Charisma as a Skill to Lead and Supervise

Introduction: Defining Supervision

Recently, employers have begun to pay close attention to improving production efficiency. In modern business, monitoring the work of employees is extremely necessary. It can be constant or periodic, with different degrees of rigidity. Since the success of the enterprise largely depends on the competence of the staff, such a concept as supervision has become of primary importance. Supervision is control over the entire workflow (Willy & et al., 2021). Monitoring the work of employees is important both for the owner of the company and for the staff. The employer has the right to demand from the employee the proper performance of labor duties. In turn, employees will also notice improvements: the company will grow, wages will be stable. The specialist will understand what the authorities require of them, according to what rules they need to work, they will become more motivated. For the competent organization of work, the employees are supervised.

Roles And Skills


The key professional competencies of supervisors affect the competitiveness of the companies they lead. From the point of view of business practitioners, professional competencies are the ability of a subject of professional activity to perform work in accordance with job requirements. The first key competence is goal setting; it includes personal and corporate self-identification. In addition, this skill includes the identification of the meaning of the company’s existence, and the formation of the value basis of the company’s activities. The second important skill is communicative competence. The supervisor’s professional activity is carried out through communications. It is related to ensuring the completeness of communications, their consistency and manageability. Charisma is a very important component of this skill.

Leadership Roles in The Culture of The Agency

The leader is the most authoritative member of the group, who determines and organizes its activities to achieve group goals. The importance of leadership for the management of an organization raises the question of the impact on this phenomenon. An important role is assigned to the leader in creating and managing the organizational culture of the agency. Depending on the type of organizational culture, the leader performs various functions. The effectiveness of leadership is directly related to the ability of leaders to lead organizational and interpersonal communication, influencing its nature. The irreplaceable role of a leader in the implementation of changes consists in defining the idea of innovations, forming goals based on it, a common vision and strategy for change.


The charismatic theory of leadership is that followers imitate the personal qualities of the leader. The supervisor has the ability to influence thinking by modeling the value perception system. Their behavior is perceived as a pattern. The main features of charisma are the ability to modify the perception of reality and the behavior model of the led group of people. A charismatic leader is well aware of the power of his influence on others. Everything they say is taken at face value, even if this judgment is absurd. They are confident in their strength and steadfastness; their main quality is the ability to attract others. Their dedication to their idea and cause inspires confidence in their followers.

Public Figures

Elon Musk

It is difficult to find such a person who would not be familiar with the name of Elon Musk. Musk is an American multi-billionaire who earns a lot of money on projects of global importance. The great intellectual leader of our time uses a charismatic leadership style, which allows him to successfully popularize science. It is incredibly difficult to stay in the status of one of the frontrunners of universal scientific and technical evolution for a long time (Grabo & et al., 2017). To do this, he needs to have very pronounced leadership qualities, and in particular, charisma. Elon Musk’s charismatic leadership is clearly evident in the fact that when things are not going well, he knows how to rally his team and inspire it.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs can be considered as another example of charismatic leadership. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple after his resignation, the company was suffering losses. Nevertheless, after Jobs’ return, Apple is starting a new life, and it was his charismatic leadership that helped achieve this result (Park & et al., 2021). Steve was a charismatic leader and he has other skills such as the ability to take the initiative into his own hands, motivate staff. These are the qualities that Jobs perfectly possessed. His presentations are examples of his influence and gift of persuasion. It is also possible to single out such a factor in the management of Jobs and all charismatic leaders as the lack of a hierarchy of employees.


The problem of leadership remains significant for achieving political effectiveness. And currently, the concept of charismatic leadership remains one of the most effective and studied concepts. There is absolutely no doubt that personal charisma is considered one of the most powerful leadership enhancers. Charismatic leadership is seen as having an exceptional set of traits and qualities assigned to those who successfully influence and influence others. Employees following a supervisor with obvious charismatic qualities are characterized by a sufficiently high motivation, are able to work with enthusiasm and achieve the highest results. Leaders of this kind are necessary for a modern organization, especially at a critical stage of development, during periods of recovery from acute crisis states, the implementation of radical, cardinal changes and structural reforms.


Grabo, A., Spisak, B., & Vugt, M. (2017). Charisma as signal: An evolutionary perspective on charismatic leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 15(1), 1-13.

Park, N., Cho, M., & Lee, C. W. (2021). Building a culture of innovation: How do agency leadership and management systems promote innovative activities within the government? Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80(3), 453-473.

Willy, S., & Attelie, O. (2021). Supervision of human resource management during the Covid 19 pandemic. International Journal Papier, 2(3), 8-14.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, October 4). Charisma as a Skill to Lead and Supervise.

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"Charisma as a Skill to Lead and Supervise." BusinessEssay, 4 Oct. 2022,


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'Charisma as a Skill to Lead and Supervise'. 4 October.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "Charisma as a Skill to Lead and Supervise." October 4, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "Charisma as a Skill to Lead and Supervise." October 4, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "Charisma as a Skill to Lead and Supervise." October 4, 2022.