Transformational Leadership and Mission Valence of Employees

Class materials have focused on the major practices or functions that make it possible for business organizations to achieve their potential. Many successful enterprises or companies appreciate the importance of effective marketing, leadership, and management. These functions make it easier for companies to implement desirable practices, engage in strategic planning, and eventually ensure the targeted goals are realized in a timely manner (Pasha, Poister, Wright, & Thomas, 2017). The course has outlined several topics that can guide business managers to implement evidence-based practices and eventually achieve their goals. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a research study that can deliver new ideas regarding the issue of leadership. Several articles from peer-reviewed sources will be used to support the study.

Dunne, Aaron, McDowell, Urban, and Geho (2016) define leadership as an evidence-based practice embraced by individuals to lead others in a given company to deliver meaningful results. A leader is, therefore, a person who has what it takes to mobilize, empower, and guide his or her followers to achieve specific goals. A good example is that of Cesar Chavez. The American leader of labor utilized most of these dexterities whenever he was organizing farm workers in the 1960s. Similarly, Steve Jobs of Apple Incorporation is revered by many people because of his outstanding ability to guide and empower every worker at the company. Such a leader should exhibit adequate skills and competencies in an attempt to make the targeted process successful. Throughout the leadership process, it is always necessary for the individual to attract the right people and equip them with adequate resources (Havermans, Den Hartog, Keegan, & Uhl-Bien, 2015). The practice will ensure every outlined goal is realized.

Some scholars and theorists support the concept of personal leadership. The conception mainly focuses on an individual’s ability to design and come up with a leadership philosophy that can guide him or her to become successful. This kind of leadership is applied in a wide range of settings whereby individuals are expected to function effectively and deliver meaningful results without necessarily having to influence others. Persons in senior positions can use the idea to ensure their values are emulated by their respective followers. The personal leadership model has continued to attract the attention of more people since it has the potential to revolutionize the performance of many organizations (Havermans et al., 2015). These notions are therefore critical for individuals who are planning to take up specific leadership roles or develop better managerial styles.

Every person has a specific approach that is used to mentor, guide, encourage, and empower others (Milic, Grubic-Nesic, Kuzmanovic, & Delic, 2017). The strategy used by a given person is what amounts to leadership. Different styles are applied to ensure the targeted followers are willing to be part of the process. Spender (2016) therefore defines leadership style as a powerful approach used by people to support and guide others. The ultimate goal is to ensure the right objectives are realized in a timely manner. Spender (2016) acknowledges that human beings tend to differ in the manner in which they think, process information, and interact with others. This kind of understanding supports the fact that different individuals will come up with unique leadership models that differ significantly from those displayed by others. This fact explains why different styles have emerged to dictate the manner in which human beings lead others.

Managers can use a wide range of leadership approaches depending on the targeted goals and the nature of the existing situation. The first one is known as autocratic leadership. This kind of leadership focuses on the views and expectations of the topmost person. The leader usually comes up with decisions that might influence performance and deliver tangible results. More often than not, autocratic leaders will be unwilling to interact with their followers or subordinates (Milic et al., 2017).

The leader will offer guidelines and rules that have to be followed. The approach can work effectively in military settings or crisis situations. However, it has been challenged because of its inability to instill confidence and collaboration in a given workplace. For instance, managers who utilize an autocratic leadership style in business organizations will find it hard to deliver meaningful results. The style discourages the targeted followers from embracing evidence-based practices such as effective communication, innovation, and teamwork (Pasha et al., 2017). Working environments associated with autocratic leadership approaches encounter numerous hurdles such as conflicts and reduced levels of empowerment.

The issues arising from an autocratic approach in the world of leadership explains why many people prefer the aspects of a democratic model (Havermans et al., 2015). The democratic approach is friendly since the individual liaises with his or her followers to achieve the targeted goals. The subordinates and followers are guided in order to ensure specific goals are realized in a timely manner. Decisions are made together in an attempt to deliver meaningful outcomes much faster (Pasha et al., 2017). The process of communication is improved in order to ensure various hurdles and conflicts are addressed before they can affect the targeted business organization.

Transformational leadership is a theoretical model that continues to capture the attention of different scholars and managers (Pasha et al., 2017). This kind of approach has been observed to revolutionize the manner in which different organizations are led. A person who embraces this kind of leadership will use strategies that initiate change, guide others, and make decisions that resonate with the emerging needs of the followers. Such leaders will constantly mentor and motivate those below them. The created environment guides the followers to design new goals and work hard to achieve them in a timely manner. The workers are willing to address most of the issues affecting the targeted customers. Milic et al. (2017) believes strongly that the competencies and practices associated with transformational leadership make it possible for many companies to realize their objectives much faster.

Spender (2016) presents a new model known as team leadership. The strategy begins by creating a unique goal that should be achieved at a later date. This process is informed by the organization’s assets and resources. The leader can examine the mission and vision in an attempt to create a new objective that becomes a guiding principle for the followers. The manager will constantly inspire confidence and vision. By doing so, the workers find it easier to focus on every established direction (Crossan, Mazutis, Seijts, & Gandz, 2013).

The level of satisfaction is monitored to ensure every established team is in a position to deliver results. Several companies have implemented a similar model to ensure every team achieves its goals in a timely manner. For example, Google offers adequate support and resources to its workers. The employees are also empowered and guided to work as teams (Spender, 2016). The practice explains why innovation is one of the attributes defining Google’s business model. This leadership process borrows the idea of teamwork whereby the targeted followers are empowered and guided to focus on the same goal.

Another common leadership model is known as laissez-faire. This kind of leadership has been observed to support the performance and objectives of many companies. This is the case because the leadership model seeks to support the unique expectations and needs of the targeted employees. Leaders who apply the approach present the right resources and guide different workers to work hard (Pasha et al., 2017).

This approach creates a new environment whereby the workers come up with their unique goals and strategies to realize them. With minimal support or intervention, the workers might be unable to focus on the targeted aims and eventually make it impossible for the organization to make profits. This weakness explains why the model has not been embraced by many people in different parts of the world. Evidence indicates that around 18 percent of organizations across the world utilize this kind of leadership model (Dunne et al., 2016). Additionally, the number of companies associated with the model might reduce in the near future. This is the case because better styles capable of improving organizational performance have emerged.

Transactional leadership is a model whereby individuals are empowered using rewards. This process is done in accordance with the followers’ ability to meet the objectives or demands of the leader. The leader mainly focuses on the level of exchange. This is what makes the model less appropriate for many organizations. The leader uses his or her skills to inform the workers about specific objectives or goals that must be realized within a specified period (Pasha et al., 2017). Rewards will also be allocated accordingly to individuals who support the intended goals.

Some leaders embrace the power of a charismatic approach to influence others. With this approach, the leader utilizes his or her dexterities and concepts in order to revolutionize a given working environment. This kind of a leader inspires new beliefs and values that can make the team successful (Dunne et al., 2016). The populist focuses on enviable values that can eventually result in improved organizational efficiency or performance. Most of the companies associated with this kind of leadership find it easier to achieve goals (Havermans et al., 2015).

The concept of vision has been implemented in many organizations in an attempt to influence the performance and goals of the workers. This theoretical process has led to a new leadership model that is visionary in nature (Pasha et al., 2017). The managerial style is characterized by a professional who focuses on meaningful processes and goals. Such aims can be realized when the targeted followers are empowered and energized. The leader goes ahead to create a friendly environment, offer resources, and identify the right vision that can guide the employees. A visionary approach makes it easier for the leader to merge the workers’ competencies with the targeted goals. Individuals use their dexterities to present different resources or concepts. This move is what makes it easier for the workers to engage in evidence-based practices that can eventually deliver results.

This analysis shows that leadership is a complex process aimed at adding value to a given organization. Leaders can use their competencies and approaches to influence others and eventually record positive results. Throughout the leadership process, it is necessary for an individual to consider the most appropriate model (or combination) that can deliver meaningful results much faster. Corporations that fail to embrace the concept of effective leadership cannot achieve meaningful results quickly (Spender, 2016). It is the duty of leaders to identify the weaknesses, strengths, and expectations of their followers. This understanding can be used to develop the most appropriate model that can eventually improve the level of organizational performance (Dunne et al., 2016).

The leader should also be willing to come up with evidence-based approaches and concepts in an attempt to drive performance. Successful leaders appreciate the fact that lifelong learning can equip them with advanced skills that can eventually transform the position of a given company (Dunne et al., 2016). The current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Apple Incorporation, Tim Cook, encourages every employee to focus on new opportunities and dexterities that can make a difference for the company. This strategy empowers the workers to develop their skills through the use of lifelong learning. They find it easier to establish new teams, share ideas, and guide one another. This practice explains why Apple Incorporation is still a reputable and profitable company in its industry. Leaders who want to take their corporations to the next level should be ready to embrace these concepts and skills (Dunne et al., 2016). Such abilities should be communicated to the targeted employees in a timely manner (Spender, 2016). The strategy will result in advantageous attributes that can support the goals of the company.

Several scholars and analysts have come up with different models that can guide entrepreneurs and leaders to achieve their objectives much faster. Such theorists have proposed new insights and approaches that can be applied in different settings to foster innovativeness, performance, and teamwork (Milic et al., 2017). The ultimate goal is for organizational heads to understand the most appropriate strategy that can make it possible for their respective companies to record positive results. More people continue to undertake numerous researches in the field of leadership. This practice has led to new concepts and ideas that have the potential to influence the behaviors of both workers and leaders.

Dunne et al. (2016) conducted a study aimed at understanding the importance of leadership on business innovativeness. The researchers observed clearly that the process of innovation was critical for small companies that were focusing on superior approaches to become profitable. Past studies have mainly been focusing on how leadership can be applied in a business firm to influence positive behaviors and eventually enhance performance. However, recent studies have showed conclusively that adequate or effective leadership can catalyze innovative ideas (Crossan et al., 2013). When more workers are empowered through the application of effective leadership, it becomes easier for them to implement new actions that can result in innovativeness.

Leaders have the potential to use their skills to influence entrepreneurial tendencies within a given organization. This is the case because the manager will present adequate incentives and practices that can result in contentment. A contented worker will be willing to work harder and engage in the most appropriate practices. Leaders in small companies have what it takes to inspire others and offer adequate resources (Milic et al., 2017).

This move will empower the targeted workers to focus on evidence-based practices that can deliver desirable results. The practice will eventually ensure new innovations become part of the organization. The targeted company will produce innovative items or ideas that can improve its competitive advantage. For example, Samsung Electronics has designed effective programs to mentor and empower its employees in different regions. The leaders at the company use appropriate competencies to guide their respective followers (Pasha et al., 2017). This process results in creativity, thereby making the corporation a leading competitor in its market segment.

Milic et al. (2017) explain clearly that companies that want to benefit from the power of innovation should be ready to offer the right support to the followers. Incentives and resources should always be available to the workers. Effective leadership will create a meaningful environment whereby positive decisions can be made. The level of collaboration will increase. The employees will work as teams and eventually deliver new inventions to the company. This path will also guide the company to become competitive and successful.

The issue of human resource (HR) has been studied separately by many analysts and organizational theorists. However, such studies have failed to present an evidence-based relationship between HR practices and effective leadership. Some analysts have managed to explore how HR leaders should embrace the concept of accountability in order to ensure their workers are willing to support the model of their respective corporations. Milic et al. (2017) indicate clearly that HR leaders can be on the frontline to promote the idea of accountability in their respective companies. Research indicates that companies led by responsible persons can record positive results in a timely manner. This happens to be the case because the targeted workers engage in evidence-based practices to drive performance. The leader will be accountable for his or her actions. The prowess of the leader can be analyzed and matched with some of the goals anticipated in the company (Havermans et al., 2015). When more leaders are introduced to the concept of accountability, it will be necessary for them to promote the most appropriate activities and inspire their followers to achieve every outlined goal.

Managers who act in an ethical and accountable manner will always focus on their responsibilities (Milic et al., 2017). They will be ready to uphold the ethical values and principles associated with their respective corporations. It will be easier for them to make accurate decisions that can eventually result in performance improvement. The behaviors exhibited by leaders will also be emulated by followers. The culture of a given business organization will change significantly and finally foster organizational performance (Dunne et al., 2016). The notion of accountability in leadership has therefore emerged as an evidence-based practice that can be embraced by more corporations to realize their goals. A responsible organizer will not engage in dishonest practices since they can undermine the image of a given company.

The issue of ethics is applicable in different working environments. The leader in an organization can encourage his or her followers to engage in ethical practices (Milic et al., 2017). The actions of employees will be monitored in order to ensure they remain accountable. This new approach will create a new environment whereby every worker is aware of organization’s goals (Milic et al., 2017). This is an evidence-based strategy that is capable of making many corporations and business firms profitable.

Havermans et al. (2015) indicate that leadership is something that should never be studied in isolation. Although many scholars have separated leadership from different fields such as marketing and management, the outstanding fact is that the approach is dynamic in nature. A leader is an individual whose dexterities and concepts can be applied (and reapplied) differently depending on the nature of a targeted situation (Milic et al., 2017). Flexible leaders will always find it easier to address emerging issues, make timely decisions, and solve problems whenever they arise (Pasha et al., 2017). The process will make it easier for followers to have a vision and focus on the targeted results. This understanding can be used to explain why it is appropriate for leaders to consider different models, focus on the issue of accountability, and analyze the changing demands of their respective followers.

Leaders who bring on board different players will find it easier to design an effective model for achieving positive results (Milic et al., 2017). This means that different followers will redesign their managerial styles depending on the nature of every outlined goal. The skills of followers will definitely be matched with the outlined goal (Milic et al., 2017). The leader is then expected to come up with a valuable strategic plan to ensure the targeted goals are realized in a timely manner. He or she will identify and present the right resources to support the performance of different employees. This process will be incomplete without constant collaboration. It will therefore be necessary for the leader to collaborate, mentor, guide, and empower workers throughout the process (Crossan et al., 2013).

The leader will also be expected to come up with new behaviors that can support the intended goals. Emerging issues or problems must be addressed before they can affect the effectiveness or performance of established teams.

Milic et al. (2017) explains why it is necessary for leaders to possess enviable skills and competencies. This is something necessary because it makes it possible for the leader to identify various challenges whenever they emerge. Leaders who achieve positive results tend to portray certain qualities or capabilities. It is always necessary for them to engage in lifelong learning to acquire new competencies and skills that can make it easier for them to succeed in their respective organizations (Crossan et al., 2013).

The level of performance recorded by emerging corporations such as Facebook and Uber Technologies can be used to explain why leadership is a powerful attribute in the world of business. The pioneers of these corporations exhibit enviable qualities and approaches that have resulted in positive outcomes (Crossan et al., 2013). Companies whose managers embrace these leadership dexterities will be in a position to achieve their goals within a short period.

Problem-solving and decision-making competencies have been observed to guide more leaders to deal with a wide range of challenges affecting their workplaces. Problems will always occur in every business firm or organization. The leader should be in a position to make accurate decisions and implement powerful problem-solving strategies (Dunne et al., 2016). The possession of such competencies will ensure most of the issues affecting the workers are addressed in a timely manner.

Conflict resolution has emerged as a powerful model for dealing with problems and disagreements within an organization (Crossan et al., 2013). A successful leader is the one who anticipates such issues in order to address them accordingly. This skill is critical since it guides leaders to deal with emerging issues before they can affect the performance of the targeted team. The leader must be in a position to support the performance of his or her teams. This means that leaders should be team players who collaborate with different followers in an attempt to record positive outcomes in a timely manner (Pasha et al., 2017).

Certain skills such as time management, critical thinking, charisma, patience, integrity, and empathy have also been supported by many organizational theorists. Individuals who possess such competencies will definitely achieve their potential much faster. Specific leaders have been applying adequate attributes in their respective corporations. For example, Brian Chesky is admired by many theorists because of his ability to mentor others, make adequate decisions, solve problems, and deliver timely results. As the CEO of Airbnb Company, Chesky has managed to exhibit efficient conflict resolution approaches (Gallagher, 2015). His leadership style explains why more customers and employees are satisfied with the company’s business model.

Leaders should be in a position to treat every form of mentorship within an organization as an art or science. This process will guide them to make evidence-based plans that can address the unique issues affecting their respective companies (Crossan et al., 2013). This means that a scientific approach will be used to deal with the major issues affecting the company and eventually result in improved performance. Business leaders should always be in a position to engage in scientific inquiries. This practice has been supported by many researchers because organizations tend to encounter diverse challenges or problems (Crossan et al., 2013). The most important thing is to ensure the outlined solution to a given problem is supported by scientifically-proven ideas. This approach will guide more leaders to empower different followers and eventually maximize organizational effectiveness.

This research paper has managed to advance the existing knowledge of management. Many individuals assume that leadership is an organizational practice that focuses on the goals of a given team or unit. Unfortunately, this discussion reveals that leadership is a wide field that borrows numerous ideas from different theorists and organizations. The use of scientific approaches can make it easier for leaders to understand the nature of different organizational problems and design evidence-based strategies to deal with them (Dunne et al., 2016).

This conception can therefore be used by people in charge to develop appropriate styles and dexterities that can support their goals. Consequently, such leaders will be prepared to tackle various challenges that might affect the level of business performance. This discussion also indicates clearly that leadership is an evolving field that continues to borrow numerous ideas from different fields. Future leaders should engage in lifelong learning in order to develop superior dexterities that can deliver meaningful results (Crossan et al., 2013). The strategy will empower them to promote new practices, behaviors, and teams that have the potential to drive organizational performance. Consequently, corporations led by competent managers will find it easier to achieve their aims and meet the changing demands of their customers.


Crossan, M., Mazutis, D., Seijts, G., & Gandz, J. (2013). Developing leadership character in business programs. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12(2), 285-305. Web.

Dunne, T. C., Aaron, J. A., McDowell, W. C., Urban, D. J., & Geho, P. R. (2016). The impact of leadership on small business innovativeness. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 4876-4881. Web.

Gallagher, L. (2015). The education of Airbnb’s Brian Chesky. Fortune.

Havermans, L. A., Den Hartog, D. N., Keegan, A., & Uhl-Bien, M. (2015). Exploring the role of leadership in enabling contextual ambidexterity. Human Resources Management, 54(1), 179-200. Web.

Milic, B., Grubic-Nesic, L., Kuzmanovic, B., & Delic, M. (2017). The influence of authentic leadership on the learning organization at the organizational level: The mediating role of employees’ affective commitment. Journal of East European Management Studies, 22(1), 9-38. Web.

Pasha, O., Poister, T. H., Wright, B. E., & Thomas, J. C. (2017). Transformational leadership and mission valence of employees: The varying effects by organizational level. Public Performance & Management Review, 40(4), 722-740. Web.

Spender, J. C. (2016). Some thoughts on “business leadership”. Revue Francaise de Gestion, 42(256), 57-69. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2025, January 27). Transformational Leadership and Mission Valence of Employees.

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BusinessEssay. "Transformational Leadership and Mission Valence of Employees." January 27, 2025.