YSG’s Workforce and Organizational Culture

This study examines the relationship between post-9/11 military veteran workforce competencies and YSG organizational and cultural outcomes. The YSG provides civil and federal government organizations with professional, tailored solutions management. Lack of communication and consistency within an organization are cited as reasons for cultural issues that prevent the organization from achieving its goals. A hostile work environment is likely to affect employees, affecting their overall performance and productivity. Post-9/11 veterans’ generational military capabilities may benefit YSG’s workforce and organizational culture.

Veterans transitioning after 9/11 share similar traits and skills. Their transition from military to civilian life provides invaluable business experience. It is estimated that four million post-9/11 veterans will exist by 2024. Statistically, more post-9/11 veterans are joining the federal workforce (Cramm et al., 2018). Due to a lack of research, businesses are unaware of the potential benefits that post-9/11 veterans can bring to their organizations (Nindl et al., 2018). The organization’s benefits can be determined by incorporating veterans’ skills and knowledge (Cramm et al., 2018). Many organizations are having trouble identifying veteran transferable skills. YSG incorporates these values into its operations. Even with this knowledge, the company may not be able to gain any competitive advantages.

Theoretical underpinnings of post-9/11 veterans’ military mindset revealed a research gap and a problem. The research gap exists due to a lack of literature on post-9/11 veterans’ business competencies. Teamwork, responsibility, discipline, and endurance are just a few of the many characteristics of a military culture that have been studied extensively (Krill Williston et al., 2019). Therefore, a thorough analysis of the various research works provide scholars with enough evidences to make justifiable conclusion on military culture.

The Study

This descriptive method study was designed to examine post-9/11 military ideology abilities and their impact on organizational culture. The study used qualitative research methods to examine post-9/11 veteran’s business skills. A qualitative technique was adopted in response to the problem description, in order to collect non-numerical information such as employee tales, opinions, and attitudes. Because quantitative research did not solve the study’s problem statement, it should not be employed as a data collection approach in future studies (McCaslin, 2019). In the end, this is a qualitative case study of one particular firm that has been conducted.

Senior executives and managers from YSG participated in the survey, which comprised both post-9/11 veterans and non-veterans. Respondents in semi-structured interviews were selected using a computer program. The data gathering equipment used for each targeted category were slightly different from one another. The data gathering sources ensured that the information was credible and genuine, and the queries ensured that the information was comprehensive in scope. It is a qualitative research method to verify the validity of data collected from numerous sources by bringing them together in one place. Triangulation is utilized to record many dimensions of an occurrence, rather than to cross-validate data as is often the case.


A comprehensive data analysis indicated that post-9/11 veterans’ gained learning, adaption, and skill upgrades were influenced by previous wartime era competencies. The study’s conclusions are based on data gathered from study questions designed to get insight and views into a business’s gained benefits from a post-9/11 military mindset. Using military capabilities as a starting point, the first research topic examined how post-9/11 veterans’ military talents may be applied in the workplace. Eight post-9/11 veteran managers participated in an open-ended questionnaire, and the results revealed that there were no new military competencies discovered, but rather a complimentary intensification or diversification of military competencies. Post-9/11, adaptability and oblige were identified as important company abilities.

The second study question looked into the advantages of especially hiring veterans who served in the military after September 11, 2001. Findings from the open-ended questionnaire presented to five non-veterans, led to the conclusion that veterans hold admirable attributes that make them desirable candidates for job positions. Due to their lack of prior experience with military culture, non-veteran supervisors were unable to detect differences in military capabilities between pre- and post-9/11 veterans. Non-veteran managers noticed clear differences in veteran perception about military skills requirements.

The third study question looked at how an institution might benefit from post-9/11 service members’ expertise. These discussions revealed that veterans had distinct and combat-tested traits. Four of the five people served in the military before and after 9/11. These individuals openly identified as veterans, adding to the research’s questionnaire codes and topics.

The participants agreed that post-9/11 veterans had an unusual and unwavering ambition for organizational success. The data collecting and analysis techniques were critical to the overall conclusions. The research methods and procedures help interpret relevant data to answer the three research questions. It gave practical advice based on data obtained from managers and senior executives in a real-world firm. Business and veterans may benefit from the quantifiable results and suggestions of the examined data. A logical thesis for additional scientific investigations or questions about the stated notions was also supplied.

Analysis of the Findings

Adaptability to Adjust and Learn New Skills

One of the themes that emerged from the research was that post-9/11 veterans have a high degree of flexibility in terms of adapting to a wide range of scenarios and environments. In the responses of the participants, this recurrent pattern was detected on a variety of occasions. The responses of the participants indicated that post-9/11 veterans were adaptable, or at least a portion of them.

Accountable for Actions

The ability of post-9/11 veterans to conduct themselves according to a higher moral standard for their behavior and lifestyle was another common pattern in the data produced from the data collected, which was another frequent issue. This is because of the serious nature of their military employment; they have a strong feeling of accountability and recognize that anything they do is significant.

Team Oriented Mindset

An orientation to a realization that the same things motivate not everyone, but that a mutually agreeable undertaking lays the framework for bringing out the best in everyone on the team Participants responded that it was necessary to perceive things from other people’s perspectives in order to encourage teamwork in the completion of missions. Other characteristics such as unselfish service and carrying out your responsibilities with integrity that is uncompromised set the tone for individuals in the business to adapt.

Problem Solving Approach

This theme was associated with an intrinsically solution-based approach, and as a result the ability to solve problems has been identified as a competence of post-9/11 veterans. A significant part of their forward-looking mindset and drive for constant progress in all fields was linked to their era’s experiences, in particular.

It was also mentioned that veterans’ willingness to embrace evolution and a drive to explore is very advantageous in business.

Earned the Trustworthiness of Others

Learning how to interpret regulations is just as important as knowing how to follow them. Regardless of the time, military service was regarded as a means of establishing dependability and credibility. Post-9/11 veterans’ extensive involvement in battles, campaigns and conflicts taught them the value of winning the belief and trust of others, as well as in themselves, and they emphasized this priority.

Disciplined Decision Making

Similar to this topic, there were other responses from program’s senior managers and executives, especially those who had previous military experiences. Veterans acted as leaders in combat and were frequently forced to make decisions without the privilege of consulting others or building a formal ruling process. All military veterans are instilled with discipline, and it is universally desired in corporate environments

Outreach to Veteran Centrix Programs

This theme is related to the organization’s outreach efforts to satisfy its commitment to employing high-quality, mission-focused employees for the growth of the business. Due to the nature of the specified requirements and background standards, the company’s best possible candidate approach includes a varied combination of non-veterans and veterans. This helps prepare better the organization for unexpected technology, industry, or market shifts.

Team Development

The act of learning and working together efficiently in order to form cohesive relationships aids in the ability to withstand the ups and downs that occur in dynamics of a group. Post-9/11 veterans’ experiences demonstrated a reliance on and belief in team development phases such as breaching, creating, and presenting, as well as the incorporation of these stages into organizational structures and processes. The high volume and duration of deployments led in the formation of strong bonds with the potential to evolve into long-term relationships, demonstrating the critical nature of human interactions.

Key Implications for Business

Post-9/11 veterans have positive outlook on business and have developed valuable business skills that increases their productivity. Senior executives credit the above individuals’ improved outreach skills to their mission-focused mindset and challenging field experiences. Companies that can adapt quickly will have a distinct advantage over their competitors. Rapid adaptability is important for an organization’s performance. Post-9/11 findings support Stackhouse (2020) claim that post-9/11 combat skillsets differ significantly from previous generations. Hiring post-9/11 veterans can increase a company’s flexibility and adaptability. It is more likely for military veterans to receive long-term support and profitable business changes. Non-veteran YSG administrators claim that not all military skills can be transferred to the business world.

Accountability is a key military trait for business success. Veteran service members are held personally responsible for their duty to defend people and territories. Positive organizational culture results from individuals taking responsibility for their actions. Culpability and difficult decisions make post-9/11 veterans less likely to promote business corruption (Keeling et al., 2018). Lower levels of corruption are associated with increased organizational productivity and responsibility. Management reported military competencies in teamwork and decision-making by both veterans and non-veterans. Post-9/11 military veterans stand out in the job market because of their commitment, adaptability, maturity, and dependability.

The desire to grow, learn, and advance is a key business need of the post-9/11 generation. Post-9/11 veterans are mentally and emotionally sophisticated, able to make reasonable and logical and assessed decisions under intense stress. A value transfer to the corporate world can improve business outputs. Utilizing and adopting this era’s skills and knowledge can help a company succeed in whatever business operations they invest their resources.

Without direct military experience, non-veteran managers believed moral integrity was a sentiment shared by all combat employees, not just post-9/11 veterans. Most organizations are uninformed of post-9/11 veterans’ special skills, such as trustworthiness, according to the research (Keeling et al., 2018). Experiences with pre- and post-9/11 veterans would aid in understanding their differences. More research is required to promote post-9/11 military veterans’ competitive qualities.

A veteran’s mindset and abilities affected the YSG’s organization’s success and culture. Military service improves business skills, senior executives and program managers. The company culture must promote productivity-enhancing values. These are just a few of the cultural practices that enables businesses succeed. A few of these skills are task prioritization and goal setting. Veteran leaders are better at integration and team building. Incorporating military-centric improved organizational effectiveness because shared values guide employee behavior and productivity. Employers of post-9/11 military members should take into account the YSG’s organizational business environment.

Recommendations for Practitioners

A rational and effective list of suggestions was created using scientific data about particular post-9/11 military veterans’ abilities transferrable into a commercial context to raise awareness of competitive industrial advantages. Using the study’s results, the researcher made suggestions for further research and practice. The data analysis suggestions for practical implementation inside the target organization are offered in the following subchapters for assessment.

Incorporating military-centric transferable skills and knowledge into civil organizations can aid in research-based knowledge. A vast individuals of post-9/11 vets pursuing middle to higher level civil forms of employment and prospects are actively recruited and retained. Post-9/11 veterans’ business-related key competencies are unknown in civil organizations. Mentorship and internship programs could help bridge this gap by allowing post-9/11 veterans to apply their skills by learning how civil businesses operate. The practice ensures the procurement of valuable business skills and provides the potential of long-time employment. Additionally, organizations might encourage recruitment programs for linked enterprises that aid in the dissemination and expansion of post-9/11 business model.

To successfully integrate veterans into company, a mentoring program is essential. The outcomes of this study could be applied to a joint program aimed at identifying transferrable characteristics. The study emphasized outreach and team building, proving that collaborative training gives organizations a competitive edge. The organization created a program for civilian employees to learn about military issues and challenges while veterans learn corporate knowledge from civilians.

The post-9/11 veterans’ skills and abilities, improved work ethic, and mission-success attitude paved the way from the battlefield to the corporate boardroom. Prior research has found that generational veterans’ business skills and knowledge encouraged them to start their own businesses. Veterans in business could mentor and assist evolving post-9/11 members in gaining an understanding of the military attributes and characteristics that are advantageous in a private firm, hence opening opportunities to ownership or participation (Bass, 2021). Mentorship sessions help vets transition into the corporate sector. After 9/11, veterans developed mission-focused attitudes in an unconventional warfare environment that lent itself to corporate, franchise, or small business ideologies.


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BusinessEssay. (2024, December 23). YSG's Workforce and Organizational Culture. https://business-essay.com/ysgs-workforce-and-organizational-culture/

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"YSG's Workforce and Organizational Culture." BusinessEssay, 23 Dec. 2024, business-essay.com/ysgs-workforce-and-organizational-culture/.


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BusinessEssay. 2024. "YSG's Workforce and Organizational Culture." December 23, 2024. https://business-essay.com/ysgs-workforce-and-organizational-culture/.

1. BusinessEssay. "YSG's Workforce and Organizational Culture." December 23, 2024. https://business-essay.com/ysgs-workforce-and-organizational-culture/.


BusinessEssay. "YSG's Workforce and Organizational Culture." December 23, 2024. https://business-essay.com/ysgs-workforce-and-organizational-culture/.