Key Influencers of Marketing Strategy: Internal and External Factors


The presentation avails a deep insight into factors affecting the marketing strategy. Evaluation of individual components will be part of the presentation objective. The goals of the presentation include the provision of elaborate underusing of vital components which impact the efficacy of marketing strategy. The presentation efficacy comes in as it aims to support recommendations that would result in an advertisement campaign. The objectives of the presentation are generalized from the analysis provided on vital marketing mix factors.

Advertising and Consumer Behavior (Wk. 6)

The type of humor used by Nebraska in the ads can be considered offensive by some people in the audience. The advertisement lacks attention to meeting customer needs in its message and format. A marketing mix entails the combination of several focus areas as components of a comprehensive marketing plan (ChampionTraveler, no date). A change in promotion alters the expectations and considerations of the target population. The change in strategy for the target market has the potential of positively altering the audience’s product view.

Situation Analysis

Consumers play an essential role in every organization. Current brands have been on a rapid rise. Consumers’ behavior has constantly been changing. Advertisements have been adopted to achieve desirable brand performance. The Ineffectiveness of the current brand’s performance has been attributed to the form of marketing mix selected for a particular brand. Current brands have been associated with a failed attitude toward consumers (Fadhillah et al., 2021). Such has diminished the satisfaction associated with the brands, thus negatively altering consumers’ behaviors.

Current Brand

Innovative branding has a significant impact on brand awareness. However, unrelated ads ascertaining content have been considered significant threats to current brands’ efficacy on consumers’ behaviors. Unappropriated advertisement tools have highly altered the effect of current brands on consumers’ needs. The existence of disproportionate brands highly alters their brand behaviors negatively. Current brands have been assisted with advertisements with ironic and humorous calls such have downplayed customers’ behaviors. Recent brands have been linked with blind truthfulness, which has significantly been a demoralizing element that has altered their behavioral expectations.

Problem: Nebraska Tourism Customer Needs

Price factors highly enhance the ability of customers to plan and adjust their monetary budgets to suit their product’s desires. Lower prices attract consumers, while higher prices discourage the consumption of the product. All customers are price-conscious and often aim for relatively standardized prices. Convenience is a relatively less expensive product that requires fewer consumers to select and purchase. Consumers often opt for highly convenient products to satisfy their needs. The customer’s decision is motivated by the ease of access and attainment. Another customer needs option needs. For instance, options act as an instrumental factor that enables customers to attain maximum satisfaction regarding the value of their money.

Experience needs are intrinsic customer requirements that determine their level of satisfaction. For instance, customers consider the most relevant and best set of experiences to satisfy their unending wants. Information needs are essential since they influence how customers respond to the product. The product aims to provide critical information regarding the availability, quality, and types of additional services on the product. Positive reviews in terms of information can highly influence the product sale hence its success in the eyes of the consumers. The product aims to resolve the needs above, which are elemental in dictating the product’s performance.

The product is seen to be satisfying a smaller proportion of the population. Such is majorly attributed to ineffective marketing strategy. There exists a profound desire to adopt and implement a robust system of marking and advertisement, which will stimulate the satisfaction to reach the general population (Rahman et al., 2020). The product has a broader market; the marketing mix is less conclusive. It does not provide sufficient information regarding the product as supported by a less effective marketing mix. A marketing strategy review will be instrumental in enhancing and speeding up stratification to cover a larger target market.

Competitive Advantage of Nebraska Tourism ad

Communication is the key to the delivery of every message. The products stress communication a bit. It also adopts communication as a strategy to maximize its opportunity. The message system is highly relevant and up-to-date with the trends of the products, motivating consumers to top the product. Generally, the importance of communication is highly effective as it improves how consumers gain insights into the product’s availability and existence. Compared to the competitors, the product’s message system indicates and highlights the significant attributes of the product. The use of humor and irony form enabling and attractive factors which improve the perception of the message by the consumers.

Alternative That Nebraska Tourism Commission Can Consider

A change is a critical element of a strategy; arguably adoption of clarity and objective representation will avoid confusion among consumers. Accuracy should be served on the information provided to avoid adulteration of information that would alter the intended purposes of the message, particularly on the description of products. Integrity in representation will further motivate the consumers to the products. The discussed elements will advance the products’ competitive advantages to match and overpower the competitors. Additionally, the truthful representation will minimize relative biases that would otherwise jeopardize the product’s competitiveness.

Changes in Nebraska Tourism Marketing Mix

The slides address the changes that need to be done to the market mix. As part of the vital marketing mix, specific customer segmentation should be conducted. Product quality should be changed to suit the specific customer’s desires. Price should be changed to be affordable to attract customers (Koob, 2021). Placement of the product should be adjusted to ensure convenience. Product promotion should be changed to enhance general reachability.

Revising Marketing Mix

Ladies and gentlemen, it comes to a point where the marketing mix needs to be revised. That is what this slide presentation will focus on. As part of the marketing mix, price should be reviewed and standardized to meet customers’ needs. Promotion should be digitalized through technological innovation to enhance its attractiveness and reliability. On placement, accessibility should be improved to ensure products are available and can be conveniently attained when needed. Product quality should be optimized to increase the product’s competitive advantage while matching its cost to profitability.

Consumer Behavior and Target Market Strategy

The target market strategy enhances brand awareness of the product as a result of improving consumers’ attitudes toward the product. It will also evoke emotions of consumers on the product showcased, thus creating brand loyalty which is a positive factor towards the brand (Gulbrandsen, 2019). Finally, the consumer’s memories as well as emotions, will be evoked towards the product. Thus establishing a lasting impression of the product.


In this slide, the presentation will focus on recommendations. The most appropriate marketing strategy that should be implemented entails social media marketing. It entails marketing the products while having a consideration of key marketing mix comprising of 4Ps with the help of the internet. The strategy will adequately improve global awareness of the products and other related features. The strategy will stimulate awareness of the products among the larger population. Hence stimulating success on the performance.


ChampionTraveler. (no date). Cost of a trip to Nebraska & the cheapest time to visit Nebraska. Web.

Gulbrandsen, I. T. (2019). The Co-Presence of Clarity and Ambiguity in Strategic Corporate Communication–An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 13(2), 95-109.

Koob, C. (2021). Determinants of content marketing effectiveness: Conceptual framework and empirical findings from a managerial perspective. PloS one, 16(4), e0249457.

Rahman, M., Saha, S., Anny, S. A., Afrin, S., Afrin, T., & Haq, I. (2020). Creative Marketing and Innovative Branding: An Effective Way to Attract Customers. The Economics and Finance Letters, 7(2), 308-319.

Fadhillah, A., Zebua, Y., & Prayoga, Y. (2021). Analysis of Information Quality, Trust and Satisfaction on Customer Participation (Case Study on Customer Online Shop Shopee in Rantauprapat). Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 3039-3051.

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BusinessEssay. (2025, January 7). Key Influencers of Marketing Strategy: Internal and External Factors.

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"Key Influencers of Marketing Strategy: Internal and External Factors." BusinessEssay, 7 Jan. 2025,


BusinessEssay. (2025) 'Key Influencers of Marketing Strategy: Internal and External Factors'. 7 January.


BusinessEssay. 2025. "Key Influencers of Marketing Strategy: Internal and External Factors." January 7, 2025.

1. BusinessEssay. "Key Influencers of Marketing Strategy: Internal and External Factors." January 7, 2025.


BusinessEssay. "Key Influencers of Marketing Strategy: Internal and External Factors." January 7, 2025.