Acting as the Manager of Global Expansion, I am faced with the obstacle of delayed approval of expansion plans to two priority countries. Faced with the ethical dilemma of deciding whether to use bribes to convince government officials in two countries to approve our expansion plans, I would initiate extensive ethical and legal analysis of the alternatives to reach the most convenient decision.
Steps to Ethical Decision Making
The five steps of PMI Ethical Decision-Making Framework (EDMF) include assessing the moral dilemma, considering alternatives, analyzing the decisions’ validity, applying ethical principles to the candidate’s decision, and action through making a decision (PMI Ethical Decision-Making Framework, 2021). Ethical dilemmas occur when choosing between decisions with two or more conflicting values. It is critical to follow the EDMF during decision-making since it is based on empirical research and embraces the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
Step 1: Assessment
Given the scenario, the ethical dilemma is whether to bribe government officials in both countries or not offer bribes but rather explore alternatives to convince swift approval of our expansion plan. Although bribery is not illegal in subjective countries, it is a substantial organizational ethical issue that could potentially implicate our corporate culture and subject us to coercion and blackmail in future deals. Seeking legal counsel, although bribing is permitted in the countries, does not guarantee approval, and in case the officials default permission, they are not liable for reimbursement.
Step 2:Â Alternatives
Leveraging the social, environmental, and economic stimulus benefits their countries will enjoy from our investments will persuade them to overlook bribes and approve our plans. Global Expansion can tap into emphasizing the social and environmental responsibilities to promote national and welfare issues in the two regions (Orsdemir et al., 2019). Although there is a risk of disapproval, defying bribery will observe our organizational culture and ethical values. Alternatively, giving bribes violates our corporate culture, and ethical standards will dent our reputation, and there is no guarantee of approval.
Step 3: Analysis
In favor of our organizational culture, reputation, and moral image as a moral entity, defaulting bribes and undertaking social and environmental responsibility is the most viable decision. Corruption has numerous drawbacks, including promoting inequality, and ethical organizations should avoid bribery. The decision to not offer bribes will implicate the company’s, employees and stakeholders ethical values and capacity to grow in the two countries.
Step 4: Application
Applying our moral principles of integrity, transparency, trust, and justice, giving bribes in the two countries is unacceptable and detrimental. Emphasizing the social, economic, and environmental benefits feature enhances national interest and well-fare issues that appeal to officials and result in the greatest good and promote equality to benefit all concerned parties. My choice would treat others as I expect to be treated since bribing promotes inequality.
Step 5: Action
I recommend leveraging social and environmental responsibility instead of bribes to inspire approval of our plan. I am willing to take responsibility for my decision not to offer bribes since it is contingent on Global Expansions’ cultural and ethical principles. I pride my decision, and I am ready to recommend it since our organizational culture and ethics define us and hence should take foremost priority.
Ultimately, ethical dilemmas are common in decision-making when there are two conflicting values to choose between. Deciding whether or not to bribe government officials of two expansion-priority countries is an ethical dilemma. Utilizing the PMI Ethical Decision-Making Framework, I found that not giving bribes and pledging social and environmental responsibility instead is a better decision than offering bribes.
Orsdemir, A., Hu, B., & Deshpande, V. (2019). Ensuring corporate social and environmental responsibility through vertical integration and horizontal sourcing. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(2), 417-434.
PMI Ethical Decision-Making Framework. (2011).