Leadership is vital for effective management since it helps direct organizations’ resources for improved efficiency and goals achievements. Effective leadership incorporates clarity of purpose, motivation, and guidance to realize the organization’s mission and vision. Therefore, organizations need leaders who direct the team members’ energy for effective performance. Leadership is significant at national, organizational, and team levels help people work towards a common goal. Through leadership, common purpose and focus are achieved because effective leaders promote unity among members. Furthermore, achieving meaning and cordial organizational culture requires effective guidance. Therefore, leadership promotes effective culture, motivation, and focus among team members and helps deal with disasters.
Leadership Role and Impact on Success
National, Organisational, and Team Levels
Leaders significantly impact performance at national, organizational, and team levels. Various economic and social activities are done at the national level. The activities are primal for the countries’ relationship with others and the interactions among residents. Productive leaders promote unity and cordial culture among a country’s citizens (Tinuoye et al., 2022). Consequently, the country is bolstered towards economic empowerment and peace. Organizations are often incorporated with different goals, including profit-making and sustainability.
The management plays crucial roles and takes part in sensitive decision-making. Consequently, organizational growth and sustainability are at the impetus of its leadership. Meanwhile, teams are composed of members with varying skills and knowledge. The teams are formed to achieve goals such as making a breakthrough invention. Leaders consolidate the members’ knowledge and skills to achieve a planned goal. For instance, the landing on the moon by Apollo 11 was a result of the consolidation of skills and knowledge among the astronauts (BBC News, 2019). Effective management helps in goal achievement at national, organizational, and team levels.
Common Purpose and Focus
Common purpose involves working in unity toward the achievement of a shared goal or objective. For instance, the Apollo 11 crew went to the moon with the common goal of making a historic and landmark human landing on the moon (BBC News, 2019). Achieving a mutual goal needs the merging of different skills and knowledge that must be effectively managed. Leaders are crucial since they bring their creative thinking onboard and help the team focus on the desired goals and objectives (Wang, 2021). Charismatic leaders encourage shared responsibilities among the team members who work to complement each other (Meslec et al., 2020). In episode 1 of the Apollo 11 story, the astronauts shared their expertise to start the journey to the moon, albeit with the common belief that going to the moon was an impossibility (BBC Sounds, 2019). Therefore, common purpose leadership and determination contributed to the Apollo 11 crew’s focus to go to the moon.
Achieving Meaning
Teams are formed with objectives and missions to make an impact. A team’s effort is manifested through an achievement that makes everyone happy. The decision to land the first man on the moon was meant to give the US a competitive edge over other superpower countries, including the Soviets (BBC News, 2019). Furthermore, landing on the moon would open the door for further discoveries beneficial to humans (Launius, 2019). Consequently, supportive leadership was significant for the mission and would motivate the Apollo 11 crew. President J.F Kennedy supported the Apollo 11 crew and convinced the Americans about the benefits of landing on the moon (BBC Sounds, 2019). Supportive and accommodative government helps teams achieve meaning.
Organizational Culture Establishment
Organizational culture affects all business aspects, including employee benefits and brand image. At a national level, culture stands out as a factor that holds citizens together when working towards a common national goal. Consequently, culture must align with the organization, country, and team’s mission. Effective and cordial culture promotes transformational power, excellent brand identity, and a healthy team environment. Leaders play a vital role in promoting organizational culture, and their attributes greatly affect their subjects’ behaviors (Khan et al., 2020). The Apollo 11 crew launched their exploration amidst the government with a transformational and hardworking culture (BBC Sounds, 2019). Consequently, the crew made it to the moon, giving the US credit for the phenomenal achievement in human history. Furthermore, leaders encourage organizational culture by acting as an example in following the set code of ethics within an organization (Kernick, 2018). Organizational culture is crucial among team members in the realization of the team’s mission and objectives.
Intrinsic Motivation
Countries, organizations, and teams engage in activities because of the inherent satisfaction and not some separable consequences. Leaders are significant in encouraging team members to take part in an activity. Neil Armstrong encouraged the Apollo 11 crew to explore the moon amidst doubt among the astronauts (BBC News, 2019). Intrinsic motivation is crucial as it encourages team members to give their best for optimal output (Siyal et al., 2021). Charismatic leaders motivate their teams by taking the lead in exploring perceived perilous activities. Furthermore, the leaders harness relevant resources and make sure none of their team members lacks skills and knowledge in carrying out an activity (Sinek, 2009). Consequently, everyone feels like being part of the team and its achievement. Intrinsic motivation enables team members to be actively involved in a team’s activities leading to quality output.
Dealing with Failure/Disaster
Great leaders are always on the frontline in managing and dealing with disasters. Since failures and disasters are inevitable, effective leaders minimize the chances of failures. Moreover, leaders should take part in helping a group overcome a disaster. The Apollo 11 crew was subjected to tough conditions on their flight to the moon. Effective communication from their leaders and among the team members saw them through the potential failure (BBC Sounds, 2019). The onset of the novel coronavirus also presented challenges among countries (Lee, 2020). However, the global leadership community teamed up to develop the Covid-19 vaccine and manage the disaster. Leaders help in creative thinking and problem-solving in the face of failures and disasters. The leaders also promote unity and encourage team members to take up the challenge and use it to their advantage (Jones & Teevan, 2021). Therefore, leadership is significant during a disaster since it gives a sense of direction and encourages teamwork in the fight against the prevailing predicament.
Lessons Learned from Research
During the research, I learned three significant points: charismatic leadership is the most effective, teamwork is necessary during disasters, and countries with effective leaders achieve a lot. Firstly, charismatic leadership is beneficial among team members since it encourages teamwork and motivates the members. Leaders with charisma lead their teams in problem-solving and inspire every team member. Furthermore, charismatic leaders promote an organizational culture that is crucial for team performance. Secondly, teamwork allows creative thinking and helps in solving problems among the team members. Charismatic leadership and teamwork are key tenets of effective leadership.
Thirdly, effective leadership among countries leads to economic growth and achievements that seem impossible. During the Apollo 11 crew exploration, none believed that it was possible to land on the moon. However, the Americans, with the support of their government, made the dream of landing on the moon a reality. The country made a hallmark that opened the door for other discoveries, including recent space tourism. Therefore, countries with effective leadership are on the frontline of economic growth and development.
Applying Lessons Learned
As a student, I engage in group work activities in which I have leadership roles. As a leader, I shall adopt charismatic attributes to inspire my fellow students. I shall also lead my group in solving problems by encouraging creative thinking and teamwork. Consequently, I aim to become an admirable and effective leader among my peers. The Apollo 11 crew story inspired me to be an agent of change in my country. I shall advocate for teamwork and national cohesion through my social media platforms. Adopting charismatic leadership attributes, promoting teamwork, and advocating for national cohesion will help me become an effective society member.
Leadership is crucial for a cordial culture and success at national, organizational, and team levels. Charismatic leaders encourage teamwork and inspire team members to solve problems and minimize failures. The Apollo 11 crew manifested the impact of leadership on goal achievement and success. Furthermore, the crew’s landing on the moon was significant to the US and made other discoveries possible. During this research, I learned that charismatic leaders are effective, teamwork is crucial for success, and effective leadership help countries economically and socially grow. I will therefore incorporate the lessons learned in my daily interactions for positive personal growth.
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