Cross-Cultural Management Analysis


In current conditions, cross-cultural management and intercultural communication problems are becoming more and more relevant: business and intercultural ties are expanding, international companies and associations are developing, and global collectives are being formed.

Challenges and Barriers

Within the personnel management system framework, two approaches to the management of cross-cultural groups are distinguished: “freedom from culture” and “dependence on culture” (Harris, 2019). The first approach argues that HR is less dependent on the country’s culture than on the size of the company, the industrial environment, and the manufacturing technology used. The second approach’s adherents focus on different cultural conditions in other societies, which form specific relatively stable models of thinking and behavior. These cultural circumstances influence the use of structures and leadership styles consistent with existing cultural forces in society.

The main difficulty in managing a team of people with different cultural backgrounds is corporate culture and ethics. Other traditions, beliefs, and religions form a person’s picture of the world, which may differ from those of their colleagues. Attitudes towards the same work aspects can be completely diverse. Consequently, the manager has to create conditions in which people’s interests and needs not only will not collide. It is also necessary to continually pay attention to the education of employees in this matter and in every possible way to ensure that employees are aware of each other’s needs. In such a multicultural space, whose members respect colleagues’ views, the organization will perform better.

The United States’ primary trend that most strongly influences cultural diversity has been and remains the issue of racial and ethnic differences. Historically, people from all over the world come to America to live, respectively, the diversity of representatives of various ethnic groups is maximum in this country. The racial trend is based on the economic component: representatives of certain ethnic groups are paid less for the same work, it is more difficult to find a job, get an education, and be a full member of society (BasuMallick, 2020). The solution to this problem can be systemic reforms, in which it is legally determined: the amount of payment should depend solely on professional skills.

The second solution to this trend may be working with the media. The less attention is paid to this issue, the more the movement will strengthen. Actively recruiting people from different ethnic backgrounds to work in films, magazines, and other media structures will enhance visual tolerance and create a healthier society. Today, racially motivated conflicts constitute a severe problem in US domestic policy. This trend can only be resolved with a systematic approach, in which all people have equal rights and opportunities.


BasuMallick, C. (2020). Diversity and inclusion trends 2020: The year of tough measures. HR Technologist. Web.

Harris, Stuart. (2019). Multicultural team challenges and strategies. Teambuilding Asia. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2024, December 21). Cross-Cultural Management Analysis.

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BusinessEssay. 2024. "Cross-Cultural Management Analysis." December 21, 2024.

1. BusinessEssay. "Cross-Cultural Management Analysis." December 21, 2024.


BusinessEssay. "Cross-Cultural Management Analysis." December 21, 2024.