Organisation Culture and Communication


Cultural diversity in an organization is an essential component that fosters ethnic variance and supports the plurality of different work cultures worldwide. Because organizational culture is constantly developing, there is a lack of knowledge of what it is. This review will relate the most fundamental ideas of organizational culture to its influence on the quality and administration provided by the NHS. This research aims to determine the impact of organizational culture on healthcare standards in the NHS.

Literature Review

In restorative literature, Edgar Schein’s work is recognized, particularly when defining organizational culture. He claims that organizational culture is: ‘the example of shared underlying assumptions conceived, discovered, or produced by a specific group, that has functioned excellently enough to be seen as significant and, thus, to be taught to new persons as the correct way to see, think, and feel’ (Rekogama, 2022). A later study by Rekogama (2022) claims that while analyzing cultural change, three subcultures in each relationship were discovered to be of particular relevance. Rekogama (2022) concurs that the link between an organization and its subcultures in healthcare services is likely to get more intricate as the study develops. This could help to understand the role of communication in the organization’s culture, including healthcare organizations.

One of the major factors ensuring an efficient organizational culture is a preparedness for change in the service sector, with a focus on healthcare. Dutta et al. (2019) developed a model to measure the connections between various determinants of organizational preparedness. According to the findings, the current state of things, recent changes in the healthcare industry, technological advancements, and interdependence among departments are all essential elements in change preparedness (Dutta et al., 2019). At the same time, Lee (2020) considers employee commitment to ethical behavior in the healthcare sector one of the most vital in developing organizational culture. The study’s findings highlight how hospitals can improve their competitiveness in today’s dynamic economy by taking on ethical responsibility through organizational skills for care services. Organizational culture may also influence results, particularly in public healthcare companies with solid professional oversight. Calciolari et al. (2018) strive to determine a specific culture type that is the most beneficial in boosting performance. The Competing Values Framework examines organizational culture, and multivariate regression analysis tests the association between dominant culture and competitiveness and financial results.

Examining organizational culture structure allows for improving organizational success, ensuring superior outcomes, organizational effectiveness, and long-term competitiveness. Some researchers believe that a solid corporate culture correlates with employee engagement (Gupta et al., 2020). Another study emphasizes the crucial role of leadership strategy in establishing an efficient culture and boosting organizational performance (Azzolini et al., 2018). An organizational climate can also be closely interrelated with the corporate culture. The organizational environment is positively and linearly associated with organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance (Berberoglu, 2018). Employee commitment to the organization was statistically significant when considering the organizational climate.

A decent analysis of the culture should be held in each organization. Barwick et al. (2018) discover six organizational contextual factors that appear to be interconnected and function in concert to impact the adoption of evidence-based practices within a company. The necessity of evidence-based practices is interrelated with the proficient data analytics of organizational activities. Analytics-driven business decisions have become a strategic need for a company’s competitive edge to last. Kumar & Upadhyay (2020) emphasize the idea that deep analysis and thorough research are required to determine the extent and efficacy commercial enterprises may genuinely gain from implementing the extensive data-based process. Healthcare organizations’ cultural framing brings attention to specific characteristics of organizational life, such as shared patterns of feeling, thinking, speaking, and accomplishing that underpin local practice. Davies & Mannion (2018) highlight the fact that other equally important aspects of organizational life, such as attitude, governance, and performance management arrangements, may be marginalized or neglected as a result. Thus, the organizational culture includes various aspects of the company’s functions that require proper management and analysis.


There were around 63 articles found after removing newspaper articles, magazines, and non-academic and non-scholar items from the search. Following a stringent quality evaluation, 40 papers were discovered, 30 of which were removed due to incomplete research and a lack of availability. Finally, ten studies were obtained, rigorously evaluated, and included in this systematic review.


This study addressed many gaps in technique and content about the link between NHS culture and quality care. Future research should collect data from more than one team member and combine the data while maintaining a sufficient sample size. Although this study examined the change in organizational culture and the culture itself, future studies should include other cultural measures and data analysis tools. More emphasis should be put on evaluating practical examples of culture’s influence on an organization.


Culture is a potent factor influencing a company’s overall efficacy and long-term success. Beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes help an organization’s members understand what it stands for, how it does things, and what it values. Ethical behavior is subjective; it refers to behavior that adheres to commonly accepted societal standards. Culture in a healthcare organization is constantly evolving due to technical, social, political, and economic developments.


Azzolini, E., Gray, M., & Ricciardi, W. (2018). Healthcare organizational performance: why changing the culture really matters. Annali dell’Istituto superiore di sanita, 54(1), 6-8. Web.

Barwick, M., Jeffs, L., Li, A., & Stevens, B. (2018). Organizational contextual features that influence the implementation of evidence-based practices across healthcare settings: a systematic integrative review. Systematic reviews, 7(1), 1-19. Web.

Berberoglu, A. (2018). Impact of organizational climate on organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance: empirical evidence from public hospitals. BMC health services research, 18(1), 1-9. Web.

Calciolari, S., Lega, F., & Prenestini, A. (2018). Organizational culture for all seasons? How cultural type dominance and strength influence different performance goals. Public Management Review, 20(9), 1400-1422. Web.

Davies, H., & Mannion, R. (2018). Understanding organizational culture for healthcare quality improvement. Bmj, 363. Web.

Dutta, P., Suresh, M., & Vaishnavi, V. (2019). A study on the influence of factors associated with organizational readiness for change in healthcare organizations using TISM. Benchmarking: An International Journal. Web.

Gupta, S., Mewafarosh, R., & Tripathi, V. (2020). A conceptual study: organization culture as an antecedent to employee engagement. International Journal of Environment, Workplace, and Employment, 6(1/2), 3. Web.

Kumar, A., & Upadhyay, P. (2020). The intermediating role of organizational culture and internal analytical knowledge between the capability of big data analytics and a firm’s performance. International Journal of Information Management, 52, 102100. Web.

Lee, D. (2020). Impact of Organizational culture and capabilities on employee Commitment to ethical behavior in the healthcare sector. Service Business, 14(1), 47-72. Web.

Rekogama, K. M. R. S. B. (2022). How do organizational transformation factors influence market orientation and the effect of organizational culture? A study on the Sri Lankan telecommunication sector. Web.

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BusinessEssay. "Organisation Culture and Communication." December 21, 2024.