Exploring Organizational Dynamics: Behavior, HRM, and Theory


First of all, it might be useful to define each of the studies that will be discussed in this presentation. All four elements are related to how the organization operates and the relationships that take place within it. It is worth noting that both organizational behavior and organizational theory are studies. Organizational behavior is the multidisciplinary study of employee interactions and organizational processes. Meanwhile, organization theory is the sociological study of the structure and operation of social organizations. The other two components that will be compared in the presentation are Organizational Development and Human Resource Management. Both are specific actions and processes that aim to achieve certain organizational functioning goals. Organizational development is a critical and science-based process. The primary purpose of applying it is to improve the organization’s efficiency and achieve special results. On the other hand, human resources management is a process that is applied to find and teaching employees.

Difference between Organizational behavior and HR Management

Before identifying the differences between all the components, it would be useful first to identify the differences between the two. First, consider the differences between organizational behavior and human resources management. It might be emphasized that human resources management is aimed not only at finding a potential employee but also at improving the performance of existing employees. While both components aim to improve the efficiency of the staff in the organization, there is a difference between them. Unlike HR management, organizational behavior aims at increasing an employee’s efficiency in communication with other colleagues (Elkhdr & Kanbur, 2022). In contrast, HR management focuses on personal performance.

Organizational behavior in health care

It may be useful to consider examples of organizational behavior and human resource management applied in healthcare. This will make it possible to demonstrate the goals and differences between these management systems. As an example of organizational behavior, consider the study “The Psychiatric Nurse as a Behavioral Engineer”. According to Soomro et al., (2020) “In this work, the scholars studied the behavior that leads to a person’s admission to a mental hospital that involves danger to others due to a change caused in their usual mode of behaving”. “They showed nurses in a mental health facility applying behavioral techniques to change the behavior of patients in the hospital” (p. 92). This is an illustrative example of the organizational behavior. When employers teach employees to manage behavior at work, the result is that employees can change the behavior of others.

HR Management in health care

As mentioned earlier, human resources management aims to improve the personal activities and achievements of the employee. When it comes to healthcare, it should be noted that human resources management can solve the lack of employees, which will also positively improve the efficiency of the organization or company. HR Management in healthcare also uses a tool called WISN – The Workload Indicators of Staffing Need. According to Olav et al., (2022) “WISN calculates how many health workers of a particular type are required to cope with the workload of a given healthcare facility.”. As a result of the examples discussed, we can identify the differences between organizational behavior and human resources management in health care.

Organizational development

Organizational development is another important method to improve the development level and efficiency of a company. The primary tool of organizational development is the study of the behavior of employees. The purpose of this method is to create and improve the working environment of the organization. The main difference between organizational development and other methodologies is the focus on creating a constantly updated company strategy. Such a strategy aims to improve communication among employees and align it with the company’s goals and ambitions.

Organization theory

Another thing that will be useful to compare is the organization theory. The organization theory includes the analysis of the productivity and performance of the organization. This sociological study examines the dynamics of a successful business or organization. The organization theory also focuses on researching the tasks assigned to employees and managers. It examines the productivity of employees in implementing corporate strategies, as well as their effectiveness. In addition to the current research, this theory develops an effective communication strategy between the staff and management at a professional level. To conclude, it will be essential to emphasize that the difference between organizational theory and other methodologies is examining the tasks assigned to staff.


As a result of the comparison of organizational behavior, organization theory, organizational development, and human resources management, distinctive differences between them, such as using different tools or aim on the different work of employee, were identified. In health care, all of these tools address different challenges. Although the primary goals are to increase the efficiency of employees, the methods and tools used in each part are different. Through research and practice in the health care field, it is possible to understand the differences in the application of each method.


Elkhdr, H. R. H., & Kanbur, A. (2022). Evaluating the Linkage Between Employee Training Programmes and Prosocial Organizational Behavior. Business & Economics Research Journal, 13(1), 75–88. Web.

Olav, G., Olivier, S. J., Valerie, B. A., Sandra, B., & Seksenbaeva Damira. (2022). Using the Workload Indicator of Staffing Need (WISN) – Method to model the HR requirements and costs of Health Care Services in Kyrgyzstan. SHS Web of Conferences, 131, 02002. Web.

Soomro, S. A., Kundi, Y. M., & Kamran, M. (2020). Historical Development of Organizational Behavior Management. Problemy Zarządzania, 2020(88), 85–100. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2023, December 1). Exploring Organizational Dynamics: Behavior, HRM, and Theory. https://business-essay.com/exploring-organizational-dynamics-behavior-hrm-and-theory/

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"Exploring Organizational Dynamics: Behavior, HRM, and Theory." BusinessEssay, 1 Dec. 2023, business-essay.com/exploring-organizational-dynamics-behavior-hrm-and-theory/.


BusinessEssay. (2023) 'Exploring Organizational Dynamics: Behavior, HRM, and Theory'. 1 December.


BusinessEssay. 2023. "Exploring Organizational Dynamics: Behavior, HRM, and Theory." December 1, 2023. https://business-essay.com/exploring-organizational-dynamics-behavior-hrm-and-theory/.

1. BusinessEssay. "Exploring Organizational Dynamics: Behavior, HRM, and Theory." December 1, 2023. https://business-essay.com/exploring-organizational-dynamics-behavior-hrm-and-theory/.


BusinessEssay. "Exploring Organizational Dynamics: Behavior, HRM, and Theory." December 1, 2023. https://business-essay.com/exploring-organizational-dynamics-behavior-hrm-and-theory/.