New Hire Orientation: Human Resource Management


As an HR generalist, it is important to understand the major functions of HR as they relate to the employee life cycle. This cycle includes recruitment and selection, onboarding and orientation, performance management, training and development, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and separation and offboarding (Malik et al., 2022). Each function is critical in ensuring that employees are supported throughout their time with the company. Recruitment and selection are the first steps in bringing on new employees, while onboarding and orientation set the stage for their success. Performance management, training and development, and compensation and benefits are all geared toward helping employees grow and feel valued (Malik et al., 2022). Employee relations is about building strong relationships with employees, while separation and offboarding involve supporting employees as they transition out of the company. By understanding these functions, HR professionals can ensure that employees are well-supported throughout their time with the company, leading to better retention rates and more overall success.

Organization Structure

HR plays a crucial role in an organization’s strategy; with an increasingly competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is vital to achieving business goals. HR aids in aligning employee goals with organizational objectives and develops compensation and benefits plans that motivate staff (Shahriari et al., 2019). HR works with other managers to identify skills gaps and implement training programs that build a stronger workforce. HR equally facilitates organizational change by driving employee engagement and shaping company culture. By establishing clear performance metrics and feedback systems, HR ensures that employee performance is closely aligned with business objectives. Moreover, HR professionals’ primary objective is to create a positive work environment that fosters productivity and growth. They manage employee relations, recruit and hire top talents, develop and implement policies, and create employee training programs (Al Mamun, 2019). The HR department acts as a liaison between employers and employees, ensuring that both parties meet their needs. A well-functioning HR team can significantly impact the success of an organization by creating a strong company culture and promoting an inclusive, diverse work environment.

Talent Acquisition and Retention

Attracting and retaining top talent is a priority for any successful organization. Many organizations focus on offering competitive compensation and benefits to achieve this goal. However, other factors such as career growth and development, positive company culture, work-life balance, employee engagement, and ongoing feedback and performance evaluations are just as important. By investing in these areas, organizations can create an environment that attracts top talent and inspires employees to stay and grow with the company. Govender & Bussin (2020) confirms that “…employees gain confidence when they are trained and developed, which allows them to engage significantly in their jobs” (6). A commitment to employee satisfaction and well-being can have a significant impact on an organization’s success. Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to be motivated, productive, and engaged in their work, which ultimately contributes to the company’s overall success. A great example of this is Google, which is well-known for prioritizing employee satisfaction and well-being through various perks and benefits such as bonuses, free food, employees’ haircut, and car washing services (Parris, 2023). By investing in its employees, Google has created a loyal and dedicated workforce that is motivated to help the company achieve its goals.

Promoting Culture

HR plays a pivotal role in creating and driving a positive culture within an organization. The department employs various methods to promote this, and some of the most effective ones include developing and communicating the organization’s mission, vision, and values and maintaining employee engagement programs. They equally facilitate regular communication and feedback between employees, design performance appraisal systems and training programs, as well as cultivating a culture of continuous learning and development (Govender & Bussin, 2020). These strategies have been proven to nurture a culture of respect, collaboration, and motivation among employees, resulting in higher productivity, better problem-solving, and healthier workplace relationships. In doing so, HR builds a strong foundation for the organization’s success and long-term growth.

Technology Evaluation

HR departments have come to rely heavily on technology solutions to support their operations. The process of evaluating such technology solutions is complex and involves several stages. The first step is to define the HR technology needs by assessing the current state and identifying gaps that technology can address. Next, the team researches and develops a shortlist of possible technology solutions. A needs analysis is then undertaken to determine which solution best meets their needs (Volyntseva, 2022). Before finalizing the decision, a pilot test is conducted to gauge the solution’s effectiveness. If the test is successful, the solution is selected, and employees are trained on its use. Finally, the HR department monitors and evaluates the solution’s effectiveness and makes any necessary adjustments. Through this process, HR departments can effectively assess and implement technology solutions that meet their requirements.

HR information systems (HRIS) assist organizations in managing their human capital efficiently. When selecting an HRIS system, organizations should consider various criteria that meet their specific needs. First, functionality is key: the HRIS should easily perform basic functions such as payroll, benefits administration, and time and attendance tracking. Second, ease of use is essential for a smooth transition and maximum usage. Third, security is paramount in safeguarding sensitive information (Udekwe et al., 2021). Fourth, scalability is necessary to accommodate organizational growth. Fifth, integration with other critical systems enhances the overall efficiency, while sixth is cost considerations which should be balanced with the system’s features and performance. Finally, vendor support and reputation are vital to ensure effective implementation, training, and ongoing support.

Diversity and Accessibility

Recruitment and engagement technology have become essential tools for companies that prioritize diversity and accessibility. Job boards and postings allow organizations to reach a wider audience, including underrepresented groups, while applicant tracking systems ensure a fair and objective hiring process. Moreover, video interviewing tools are emerging as an efficient way to evaluate candidates remotely, which reduces geographic barriers and accommodates candidates with movement disabilities (Johnson et al., 2020). By leveraging these technologies, companies can not only diversify their talent pool but similarly create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all employees.

Automated Processes

Automated processes can have a substantial impact on businesses of all sizes. By replacing repetitive and time-consuming tasks with machine-run operations, efficiency can be improved exponentially. This increased efficiency can lead to reduced costs, as less manual labor is required to complete these tasks. Additionally, automated processes offer a level of accuracy that surpasses what can be achieved through manual labor alone. This can lead to increased productivity and further cost reduction. Ultimately, automating certain aspects of a business likewise improves the customer experience, as operations are handled more quickly and with greater consistency (Kumar & Balaramachandran, 2018). Kumar & Balaramachandran (2018) also support this by mentioning that “robot process automation will allow banks to dramatically reduce processing time and enhance customer service with higher accuracy” (6). Automated processes allow businesses to streamline their operations, leading to significant benefits.

Technology Example—Social Media

The use of social media can greatly impact employee engagement and retention. Not only does it allow for easy communication between employees and management, but it likewise fosters a sense of community within the company. By recognizing employees through posts and comments on social media, employers can make their staff feel valued and appreciated. This recognition, in turn, contributes to increased motivation and job satisfaction. Nayak et al. (2020) outline that “…recognizing employees over social media helps the organization to reach out to the right people in a larger platform which also results in attracting talent from the external talent pool” (8). Additionally, social media provides a platform for feedback and constructive criticism, allowing employees to voice their opinions and suggestions for improvement. Through social media, companies can equally offer training and development opportunities to their staff, furthering their skills and knowledge within the industry.


In summary, HR plays a vital role in supporting talent acquisition and retention. Through the implementation of effective job analysis, design, and specifications, HR professionals can ensure that candidate and employee expectations align with the organization’s goals and needs. Additionally, with the emergence of social media and technology, HR professionals have new tools to aid in their recruitment efforts. These tools not only aid in attracting top talent but similarly in building strong and lasting relationships with employees. As the workforce continues to evolve, HR professionals will need to stay current with the latest trends and technologies to ensure they are providing the best support possible.


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BusinessEssay. "New Hire Orientation: Human Resource Management." May 28, 2024.