Result of the Personal Leadership Improvement

In this essay, there will be a discussion on how to improve personal leadership in organizations. However, personal administration significantly improves in all organizations when strategically planned. Enhanced leadership capacity is critical in any organization’s all-around working and development. Leadership skills are acquired through a particular behavior and discipline implied in the set goal. Through democratic improvement policy, leadership skills are gathered through advice and ideas taken by the person who takes the leadership role. Leadership responsibilities allow an excellent workflow and collaboration among workers and management staff in a friendly environment. Organization success is achieved through a cooperative team with good leadership skills in every title and tenure. The essay has outlined the result of changing specific behavior to improve personal leadership.

Based on a student’s plan to improve and achieve educational goals, strategic skill development is an essential requirement as in the rubric guideline. Some behavioral actions require a change to ensure a good flow of work and education. The difference is evitable in every situation regarding developing quality working and education tasks (Ashadi et al., 2022). Most students’ behaviors are irritating, such as disrespect, cheating, defiance, substance abuse, and time-related dysfunctions. Primarily, I have to change time-related behaviors, for example, lateness and absence in some classes.

Personal assessment before the change is essential to determine the destructive behaviors that need change, enabling the person to evaluate specific behavioral actions that can lead to failure and poor performance. As a student, punctuality is a vital element in every academic success, this including exam time and other random tests (Ikegame et al.,2022). In the punctuality element, I have more time to settle without much bothering me outside the education field. Similarly, I consider attending all the classes in the schedule, ensuring I lost nothing in the course and that I did not have to cram anything before the tests. To change from my defiance, stay positive and follow all rules, I take responsibility for every mistake I commit. Honesty is a virtue that I will practice to make sure that I improve my academic outcome and respect all people around me. I decided to quit drugs and seek help from a therapist to control my addiction.

Of the many theories known, I only used three in my behavior change for the better. These theories include; social, experiential, and constructivist; the views helped me develop a new character (Harrison et al., 2022). Friendship and love are developed mutually through interaction with society. Academically, the test result turn-out positive with a considerable improvement. The outcome in the class work and interaction with fellow students and tutors is pleasing with the freedom to ask questions and get answers from everyone around me.

In every change, whether good or bad, there is a consequence to face. In my case, changing from bad to good brought a positive approach from everyone. In the long run, the reaction I experience in my new change world. Positive interaction is crucial because many like hanging out and interacting with morally good humanity (Ikegame et al.,2022). In addition, some people are cold to the change because they do not believe I have entirely changed into a better person. The out-group anticipates that I want to try things out without a firm decision. It is also hard to convince people that you are a changed person. In most cases, making people believe and accept the new you takes time.

The new leadership style has improved my performance in leading my fellow students and executing my roles as a student leader. During my behavioral change, I also learned good leadership skills to help the new me in my responsibilities. Skills that can be used in leadership are; strategic planning, collaborating with your group, and being committed to your tasks (Gamboa et al., 2022). Commitment is vital in every organization, helping deliver smooth standard results. Solving the institution’s problem through changed behaviors and following wise words and ideas is an easy task. I lead as an example to my students, educating them on good morals and issues that will improve their personalities. Being morally upright eases interaction and collaboration between me as a leader and the students I lead.

Based on the change I underwent and the results achieved, this information will be helpful in training and changing drug-addicted students. The data will help young people the importance of being morally upright. Youth will gain a lot of ideas in the social and leader-group relationship, including change implementation. Friendship and love are essential in any working environment, as most people spread love and became my friends after I changed to experience my new character. The people who use this information to enlighten themselves and change others’ unhealthy behaviors will save society from addiction and hatred based on ill morals. They will also help improve youth health by reducing drug addiction hence improving moral behaviors. However, it will also upgrade the working environment and implement training due to high activity.


Ashadi, A., Andriyanti, E., Purbani, W., & Fitrianingsih, I. (2022). EFL teachers’ identity in self-directed learning: A work-from-home phenomenology. Studies in English Language and Education, 9(1), 132-151.

Gamboa, J. N., Gamboa A. G., Alimurong, R. T., & Mendoza, G. A. (2022). Inspire to perspire: Practices of inspirational leadership among select head of the unit. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies 5(6) 1507-1516.

Harrison, T., & Laco, D. (2022). Where’s the character education in online higher education? Constructivism, virtue ethics and roles of online educators. E-Learning and Digital Media, 20427530221104885, 1–19.

Ikegame, A. (2022). New Dalit assertion and the rejection of buffalo sacrifice in South India. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, (28).

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BusinessEssay. (2024, December 21). Result of the Personal Leadership Improvement.

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BusinessEssay. "Result of the Personal Leadership Improvement." December 21, 2024.