Essay Reworder - Online & Free

Need to paraphrase a text quickly and effortlessly? Look no further! Our essay reworder can help you to do just that. Keep reading this article to find out how.

7,500 characters left
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In addition:

Enjoy the extended functionality of the service by using “Analyze words with a capital letter.” This option allows you to include the words that start with the capital letter into the paraphrasing analysis. Note that if you don't use the option, these words will remain unchanged.

❗ Important!

Ensure the text you want to paraphrase is no longer than 7,500 characters (around 1,800 words).

✅ Essay Reworder: 6 Benefits

  1. Easy to use.

    This essay reworder is extremely easy to use and intuitive. Considering the fact that you have ultimate copy-pasting skills and are ready to experiment with the number of words edited in your text.

  2. Developed with the students’ needs in mind.

    Let’s be honest. Students are the ones who need this tool the most. Essay reworder is like an intelligent, invisible hand that makes your next essay writing experience more enjoyable and hassle-free.

  3. Paraphrases up to 7,500 characters (approximately 1,800 words) at a time.

    On average, university students are assigned to write papers in the range of 500 and 1,800 words. Essay reworder is designed to accept the text no longer than 7,500 characters to keep the quality and fulfill your needs simultaneously.

  4. 100% online.

    Forget about installing a bunch of different programs or the need to create an account. Instead, you can start using the tool right away on our website.

  5. 100% free of charge.

    Yes, that’s right! You can use essay reworder absolutely for free. Honestly, could it get any better?

  6. Accessible on all devices.

    Enjoy the convenience of using this program on any device of your choice. It could be your phone, a personal computer, laptop, or an iPad. Using the essay reworder will be just as comfortable and quick.

🧐 Who Can Use the Essay Reworder?

Paraphrasing is essential for those who have to do anything with writing. Such a rewriting tool can be helpful for students, writers, researchers, bloggers, and many others.

Students As a student, you are welcome to utilize this free tool to rewrite and improve your academic paper writing. This reworder was designed to help students deal with the large number of assignments they are given while maintaining their work quality. We understand the pain and struggle of delivering a decent paper in a time-crammed space when you also have a million other high-priority tasks. Essay reworder exists to solve this particular problem. You don’t need to work that hard; use more intelligent tools to help you generate a changed text.
Writers Any professional writer knows what it feels like to sit in front of a blank page not knowing how to start. Being a writer is a challenging task that requires you to be creative and consider so many factors. Sometimes, you need that little extra help to get inspired and let the words flow into the pages. You can use this tool to paraphrase your previous works to find new exciting ideas and phrases. Essay reworder can help you save time on mundane tasks and spend more time on the actual work itself.
Researchers In the field of academia, high-quality paraphrasing and using eloquent vocabulary are crucial skills. Ph.D. and Master’s level students have to face this issue a lot. Researchers constantly have to either cite or copy pieces of text from different sources. Doing all of this work manually would take long hours. Essay reworder can help researchers to avoid plagiarism and produce well-written work in a time-efficient manner.
Bloggers All bloggers have the primary task of producing content. To achieve that, bloggers usually have to either recycle the old content or research the new topic. Just like anybody else, bloggers have to make sure they do not have plagiarism issues. We understand that it can be challenging to come up with new ideas every day over a long period of time. That’s why essay reworder can come in handy to solve this problem. All you need to do is to copy-paste the text, and voila! You have excellent and clean text written in seconds.

Essentially, anyone can use this valuable tool in various ways. Such advanced technologies allow you to improve your writing and work more efficiently.

💡 Examples & Tips to Reword My Essay

Using an essay reworder can be a great help and a source of inspiration when writing. But you still might need to apply a few changes to make the text look superb. Keep reading to find out about the four best practices that can help you to extend further your paraphrasing skills.

Let’s have a look at an example first! Below you’ll find a fragment from a speech by Sojourner Truth, a famous abolitionist, that was made in 1851, during a Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio. Below the original fragment, you’ll find a paraphrased one and some comments on what has been done with the original piece.

Original paragraph:

“That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain’t I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! And ain’t I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a woman?”

Truth, 1851

Reworded paragraph:

“Women are believed to be in need of assistance in their daily activities by men. Yet still, there are very few cases when a woman gets the help of that sort. Therefore, there lies a question if a working woman is genuinely perceived as one or not. Moreover, some women demonstrate equal abilities as men, whether in terms of work or appetite. Furthermore, those same women who have given life to many children are forced to witness them being sold into slavery”

Truth, 1851

Paraphrasing Tips

  1. Open your first sentence at a different point.
    In the example above, the first sentence switches the main characters’ order and mentions women first. Then, it summarizes the rest of the original sentence to deliver the message quickly.
  2. Use synonyms extensively.
    Synonyms are the most effective way to change the text. In the paraphrased text, you can see some examples of this in:
    • Need to be helped => in need of assistance;
    • Could work as much and eat as much as a man => demonstrate equal abilities as men, whether in terms of work or appetite.
  3. Apply a different sentence structure.
    Since the original text was in the active voice, it was changed to a passive one in the revised text. An active voice sentence starts with the subject, while a passive voice one does not have it. This is a great and quick way to change the structure and the style of the sentence.
    • That man over there says that women need to be helped => Women are believed to be in need of assistance.
  4. Split the information into several sentences.
    When the sentence is too long, you can divide the information into separate sentences. This makes your text more readable and engaging.
    • I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain’t I a woman? => There lies a question if a working woman is truly perceived as one or not.

We hope that the tips above will be useful for you. By the way, if you need to formulate a catchy title for your paper, you might want to use our essay title maker!


🔗 References

  1. Avoiding Plagiarism – Paraphrasing | Academic Integrity at MIT
  2. Paraphrasing for Beginners | IOE Writing Centre – UCL
  3. Paraphrasing, Summarising and Quoting
  4. To Paraphrase or to Quote? – The University of Adelaide
  5. Quoting and Paraphrasing – The Writing Center – UW–Madison