company
  7. Servicescape Design Analysis
  8. Marketing Research About “Packaging”
  9. A Notebook Computer in Huawei’s Product Portfolio
  10. Creation of a Product Design and a Service Design
  11. Design of Goods and Services
  12. Product Designing and Development

❓ What is Product Design Strategy?

A product design strategy is a set of guidelines a company uses to support its product-related objectives. A company’s strategist deploys it to ensure that the design aligns with and supports the vision of the organization. In addition, it provides the means for achieving the organization’s goals.

A product design strategy is crucial in helping managers get answers to critical questions on how their goods can solve targeted customers’ problems. Therefore, the team can understand who the customers are, where the product fits best, and how to maximize product growth.

What are the 5 Elements of Product Design?

To create a good product design, you need five elements. They are as follows:

⚙️ UtilityThe product should solve the customer’s problem and meet their needs.
💼 ReliabilityIt should be able to work consistently to deliver the expected results.
👍 UsabilityUsability refers to how easy it is to use the product.
❤️ PleasurabilityThe product should elicit positive emotions.
💎 DesirabilityPeople should feel good owning the product.

What is the Purpose of Product Design?

The examples of well-known companies prove that product design is essential to a brand’s success. It is mainly used to blend the targeted users’ needs with the goals of a business, making it possible to develop consistently successful products. Product designers seek to optimize user experience and achieve long-term business needs.

✍️ How Do You Create a Product Design Strategy?

Take a closer look at the top examples of product design. You will realize that a lot of effort has gone into crafting them. Here are the basic steps to follow for an equally awesome result:

  1. Develop a clear product vision and impact. This step is crucial for giving the overall outlook of what product should be like.
  2. Understand the potential clients. The product design will only work well if you clearly understand the targeted customers.
  3. Pick the best opportunity. After completing the previous steps, a product designer will notice a pattern of opportunities or problems that require solving.
  4. Define success. What is the success that you are the company’s looking forward to? It’s best to make the definition data-driven.
  5. Set boundaries and analyze the competition. It allows the company to establish an area of operation and outdo the competitors.
  6. Set design pillars and define the potential solutions. The pillars determine the product’s nature, and the solutions exemplify the result the clients will receive.
  7. De-risk the strategy. It’s necessary to allow only a low level of uncertainty.

⭐ Examples of Product Design Strategy

The following two examples of product design have remained outstanding, helping the companies become some of the most successful brands of all time.

Apple Product Design Strategy

Apple used the design-first method of product design. It means the company did not wait to get design confirmation from developers. Instead, it focused on product design for the future by targeting functionality and simplicity.

Apple team believed their product was a tool for helping clients achieve something. They wanted the products to be seamless and have achieved this goal. Today, people pick up their iPhones not only to make calls but also to stay connected.

Samsung Product Design Strategy

Samsung has grown from a company that used to design the cheapest phones in the world into a 62.3-billion-dollar firm. The company uses Advanced Design Thinking, which replaced the non-linear product design model. The new framework helps the company to understand its target clients more effectively, redefine problems, and develop innovative solutions.

Other companies with great product design strategies include:

  • McDonald’s,
  • Sony,
  • PepsiCo.

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BusinessEssay. (2024, May 12). 12 Examples of Product Design Strategy. https://business-essay.com/strategies/product-design-strategy-research-paper-examples/

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"12 Examples of Product Design Strategy." BusinessEssay, 12 May 2024, business-essay.com/strategies/product-design-strategy-research-paper-examples/.


BusinessEssay. (2024) '12 Examples of Product Design Strategy'. 12 May.


BusinessEssay. 2024. "12 Examples of Product Design Strategy." May 12, 2024. https://business-essay.com/strategies/product-design-strategy-research-paper-examples/.

1. BusinessEssay. "12 Examples of Product Design Strategy." May 12, 2024. https://business-essay.com/strategies/product-design-strategy-research-paper-examples/.


BusinessEssay. "12 Examples of Product Design Strategy." May 12, 2024. https://business-essay.com/strategies/product-design-strategy-research-paper-examples/.