Google Company’s Corporate Culture: Case Study

Three concepts of the corporate culture

Considering the personality traits described in the article “Google Searches For Ways to Keeps its Culture Strong,” it is possible to identify three concepts: openness, extraversion, and conscientiousness. Google values employees open to productive communication, respectful disputes, and new knowledge (Jones & George, 2021). Moreover, the company’s employees actively participate in communication, exchange of useful information, and discussion of important work points, which creates an atmosphere that contributes to the manifestation of extrovert traits. Furthermore, it is obligatory to respect the relevant rules, policies, and working guidelines (Jones & George, 2021). To my mind, openness is the quality that would make it easiest for a person to succeed at Google. In my opinion, in becoming a new specialist, his adaptation to a new organization, team, and tasks, the most important factor is the ability to be open to new information. The organization gathers a large team of people completely different in origin, talents, abilities, skills, and worldview. An individual who does not show himself in terms of openness, the ability to absorb new information, change his mind, and adapt to new conditions has much less chance of future success.

Work environment

A supportive and respectful environment is believed to be one of the values that Google tries to encourage. Employees are required to engage in a pleasant and encouraging working environment that allows them to attain their maximum potential (Jones & George, 2021). Since Google promotes the concept of being inventive and high-performing, workers are empowered to learn and develop regularly (Jones & George, 2021). In addition, the company contributes to a lively environment, similar to that of a university where students argue passionately (Author, year). It must be emphasized that all of the above values directly relate to interhuman relations, the correct thoughtful work with personnel, and the development of human potential. Considering the challenges that occur with putting these values into practice, it is possible to mention inappropriate behavior, dissemination of rumors, and bullying (Jones & George, 2021). In this situation, employees can go beyond the established rules and moral norms, prevent other colleagues from realizing their potential, and express their own opinions. Subsequently, the organization creates an unhealthy working atmosphere of disrespectful relationships, where the implementation of core values will be difficult due to poor communication.

Integration into the organizational structure

The ability to properly integrate into the company’s organizational structure greatly facilitates the process of general adaptation and understanding of all internal processes. Organizational culture is an important aspect of the life of a company that allows it to have sustainable development as a consequence of a competent internal policy (Abdul-Halim et al., 2018). To my mind, I would be able to thrive in Google’s organizational culture since I have the capacity to discuss working moments and adapt to various new conditions. This company is famous primarily since, provided that the employee desires to develop goodwill towards colleagues, the management will ensure that this employee confidently masters his business. If I could change the organizational culture of Google, I would introduce innovative solutions in the methodology of team-building. For instance, the active utilization of Information and Communication Technologies tools provides managers with a scope of possibilities that can improve the communication process within the company. In this situation, communication can be facilitated by the use of interactive programs and online team games that will help improve the internal atmosphere, thereby avoiding bad relations between employees and the spread of bullying.


Abdul-Halim, H., Ahmad, N. H., Geare, A., & Thurasamy, R. (2018). Innovation culture in SMEs: The importance of organizational culture, organizational learning and market orientation. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 9(3). Web.

Jones, G., & George, J. (2021). Contemporary Management. McGraw-Hill Education.

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BusinessEssay. (2025, January 23). Google Company’s Corporate Culture: Case Study.

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BusinessEssay. 2025. "Google Company’s Corporate Culture: Case Study." January 23, 2025.

1. BusinessEssay. "Google Company’s Corporate Culture: Case Study." January 23, 2025.


BusinessEssay. "Google Company’s Corporate Culture: Case Study." January 23, 2025.