Strategies of Team and Group Management Within the Organization

The leaders engage various elements, techniques, and methods in the process of team or group management. Successful and effective leadership strategies can result in trustworthiness, a healthy working environment, and more productive performance of each participating individual. Groups and teams require opposite approaches a leadership. The perspective on the delegative style is the most suitable for group management. For team management, the leader must apply a multicultural and trust-building approach to achieve higher results.

Literature Analysis

The essential point of determining strategies is distinguishing organizational structure and the nature of the working connections. According to Sunil and Sukhbir (2017), a group and a team consist of various features that require specific attention. The scholars distinguish the goal of the group’s working process as concentrated on each employee’s personal goals, which benefits personal growth within the company. However, it decreases the value of the organizational purpose and creates an alienized atmosphere in the workplace. At the same time, the team shares the same vision for the final goal in the process, which increase collaboration skills and problem-solving. Still, it may reduce the company’s overall working speed and efficiency. Accountability for the possible success or failure lies on every independent person in the group organization, and it depends on the mutual understanding and sharing of responsibility for the project.

Ethical decision-making is one of the complex parts of leadership style organization, which combines phycological and ethical principles. It is crucial to determine working tactics to promote social responsibility among workers. According to Sunil and Sukhbir (2017), there are various approaches and levels of creating effective decision-making in the work environment. The scholars propose to use exemplars as a way of responsibility forming for both types of relations. The methods of the approach consist of facilitating training and decision-making, cultivating personal judgment, applying diverse exemplars for teams, and having moral commitment (Sunil & Sukhbir, 2017). Two types are personal and organizational, represented by the team or community with shared vision and values. A role model can be represented by a worker who shows a sense of moral responsibility as a core part of the working method and holds a principled personal position. It also can be demonstrated through a role model, leader, co-worker, and successful individual in the professional field. Moreover, a case study or an organization committed to specific company responsibilities can be placed in the form of an exemplar.


Based on the studied material, the successful management and consequently the growth of the working relationships are highly dependent on the personal approach of the leader to develop particular skills. The particularly interesting element of the team’s organization is located in the craft of multicultural leadership. The core of the style is understanding every worker’s cultural background, forming completely inclusive conditions. Creating a healthy environment where each employee will feel safe, valuable, and welcome is essential (Fibuch, 2019). This skill combines good listening, patience, and respect. However, it is not enough to show a personal cultural approach; the team must follow the same pattern. If one team member shows a harmful attitude, then the leader has to possess strong conflict management skills and establish the approach of strict organizational ethics. Fibuch (2019) states, “An organization cannot effectively solve a conflict unless it operates within a strong ethical framework; leaders should insist upon the process of conflict management based on ethical behavior and ethics-based processes” (p.69). Thus, building an appropriate multicultural environment within the team is vital for successful performance.

In addition to each member’s atmosphere in the workplace, competence impacts the shared aims. According to Rishi (2020), the effective leadership style includes practices such as providing regular feedback and the formation of a proper incentive structure. Without these aspects, the employees may lack the best performance and collaboration attitude. Leaders must use technology to gather genuine and anonymous employee feedback (Rishi, 2020). It is an effective method that can assist in determining the level of engagement and enthusiasm the team has for their work and the company.

The other type of organization, the group approach, requires additional strategies to form optimal individual development and progress. Delegative leadership, which stands for division of initiative among group members, presents an optimal solution for assisting the personal values and aims of the employees. Rishi (2020) emphasizes that this method may alienate the members because the focus is shifted towards individual contribution for the high result of the final goal. However, if team members are proficient and assume responsibility for their activities, this can be an effective leadership tactic.


The effectiveness of chosen leadership style highly depends on the detection of the organizational structure of the team and group. Ethical decision-making is critical to understanding social responsibilities and must be applied to both types of work structures. However, for team management, the critical factor is the environment of cooperation in the workspace, which can be improved and regulated by a multicultural leadership style and ethical framework. At the same time, delegative leadership is suitable for group structure and evaluating the members’ individual motivation and abilities.


Fibuch, E. (2019) Managing conflict: A key leadership skill. Physician Leadership Journal, 6(4), 68-71.

Rishi, K. (2020). Managing large teams: Overcoming skip-level frictions & executive isolation. Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Sunil, S., & Sukhbir, S. (2017). Responsible leadership and ethical decision-making: Vol. 17. Emerald Publishing Limited.

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BusinessEssay. (2024, December 22). Strategies of Team and Group Management Within the Organization.

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"Strategies of Team and Group Management Within the Organization." BusinessEssay, 22 Dec. 2024,


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BusinessEssay. 2024. "Strategies of Team and Group Management Within the Organization." December 22, 2024.

1. BusinessEssay. "Strategies of Team and Group Management Within the Organization." December 22, 2024.


BusinessEssay. "Strategies of Team and Group Management Within the Organization." December 22, 2024.