10 Corso Como was first opened in 1990 in Italy by a gallerist and a publisher known as Carla Sozzani. The brand started as an art and gallery shop with a bookshop. The store then later expanded by opening multiple stores years later. In 2002 it opened a store in Tokyo, which was later followed by a store in Seoul in partnership with the Samsung group. A similar shop and outlet were then later opened in 201 in Shanghai, China. In 2020 September, the 10 Corso Como was then sold to an investor who expanded its operations to suit the global market by taking over the management. The expansion majorly started in Asia’s major cities such as Shanghai, Seoul, and Tokyo.
The significant competitive advantage of 10 Corso Como is that it combines substantial works of art such as fashion, music, design, and culture. The book store acted as the attraction point for learners and researchers. The majority of 10 Corso Como’s top clients are art lovers. Some are attracted by the fact that they can access a wide range of vintage books that aren’t easy to find elsewhere. The paintings, the big runways, and the collection of apparel collected from top apparel producers makes the customers love to shop at 10 Corso Como. Most customers describe the experience as an enjoyable shopping experience as the place offers a uniqueness that not most luxury stores provide. It has a photo gallery where the clients spend time learning and looking up for latest trends. It also has a bar/ restaurant in the courtyard where clients can wind off after shopping and traveling. The store has an open flat rooftop where clients can take a breeze and get a uniquely clear view of Milan. Due to this unique shopping experience, 10 Corso Como attracts top-class customers who love luxurious items, travel, and adventure.
The company’s success has also been contributed majorly by its ability to expand its stores in other countries, including the USA, thus reaching more customers who cannot travel and adventure. The brand’s success is purely owned by the new owner who bought the company and injected capital inflow. This move enabled the company to expand its branches and produce more products to meet its customer’s diamond. Finally, the integration of various genres of art has majorly contributed to its diverse set of clients. This enabled us to attract different customers based on their preferences.
Fashion and design are on the rise in the 21st century, with most Africans realizing their full potential in modeling. Africa has become the biggest hub for fashion and design apparel, and Nigeria is one of the country’s leading in the purchase and selling of beauty and design apparel. Most of these items are not found in Africa, with a majority of them being located in Europe. U.S. Franchising is a term used in business where a company or a producer gives another company the right to trade legally under its names and words. With the ongoing need for such items in Africa, franchising would help create supply without traveling to diaspora nations to find similar goods. Franchising international fashion luxury brands would succeed in Nigeria.