The Importance of Quality Management for the Business World

Quality is one of the significant aspects impacting the business world. It might help to attract clients and ensure they are ready to spend money to acquire a specific service or product. Under these conditions, quality management is viewed as the main priority nowadays. Continuous improvement is the key to stable growth and revenues. At the same time, there are various approaches to quality management and its major components. For instance, Juran, Deming, and Crosby offered their own views on quality and the factors that should be given much attention.

The main similarity between the three philosophies is their focus on total quality management and the necessity to control this aspect. Thus, Deming (2012) assumed that any business should design quality products and develop processes aimed at reducing waste and continuous improvement. Juran (1989) supported this idea, stating that quality planning, control, and improvement are the three major components that should be cultivated within a company. Corsby (1995) defined quality as the conformance to clients’ requirements, with the necessity to do everything right from the first attempt. In such a way, all three philosophies are related because of their view on quality.

Juran, Deming, and Crosby also accepted the critical importance of customer focus as the part of quality management. Thus, Crosby emphasized the fact that the client’s requirements should be viewed as the standard followed by the company in its work (Oakland et al., 2020). Juran (1989) introduced similar ideas, stating that each step of the product life cycle should be aligned with the current customer needs. Deming (2012) agreed with this idea and built his philosophy on the necessity to meet clients’ needs and increase their satisfaction levels. In such a way, customer focus is the critical element of all discussed philosophies.

Following the selected theorists, the desired level of quality can be attained via continuous improvement. Thus, Crosby (1995) introduced the fourteen steps to quality improvement critical for aligning an effective work of any company and guaranteeing the absence of defects during various phases. Deming created his cycle of continuous improvement, including four central stages: Plan, Do, Study, and Act (Oakland et al., 2020). Following the scheme, it is possible to create the framework for effective quality management. Finally, Juran (1989) developed a trilogy consisting of planning, control, and improvement. Modern companies might employ these approaches to attain the desired quality levels.

Teamwork is viewed as another important factor of quality management. Thus, Deming emphasized the necessity of the collaborative effort to achieve the existing goals and eliminate defects that might affect final outcomes (2012). Crosby (1995) offered similar views, stating that effective teamwork is the basic component of quality management as it ensures that all employees have the needed understanding of current goals. Moreover, Juran cultivated the idea of organizing teams and building better awareness to avoid mistakes (Oakland et al., 2020). In such a way, these philosophies view teamwork as an essential factor impacting quality.

Finally, Juran, Deming, and Crosby devoted much attention to problem-solving as the way to correct discovered defects. For instance, Crosby insisted on the necessity to avoid issues by making high-quality products; however, if a problem emerges, it should be resolved by a collaborative effort (Oakland et al., 2020). Juran (1989) views a problem as a result of a poor understanding of current guidelines, meaning there is a need for discussion and additional clarifications. According to Deming (2012), problems are an inevitable part of the process, meaning they should be resolved following the current plan. In such a way, problem resolution is given much attention as an integral element of the quality improvement process, which is fundamental for the modern business world.

The discussed approaches to quality remain relevant nowadays and can be used by companies to attain desired outcomes. At the same time, it is possible to foresee some possible changes in perspective on this issue. The first factor is the change in the client’s demands and their views on quality (Oakland et al., 2020). Customers are the primary moving force of the business, and for this reason, their attitude is critical to the existing methods. Another factor is the alteration in the methods of production because of innovation and new technologies (Oakland et al., 2020). New approaches might promote the revolution in quality control, which means that companies will have to use new frameworks.

My personal definition of quality is similar to the standard one. I view it as a set of characteristics peculiar to a product or service vital for its ability to meet final users’ needs. For this reason, it becomes critical to ensure that every item meets the existing standards of quality. My philosophy of quality implies that it is vital to attain the desired goal and set of characteristics from the first attempt instead of trying to modify a product that already exists but fails to meet individuals’ expectations or desires. Following this philosophy, it is critical to possess the necessary skills and competencies to avoid mistakes and flaws.


Crosby, P. (1995). Quality without tears: The art of hassle-free management. McGraw Hill.

Deming, E. (2012). The essential Deming: Leadership principles from the father of quality. McGraw Hill.

Juran, M. (1989). Juran on leadership for quality. Free Press.

Oakland, J., Oakland, R., & Turner, M. (2020). Total quality management and operational excellence (5th ed.). Routledge.

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BusinessEssay. (2024, December 21). The Importance of Quality Management for the Business World.

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"The Importance of Quality Management for the Business World." BusinessEssay, 21 Dec. 2024,


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BusinessEssay. 2024. "The Importance of Quality Management for the Business World." December 21, 2024.

1. BusinessEssay. "The Importance of Quality Management for the Business World." December 21, 2024.


BusinessEssay. "The Importance of Quality Management for the Business World." December 21, 2024.