Marketing concepts are changing due to the rapid development of modern technologies. The global marketing strategy is implemented in two environments: the physical and the virtual. Each company tries to achieve sustainability, and Apple is a great example of these attempts. Apple tries to be competitive, get high income and popularize its product by using legal methods and developing sustainability, and these elements are the critical parts of global strategy, which are supported by other marketing activities.
Sustainability plays a significant role in global marketing strategy, and companies try to achieve it, but this causes managerial dilemmas: performance problems, hiring employees, and developing the brand. Apple is a great example of achieving sustainability by implementing different ideas to solve managerial dilemmas. The company carefully selects employees to implement sustainability, which might lead to hiring dilemmas (Chen, Liu, and Gong, 2021, p. 3054). While achieving sustainability, a performance dilemma might occur, negatively influencing marketing. Apple achieves success because its workers feel special – they all own Apple products, which helps to promote the company’s products (Chen, Liu, and Gong, 2021, p. 3054). The role of customers and their needs are decisive for businesses, so sustainability should be achieved by taking this into account. Apple provides customers with a wide range of unique products and services, and the brand’s fame serves as an advertisement. Thus, sustainability provides the organization with stable development, positively impacting marketing, but some managerial dilemmas might occur.
Apple pays attention to all the primary and support activities together, which effectively influences the company’s final product, which is the company’s value chain. Moreover, Apple’s brand plays a crucial role during this process. The company appreciates each of its employees, their work, and the ideas created by the company; that is why the value of Apple’s products is based on all of these aspects. Apple uses trade-in, which positively affects its global marketing strategy (Tang, Ma & Dai, 2021, p. 1072). For instance, it is possible to resell or change Apple’s products to other ones in the official Apple filial, which advertises Apple products even more. Hence, the company takes into account each aspect of work related to the creation of the product, which forms the value of Apple’s products.
Apple’s international distribution strategy includes exclusive, select, and wide distribution, which requires different marketing activities, such as innovation and brand awareness. Firstly, exclusive distribution states that in each market, only a single intermediary with exclusive sales is forbidden to sell competitors’ goods. Secondly, selective distribution exclaims that a few suitable intermediaries are selected to distribute goods and services. Thirdly, the widespread distribution strategy aims to use different distribution channels that apply to low prices, essential consumer goods, and high purchase frequencies (Tien, 2019, p. 25). Apple uses its brand, innovation, and different trade approaches as its basic marketing activities, which results in high sales and development. Apple uses the Internet to spread information about its product. As the virtual environment becomes more critical, the company uses it for advertising its product and involving more customers. Therefore, Apple uses three main strategies for the global supply chain and innovation and brand fame as marketing activities.
To conclude, global marketing strategy plays a crucial role in businesses developments by making organizations compete, develop and provide sustainability based on crucial elements of marketing strategy. Sustainability is essential for organizations, providing opportunities to grow and positively impact marketing. Apple is a company that achieves sustainability by implementing a global marketing strategy based on distribution, political, economic, and cultural factors.
Reference List
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