Communication in Organizations

Strategy in communicating change within the organization

Managers should “use the best strategies to communicate change in their organizations” (Kotter, 2012, p. 27). Such strategies will work effectively in every organization. An effective communication plan will ensure every organization achieves its goals. To begin with, every stakeholder should part of the Change Process (CP). The Change Manager (CM) should present the best messages. Employees should listen carefully and attentively. They should also ask questions to support the change. A proper communication approach will “ensure every person understands the mission and vision of the change” (Palmer, Dunford, & Akin, 2009, p. 174). The concept of conversation will produce the best results. I will use a powerful communication practice in my workplace. This practice is called “proactive communication” (Palmer et al., 2009, p. 53). This approach will ensure every person is part of the proposed change. I will also use their competencies to support the proposed change. This proactive approach will eventually produce the best results in my company.

Communication channels within the workplace

Many employees use different communication channels in their workplaces. Many workplaces have been using various traditional methods of communication. Some companies use such methods to empower, monitor and guide their employees. However, new communication channels have emerged within the past two decades (Palmer et al., 2009). Many organizations use flyers and notice boards. New communication channels have emerged, such as e-mails. According to Palmer et al. (2009, p. 173), “non-electronic and electronic communication channels have changed significantly.” Many companies are currently embracing the use of social media websites. This change has made many organizations successful. Many companies are no longer using e-mails. Many employees are now using different social media sites. Some managers have been using verbal methods to communicate with their workers. However, managers are now using mobile devices to communicate with their employees.

Factors that caused the communication breakdown

My workplace has been encountering various challenges. My workmates have not been communicating with one another. This situation has affected the goals of our company. The company is unable to achieve its goals. The issue of “communication breakdown has affected the company’s performance” (Kotter, 2012, p. 21). The first source of this problem is poor organizational culture. This situation affects the level of communication. Our managers have been favoring some employees. This malpractice is usually “portrayed through promotions and allowances” (Kotter, 2012, p. 23). The “other cause of this problem is lack of proper mentoring programs” (Kotter, 2012, p. 29). Many employees do not understand the importance of effective communication. This factor has discouraged them from forming new teams. These factors are currently affecting the organization’s performance. The absence of a proper communication method affects the performance of every company.

Strategies to improve the communications process

Managers can use different strategies to improve the level of communication. The first approach is promoting the best organizational culture. This strategy will ensure every person is part of the decision-making process. The proposed culture “will promote better practices such as communication, problem-solving, and collaboration” (Kotter, 2012, p. 75). Managers should ensure their employees understand the targeted goals. The second strategy, “that can improve the level of communication, is teamwork” (Kotter, 2012, p. 23). This practice will improve the level of communication. The concept of teamwork encourages more employees to make the best decisions. The individuals will also work together to support the targeted change. Many companies use these practices to achieve their potentials.

Reference List

Kotter, J. (2012). Leading Change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Akin, G. (2009). Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspective Approach. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Company.

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BusinessEssay. (2021, January 7). Communication in Organizations.

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"Communication in Organizations." BusinessEssay, 7 Jan. 2021,


BusinessEssay. (2021) 'Communication in Organizations'. 7 January.


BusinessEssay. 2021. "Communication in Organizations." January 7, 2021.

1. BusinessEssay. "Communication in Organizations." January 7, 2021.


BusinessEssay. "Communication in Organizations." January 7, 2021.