Over the years, the idea of the correlation between workplace efficiency and success has been modified several times. As far as the introduction of nap time to the workplace is concerned, it may be concluded that the idea of quality rest to produce quality output is extremely beneficial (Cassidy, 2017). The benefits of such a working pattern tackle the increase in the overall level of job satisfaction, communication within the team, and the quality of the final product.
First, it is a well-known fact that the human mind and cognitive abilities depend highly on one’s work-rest balance, as even the most successful masterminds in history could not achieve the desired results without proper sleep. For example, it is stated in the article “Clocking Off: the Companies Introducing Nap Time to the Workplace” by Cassidy (2017) that several CEOs and other successful people refused the idea of proper 8-hour sleep for the sake of achievement.
When reflecting on this fact, it would be possible to assume that a lack of sleep might be a full-scale catalyst of success. In fact, however, it is of crucial importance to consider the fact that every human being is a separate biosystem influenced by different variables. It means that even though there is no doubt that Tom Ford’s body was well-adjusted to a three-hour disruptive sleep, his daily schedule was only a small part of his success story.
Secondly, while lack of sleep provides people with the opportunity to stay active more hours a day, their emotional state is inevitably affected. It would be safe to assume that the ability to rest and recharge one’s batteries during the day will positively influence the quality of interpersonal communication and professional collaboration. Moreover, the employees tend to feel more comfortable around a team that respects their right to rest and find a balance.
Finally, the introduction of nap hours serves as a symbol for the overall reconsideration of the approaches to work throughout the organizations. What is meant by that is the fact that over the decades, people had been living in the environment, undermining personal needs and emotions in favor of tangible success. However, now, employers have come to realize the importance of paying attention to one’s work-life balance and rest patterns in order to prove efficiency in the long run. Indeed, while a lack of sleep may guarantee immediate results, there is a much higher risk of burnout, which may cause a severe challenge for the working environment later.
Reference List
Cassidy, A. (2017) Clocking off: the companies introducing nap time to the workplace. Web.