Driving Innovation in Organizations


This essay reviewed an article that focused on how customers could drive innovation in organizations. It showed that innovative products or services transformed the world and led to improved life and outcomes. However, other innovative products or services simply added value to users. The author noted that customers were the key drivers of innovation in any organization. Organizations had to focus on market turbulent and diverse customer needs in order to deliver innovative solutions. Hence, all aspects of customer experiences were critical in innovation. The article also noted that organizations had to sustain innovation because of changes in the market and customers’ needs. All these processes require leadership, collaboration, transparency, and accountability across different units of the business.

Summary of the Article

The article focuses on a fundamental concept of innovation and emphasizes that innovation is key to the strength, growth, and vitality of humanity, of institutions and of society itself. To provide a clear account of the concept, the article identifies three critical basic questions about innovation, which include what innovation is and why customers are the focal point for driving innovation, factors that are responsible for innovation, and how organizations can sustain innovation.

Innovation goes beyond great creativity and thinking to include action. Hence, it is applied creativity, which results in new, value-oriented outcomes for individuals or society. The article highlights that a passionate focus on customers would drive innovation in any organization as it strives to address and satisfy the unfulfilled needs of customers. From the article, sustaining innovation is an internal affair within an organization, which requires certain forms of leadership.

Sustaining innovation requires an organization to assess how they operate by focusing on customers, their needs, and ongoing changes. Innovative organizations must also recognize the fragmented nature of markets, constant changes, rising customer expectations, and their influences, which force firms to customize their products, cultivate longer-term customer relationships, and learn new skills in serving global markets.

Four Key Learning Points

  • Innovation results in the growth of individuals and society by delivering new and better results;
  • Innovation must add value to society or users;
  • Customers’ changing needs, their unmet needs, and market forces drive innovation in organizations;
  • Leadership and teamwork are central to innovation in firms.

Relevant Statements to the Session

“A truly customer-focused organization will drive innovation because it helps to satisfy the unmet needs of its customers” (p. 107).

“Fragmented markets and rapidly rising customer expectations are forcing firms to customize their products, cultivate longer-term customer relationships, and learn new skills in serving global markets” (Slide 7).

This article emphasizes the importance of focusing on customers and their unmet needs in order to drive innovation in firms. On the other hand, the course material shows that firms operate in turbulent environments and are always under threats from both internal and external forces, including customers that require unique products. Hence, this leads to innovation as firms turn their attention to customers.

Critical Analysis

Innovation must change the world and improve how people conduct their affairs. For instance, innovations related to the Industrial Revolution and technologies had greatly changed the world. On the other hand, some innovations may only add value to users. Apple’s iPod is an example of an innovative product that has changed the music industry by adding value.

A critical analysis of the iPod shows that Apple was able to respond to the needs of customers who wanted personal, portable, and flexible music. This was a creative way of storing music electronically, which led to the invention of the iPod. Today, the iPod has changed how people listen to music, share music, and socialize.

The case of the iPod demonstrates how a focus on customer needs could drive innovation. Apple established a relationship with customers and identified their unmet needs. The company used creativity to add value to customers. In other words, innovation cannot result from a closed system. It was a focus on customers, which led to the invention of the iPod as a breakthrough consumer electronics product.

Customer service is also a component of customer focus. It represents an innovation in action. Firms develop great products for their customers, but they must establish strong relationships because the product benefits alone might not be sufficient. As a result, customer-oriented organizations focus on building long-term relationships with their customers.

In most cases, customer service has presented significant challenges, as it tends to be the weak link in innovation. For instance, Apple’s consumers, who noted that the iPod was delicate, presented a major issue to the company. Such reactions could affect the long-term success of innovative products. Hence, Apple had to find out how to manage such customers.

Organizations that are passionate about their customers tend to drive innovation. Such organizations use innovation to satisfy the unmet demands of their customers. Hence, customers are responsible for driving innovation in firms. Although organizations tend to develop new products, they cannot succeed without understanding the diverse needs of their customers and other external forces that affect markets.

It is imperative to note that the process of innovation requires teamwork and the involvement of everyone in an organization. Everyone must engage the customer for innovation to take place. It only occurs in organizations, which emphasize teamwork. However, customer engagement and passion must start from the top. That is, senior managers, particularly the CEO, must drive innovation in a firm. This explains how Steve Jobs was able to drive innovation and create revolutionary products at Apple.

Organizational behaviors and cultures may also affect innovation. In most cases, people tend to be clannish, oppose new ideas, express suspicions, and want to control others. However, innovation might not result from an individual’s effort, a genius, or a single unit of an organization. Under such circumstances, multinational and large firms have faced a major challenge of overcoming human issues and managerial obstacles to innovation. Hence, firms must promote behaviors, which are not natural among employees, such as teamwork, collective responsibility, and transparency across different business units. These behaviors could facilitate innovation in a firm.

They enhance and unlock creativity and facilitate the development of talents with synergy from different units or individuals. In conventional firms, business units operate as silos, which result in a disconnection between research and development. For instance, one may note that R&D, marketing, sales, manufacturing, and other units of the business operate differently. This scenario creates poor innovation capabilities, slow response to customers, and product development. Therefore, any organization that wants to focus on innovation must ensure a seamless interaction among different business units. At the same time, they must also focus on customers and meet their unique needs. In this case, there is a free and easy interaction among different business units and customers fostered with strong transparent processes, accountability, and collaboration.

This article also demonstrates that it is not simple for innovative firms to maintain their innovative capabilities for a long time. As many market turbulent forces emerge and competition changes, organizations must relentlessly adapt, change, and re-engineer their approaches to innovation. Therefore, any company that wants to maintain its power of innovation must also review its internal processes. All these elements lead to customer focus in an organization. However, firms must note that the needs of customers keep changing. As a result, any firm that focuses on innovation must also change with customers and their needs. One can conclude that constant assessments and invention are the most critical part that leaders can play in promoting innovations in their firms.

One fundamental aspect of innovation is that it should be sustained. Firms that fail to sustain innovation may not be competitive because of changes in the industry and customer demands. It is also imperative for organizations to foster innovations both within and outside the firm with their stakeholders.

Practical Implications (particularly in the UAE or MENA region)

Innovation is critical for any organization and its future survival. First, all organizations, including those in the UAE or MENA region, should focus on introducing changes in employees. Creativity and innovations entail instigating critical changes in employees, customers, society, and economies. The process is complex, continuous, and evolutionary. However, these processes require time, effort, collaboration, resources, and transparency for successful implementation and completion.

The process of change must originate from the top, i.e., from senior managers, including the CEO. This would mark a significant departure from conventional practices and set a new form of innovation, which may include product extension or development of new products to satisfy the unmet needs of customers. Leadership must examine innovation processes and challenge the conventional setting in current organizations. This requires a thorough analysis of past innovative outcomes and the use of profound innovative strategies to develop new products, services, and transform customer and user experiences.

Second, the article demonstrates that no organization can lead to innovation without focusing on customers and understanding the needs of those customers. As market forces change and customers’ needs change and become unique, organizations must find ways to remain competitive and solve customers’ challenges. This drives innovation in any industry. Therefore, an organization that does not focus on its customers is not likely to be innovative.

Learning Reflections

Innovation involves using creative processes in order to produce tangible outcomes with potential values and realize the outcome of innovation through a leadership framework that provides opportunities for people to be innovative. However, the process of innovation demands adaptability, flexibility, speed, aggressiveness, and creativity. From the article, the author shows that without considering customers, innovation may not yield the desired outcomes.

Therefore, customers are the best drivers of innovation, as they demand products and services that can meet their unique needs. It also requires leadership, teamwork, collaboration, and transparency across different units of the business. These processes must change the conventional practices in organizations. They must also focus on changing employee behaviors and organizational culture. Overall, firms must recognize that innovation is a continuous process that requires time, effort, and resources. Students must focus on innovation as a tool for achieving a competitive advantage in an industry.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, January 4). Driving Innovation in Organizations. https://business-essay.com/driving-innovation-in-organizations/

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"Driving Innovation in Organizations." BusinessEssay, 4 Jan. 2022, business-essay.com/driving-innovation-in-organizations/.


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'Driving Innovation in Organizations'. 4 January.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "Driving Innovation in Organizations." January 4, 2022. https://business-essay.com/driving-innovation-in-organizations/.

1. BusinessEssay. "Driving Innovation in Organizations." January 4, 2022. https://business-essay.com/driving-innovation-in-organizations/.


BusinessEssay. "Driving Innovation in Organizations." January 4, 2022. https://business-essay.com/driving-innovation-in-organizations/.