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    Do you need a good summary for your paper? This free summary bot will write a perfect resume for an argumentative, informative, analytical, or any other type of essay.

    📍 What Is a Summary Bot?

    A summary bot reduces the text to a limited volume keeping the main points untouched. The strong algorithm provides a decent summary, no matter how complex the text is.

    You need a summarizing bot to:

    • Get a general idea of a text without going into details.
    • Collect all the main facts on a particular text.
    • Reduce the volume of the text.

    How Does It Work?

    Technologies allow us to reduce the time spent on routine tasks. The principle of summarizing bot is very straightforward. It searches the keywords and divides the text into smaller chunks. After that, the algorithm excerpts essential information from each part and creates a solid piece of text.

    When Is a Summary Bot Applicable?

    You can use an online summarizing bot for a wide range of tasks:

    Essay Any essay needs the arguments to support the thesis statement. The Summary bot will summarize the text and detect the main arguments. This will help to spot the relevant ideas for your writing quickly.
    Article An article usually regards opposing opinions. In your paper, you may disagree with those. Briefly introduce contrasting ideas as the background for your position.
    Research paper A research paper demands reviewing the works of other researchers. To ease this complex process, use a summary bot. You will get the main points from each part without spending hours reading full texts.
    Literary analysis When writing a literary analysis, you should be aware of all significant points of the analyzed material. You can use a good summary to generalize them and interpret the book contents.
    Lab report In a lab report, you need to summarize the findings in conclusion. A summarizing bot will perform this task perfectly. You just need to collect the points that it provided.

    ⛔ What Doesn’t a Summarize Bot Do?

    The word summary is often used interchangeably with executive summary, abstract, or synopsis. However, there are specific differences between all these concepts. We want to stop here to review each term and underline those functions our summary bot doesn’t perform.

    Executive Summary

    Let’s start with the features of an executive summary.

    While summary appears in texts of any kind, an executive summary has a more serious objective. An executive summary usually presents a brief account of a long business paper, such as a business report.

    One of the executive summary’s features is having a separate conclusion. Consisting of short and precise paragraphs, it should contain results and recommendations in the end.


    The primary difference between abstract and summary is that an abstract is an independent text. Acting more like an introduction, an abstract contains background information about the work. Such elements as a research focus, methodology, and major results are included.

    Let’s say you’re writing an academic article. Use an abstract at the beginning to give readers a complete yet brief summary of your work.


    A synopsis is like an overview comprised of the significant points of the text. The synopsis should give a condensed, “dry” account of the text points. Thus, you use it for works that don’t need the author’s point of view or interpretation. For example, a synopsis is used in research papers. The synopsis format is also specific: it can be either a table or abridged prose.

    🎊 Benefits of Using a Summary Writer Bot

    Now you can see that writing a summary requires both time and effort. That is why using our online summary bot is a great option.

    Here are the perks of using a summary writer bot:

    1. A well-structured text right away. The algorithm makes the structure of the summary apparent and easy to embrace.
    2. Hierarchy of the ideas. It helps to divide the whole text into smaller parts according to the significance of the ideas.
    3. All crucial points included. The summary writer bot spots all that matters and carefully delivers this information.
    4. Minimized time for completing the task. It requires just a couple of clicks – and your summary is ready.
    5. Optimized studying routine. When you shorten text online, you get more time to complete other tasks.

    👍 How to Make a Good Summary

    Using a summarizer is excellent, but you should know how to write a summary yourself. Look at the easy algorithm below.

    How to make a perfect summary

    1. Reread the Text

    It may seem obvious, but the proper understanding of the original text is crucial. It’s not enough just to go through the text or read it once. Rereading helps you digest information and structure it. Make sure that you understand each point of the work and then switch to the next step.

    2. Note the Key Ideas

    Outlining the main ideas can be beneficial – it will save lots of time on writing. It is up to you what format to choose: put the key points into a table or jot them down in a list.

    Tip: get rid of the least important points to see the main ideas better.

    3. Write a Draft

    Don’t neglect writing a draft. It’s better to produce several versions instead of endlessly editing your summary. Try to write the first draft without having the original text in front of you. It will help to spot the gaps in your understanding of the work.

    4. Edit & Paraphrase

    Finally, the last thing on our list! Look for the mistakes in your text and eliminate them. Grammar, spelling, and other types of flaws should be corrected. If some excess information got into your summary, get rid of it, leaving the text clear and precise.

    Make sure the transitions between parts are smooth. Don’t forget about paraphrasing because you don’t want any plagiarism in your work.

    ✔️ ❌ Summarizing Do’s and Don’ts

    ❌ Don’ts ✔️ Do’s
    Don’t include information that can’t be found throughout the text. Instead, go through all the significant points and reveal the very essence of each.
    Don’t write the summary in the first or second person. The summary is to be written in the third person.
    Don’t retell the whole text under summarization. Instead, make it a brief version of the original text. Focus on the significant thoughts.
    Don’t put any questions into the summary because it’s not the analysis. Go along with the original text. Keep it in chronological and logical composition.
    Don’t structure your summary as a bulleted list. The summary structure is a clear prose piece of 5-10 sentences.
    Don’t mention the word summary itself. You just need to present the ideas in a condensed way.
    Don’t use too many citations. You should write the summary in your own words. But if the citation is needed, use it wisely.

    ❓ Summarizing Bot FAQ

    Summarizing the text is condensing it into a briefer account. When writing a summary, you should point out the most crucial parts and restate them in a short text. There exist various types of text summaries that have their features.

    The precise number of sentences for a summary will depend on the summarized work. However, there is a standard of no more than 10% – 15% the length of the paper. If you want to expand your writing, don’t forget to update the summary.

    The key principle of objectivity: your summary shouldn’t include any personal opinions, only the ideas of the initial text. Distance yourself from your judgments and get down to analysis. The process is easy: spot the main idea, find supporting arguments, and briefly explain the essence.

    The main goal of summarizing an article is to provide a brief account of the text. The summary is more digestible and easier to perceive. Thus, the most significant point will be on the surface so that you can use it for interpretation.

    The first thing to do is grasp your summary focus. Once you’re done, go through the article to spot the main points and thesis. In summary, mention the research issue, methodology, and key findings. If necessary, provide some further recommendations.


    🔗 References

    1. Summarizing | Academic Integrity at MIT
    2. How to effectively summarize the work of others | SFU Library
    3. Summary: Using it Wisely - UNC Writing Center
    4. Summarizing - University of Toronto Writing Advice
    5. Summary writing in academic contexts