Management: Conflict Resolution Skills


Any company that employs a large number of people needs to have adequate human resource management. Although it is difficult to overstate the value of HR within an organization, most individuals are unaware of what this department does or how crucial these professionals can be regarding workplace conflict resolution (Collings et al., 2018). Of course, the HR department’s responsibilities go beyond just resolving disputes. HR’s primary responsibilities assist them in handling all workplace interpersonal and intrapersonal problems. The HR department thus has the responsibility to locate sources of conflict, and manage, and create a healthy environment that considers all workers’ rights and safety. Moreover, HR is mandated to employ practical approaches to conflict resolution to square employees’ differences and issues.

Managing Differences

HR managers must identify and emphasize the connections between people to manage the disparities between personnel. When tension arises between individuals, HR management must use conflict resolution techniques to persuade those involved that their differences do not inhibit teamwork but rather strengthen it. Crazy ideas can be generated by individuals with various mindsets and ultimately be advantageous to everyone in the organization and result in significant changes. In doing so, HR would settle disputes between employees or interdepartmental issues, nurturing collaboration. As such, for a company to realize its short and long-term goals, workers and all stakeholders must be on good terms and work together to drive positive results and changes in an organization.

Locating the Tension Points

An HR manager constantly monitors the group to head off disputes in the making. For instance, a person might witness two workers tense up over a workplace issue or even a parking spot near the office, in which case one needs to act quickly to stop the confrontation from becoming out of control. To prevent conflicts from arising in the first place, employees must feel comfortable discussing their issues with HR (Omisore & Abiodun, 2014). Therefore, the HR office needs to employ strategies at the grassroots that work to monitor cases of conflict in an organization. This can be done through monitoring cases of disputes in the workplace, meticulously paying attention to detail and profound understanding of interpersonal connections, and looking beyond the surface of a conflict essay.

Create a Healthy Environment

Many conflict essays discuss creating a positive work atmosphere for the team. However, one must realize that each unit is distinct and that you cannot use the same strategy with two different groups. The fundamental suggestion is that HR establish a climate of trust where employees feel free to express their concerns and interact with one another in any way they like. By giving the duration people spend at work some value, a healthy atmosphere can also be created. The folks would feel much more comfortable working if you provided them with some entertainment, a cozy kitchen, and possibilities for fun and leisure (Keashly et al., 2020). Increasing people’s overall job satisfaction is always a sensible choice because comfortable employees are less prone to get into arguments.

Deal with Conflicts

A knowledgeable HR manager can use a combination of skills and experience to handle the problem in the most effective way possible, even though each circumstance has the special subtleties that might make it challenging to adopt a specific technique for office conflict resolution (Keashly et al., 2020). Each HR must acquire a specific set of abilities and know-how to resolve conflicts successfully, all of which occurs with time and practice.

Procedure for Managers and Employees to Contact HR

Managers and employees alike have to be involved in conflict resolution and management in the workplace. Knowing how to spot conflict in the workplace before it escalates is crucial to its resolution. The following are some early indicators that conflicts may be brewing at work. It should be emphasized that neither are 100% certain signs of conflict at work. Therefore you should always use your best judgment when evaluating a situation (Keashly et al., 2020).

Strategies to Handle Organizational Conflict

Conflict will inevitably emerge in your company, as it is with all human interactions. When it does, several small businesses and family-run companies. Create procedures and methods for handling conflict in advance to prevent being forced into a scenario where you have no other options. You must also be sincere in your self-reflection and inspire your staff to do the same. The techniques that can bring your team back into focus are ultimately the greatest ones for resolving conflicts.

Conflicts can arise when one party clearly tells the other they are in error, and the accused person responds defensively. They must stop it in its tracks if it appears that this is the scenario in their company. It is crucial to hear everyone’s perspective without judgment before reaching an objective conclusion and appreciating everyone’s points of view.

Arguing with someone in a conflicting situation is the last thing one wants to do. Before attempting to talk to them, the HR team should hesitate for the wrath or other powerful emotions to pass (Maiti & Choi, 2021). People who are emotionally triggered are difficult to reason with.

Having a solid grasp of one’s approach to handling conflict is critical. The human resource approach to resolving conflicts will not work particularly well for everyone (Maiti & Choi, 2021). On occasion, HR can utilize their approach with the appropriate people. However, other times, they must look at the bigger picture and either modify their approach to the individual and the circumstance or enlist the help of another individual better suited to handle the circumstance. In either case, the first step to knowing others is understanding oneself.

Expected Benefits of Resolving Conflict

Interpersonal or interdepartmental conflict can be detrimental to both employees and the organization. Effective dispute resolution saves the business money, promotes action, and fosters creativity (Collings et al., 2018). According to reliable surveys, organizations spend 20 to 40% of their time resolving disagreements at work, and some employees have undoubtedly had this experience (Collings et al., 2018).

No one is exempt from conflict’s ability to drain your organization’s energy and reduce revenues. Whether you are a manager, team leader, or member of your organization’s leadership team, your ability to respond positively in challenging circumstances is essential to your organization’s success. Understanding conflict dynamics and reactions to them, regulating emotions, slowing down and thinking about what is occurring in conflicts, and constructively engaging the other person are necessary to improve individual conflict competence. Effective conflict management is a strategic benefit for businesses.


The critical components of resolving conflict that can result in high-functioning and happy relationships in all spheres of life are communication, emotional awareness, and empathy. Conflict resolution skills can help you develop these connections and avoid these problems down the line rather than just ignoring them after a rocky patch or fight. Once a disagreement has been resolved, conflict resolution can aid in bringing people together (Omisore & Abiodun, 2014). Deciding to work together to solve issues rather than slandering one another is one of the most crucial aspects of conflict resolution. This tactic is a smart strategy to increase everyone’s participation in the process and prevent rising defensiveness.


Collings, D. G., G Wood, & Szamosi, L. T. (2018). Human resource management: A critical approach. Routledge.

Keashly, L., Minkowitz, H., & Nowell, B. L. (2020). Conflict, conflict resolution and workplace bullying. In Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace (pp. 331-361). CRC Press.

Maiti, S., & Choi, J. (2021). Investigation and implementation of conflict management strategies to minimize conflicts in the construction industry. International Journal of Construction Management, 21(4), 1–16. Web.

Omisore, B. O., & Abiodun, A. R. (2014). Organizational conflicts: Causes, effects and remedies. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 3(6). Web.

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BusinessEssay. "Management: Conflict Resolution Skills." December 8, 2023.