Discussion of Societal Marketing

Societal marketing is currently a global trend in the production of various goods. Companies strive not only to profit from the sale of their products but also to contribute to the improvement of the society and well-being of consumers. Outdoor gear and clothing manufacturers are among the most successful in addressing environmental issues and fair trade strategies. Patagonia in particular has built its entire brand on sustainability and the ideas of promoting care about the environment.

Accomplishing these objectives will provide me with a better understanding of the trends of modern production and commerce. Societal marketing is a priority for management, as it allows industry leaders to change the world and create conditions for improving the quality of life of people. For a manager, achieving sustainable production is one of the key challenges in the modern world. If a manager does not master these objectives, he or she risks losing consumers’ trust, leading to brand decline. Thus, this competence is currently allowing companies to develop and grow.

The company is involved not only in the use of recycled raw materials, in the development of fair trade, and in increasing the sustainability of its products, but also in the care of the soil. Patagonia supports the remothering of land initiative, which aims not only to restore soil but also to support local agricultural communities (Remothering the Land, 2021). In addition, the company is actively developing fair trade programs that are aimed at analyzing the needs of workers and the community to “create a positive benefit for the lives that we touch through our business” (Social responsibility, n.d). The company also supports the living wage initiative, which enables many workers in low-income communities to receive decent pay for their work (Living wage, n.d). Since 2013, the company has been actively working together with suppliers to create comfortable working conditions at its factories without violating their competitiveness. In particular, by 2019 they managed to provide living wage at 11 out of 31 production facilities (Living wage, n.d). Thus, Patagonia is the brand that is most focused on improving the lives of people in low-income countries.

The company also does a tremendous job of addressing the environmental agenda. The sustainability of its products Patagonia also ensures that more than half of its products are made from recycled materials (Environmental responsibility, n.d). Patagonia encourages its consumers to buy worn wear, which has a significant impact on reducing the negative impact of the industry on the environment (Worn wear, n.d). The company participates in the organic cotton certification program, which allows it to reduce the use of fossil fuels for the production of raw materials (Regenerative Organic Certified, n.d). Thus, the company is actively involved in environmental activities, which allows promoting new standards in the industry.

The product which I would like to improve upon is the accessories the company offers. Their choice is rather limited and not of sufficient interest to buyers. Thus, the current of the product life cycle is introduction. Customers are not aware of these products and do not focus on them as a possible purchase. The company should be provided with more options and integrate them into common sustainable agenda.

Two others Patagonia-related inductry leaders that make significant efforts in societal marketing are Cotopaxi and The North Face. These companies are also involved in the production of outdoor gear and clothing and focus on social and environmental contributions. Cotopaxi’s mission statement: “At Cotopaxi, we create innovative outdoor products and experiences that help alleviate poverty, move people to do good, and inspire adventure” (What we do, n.d). The North Face’s mission statement: “Provide the best gear for our athletes and the modern-day explorer, support the preservation of the outdoors, and inspire a global movement of exploration” (About us, n.d). Thus, the aspirations of the leaders of this industry are aimed at jointly improving society and protecting the environment.


About us. (n.d). The North Face. web.

Living wage. (n.d). Patagonia. web.

Regenerative Organic Certified™ pilot cotton. (n.d). Patagonia. Web.

Remothering the land. (2021). Patagonia. Web.

Social responsibility. (n.d). Patagonia. Web.

What we do. (n.d). Cotopaxi. Web.

Worn wear. (n.d). Patagonia. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2025, January 24). Discussion of Societal Marketing. https://business-essay.com/discussion-of-societal-marketing/

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"Discussion of Societal Marketing." BusinessEssay, 24 Jan. 2025, business-essay.com/discussion-of-societal-marketing/.


BusinessEssay. (2025) 'Discussion of Societal Marketing'. 24 January.


BusinessEssay. 2025. "Discussion of Societal Marketing." January 24, 2025. https://business-essay.com/discussion-of-societal-marketing/.

1. BusinessEssay. "Discussion of Societal Marketing." January 24, 2025. https://business-essay.com/discussion-of-societal-marketing/.


BusinessEssay. "Discussion of Societal Marketing." January 24, 2025. https://business-essay.com/discussion-of-societal-marketing/.