The Issue of Equality in the Media Workplace


The study of tolerance as it relates to media practices seems necessary for several reasons. On the one hand, the need for media education is becoming increasingly evident. It is essential to teach mass audiences, starting at school age, how to resist manipulative technologies in communication, for example, how to see the techniques of transmitting xenophobia concerning certain social groups. On the other hand, the problem of intolerance, as opposed to consciously expressing negative opinions, is that one can be intolerant by using stereotypical phrases and logical moves without realizing it. However, tolerance is critical not only in what the media broadcasts but also in how it deals with its employees. Today, society is still concerned about inequality in the media workplace. In this paper, I would like to discuss how minority and majority representatives can influence this problem.

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To begin with, we need to look at what minorities themselves, namely women, non-binary people, people of color, and members of the LGBTQQIP2IPSAA community, can do to maintain equality in the workplace. I believe that the main action of these groups of people is not to remain silent in the face of discrimination or inequality against them. The fact is that many people, when denied employment because of discriminatory company policies, leave (O’ Brien, 2019). This is not the right thing to do because the company will feel impunity and continue such actions. In order to prevent such a company policy from going unchecked, a person can contact the activists of the organization in order for them to highlight the problem. Such movements are often happy to participate in publicizing the problem. Activists can distribute this information in the media, and breakdown will have to answer for their actions.

If the inequality occurs directly in the workplace, it is worth making representations to management and actively spreading the word. The fact is, as long as inequality in the workplace is silenced, little can change. Moreover, it is up to discriminated groups to actively spread the word about the wrongdoing of their superiors. For example, when a producer refuses to air a non-binary person or a member of the LGBTQQIP2SAA community, this should be reported immediately to their superiors.

They must implement specific educational measures to ensure that such discriminatory policies are no longer pursued (Sukdeo, 2018). A barrier, in this case, could be that the superiors will refuse to take part in the conflict. Then it is worth spreading the information on social networks and other media. Publicity can make people more aware of minority issues in the workplace, thereby reducing the incidence of discriminatory policies.

As for the privileged majority – men, binary people, and white people can also improve the situation. To do so, they need to monitor their discriminatory policies and regularly raise their level of responsibility for tolerant behavior. A barrier may be the fact that many people will not want to voluntarily implement equality policies because they like to enjoy their privileges. In that case, the raising of awareness of minority issues may solve the problem. If people see the problems of those different from them as their own, discrimination can be leveled. Moreover, the media play an essential role in shaping people’s worldview, and they should set an example of equality.

As for general policy changes, the media can tighten its rules regarding equality in the workplace. A law may be passed prohibiting not hiring a person solely because he or she is a minority. If such a law is not enforced, the employer will have to pay a fine. Usually, monetary compensation for noncompliance can discipline people and encourage them not to violate established non-discrimination policies. An obstacle could also be the disapproval of that part of society that supports discrimination. In this case, public education is needed to raise awareness of minority rights and issues.


In conclusion, the problem of equality in the workplace is very acute at the moment. This is especially true of the media, whose policies influence the shaping of public opinion. To solve the problem of inequality in the workplace, each of the groups involved can do something about it. Women, non-binary people, people of color, and members of the LGBTQQIP2SAA community can publicize any instances of discriminatory workplace policies. This way, people will raise awareness of the problem and take steps to solve it. Binary persons, men, and white people can control their discriminatory behavior and increase their responsibility in minority issues. In terms of policy changes, I propose a law prohibiting non-hiring because of either minority background. This would help avoid discrimination in the workplace at the legislative level.

A barrier to all these changes could be the discontent of privileged groups who have no interest in eradicating inequality. In order to overcome their opposition, it is necessary to hold public educational events at which people learn about minority rights and problems. This will help them understand that minorities need the same treatment as everyone else, and therefore they require equality. Doing all of these things would virtually eliminate discrimination in the workplace, but all involved parties have to work cooperatively.


O’ Brien, A. (2019). Women, inequality, and media work. Routledge. Web.

Sukdeo, V.H. (2018). Regulation and inequality at work: Isolation and inequality beyond the regulation of labor. Routledge. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, December 8). The Issue of Equality in the Media Workplace.

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"The Issue of Equality in the Media Workplace." BusinessEssay, 8 Dec. 2022,


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'The Issue of Equality in the Media Workplace'. 8 December.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "The Issue of Equality in the Media Workplace." December 8, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "The Issue of Equality in the Media Workplace." December 8, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "The Issue of Equality in the Media Workplace." December 8, 2022.