Brookside Dairy Limited is a dairy products company based in South America. The gap in the provision of a wide range pasteurized dairy products created the need to form a dairy company in the area hence the formation of Brook Dairy Limited. The primary line of business of the company is the production and sale of daily products. Brookside Dairy Limited is a sole proprietorship entity owned by Brookston family. The owner raised capital from note payable, savings, and bonds payable.
Challenges small businesses face when preparing the face in maintaining accurate and timely financial statements
This small business lacks a well built structures and policies as in the case of large corporations. Besides, the company’s work is likely to be done haphazardly thus leading to loss of audit trail. Lack of structures in an organization creates disorganization in various internal processes. Inadequate documentation reduces the authenticity of the financial reports generated. A common challenge faced by small organization is lack of proper record keeping of various transactions carried out. Besides, there is likelihood that incomplete financial reports will be prepared. This also creates loss of audit trail. Considering the size of the businesses and the nature of how the businesses are run, application of the accounting standards is a key challenge when preparing the financial statements. There is a possibility of inconsistencies in applying the standards or application standards wrong. In addition, the challenge faced by this small business is that the owner does not have adequate skills and time to manage the businesses and maintain the books of accounts on a regular basis.
Chart of accounts
A chart of accounts is a summary of all general accounts maintained by a business. For instance, codes starting with ‘1’ are assigned to assets, ‘2’to liability accounts and capital, ‘4’ to operating revenue accounts, and so on until all classes of the general ledger accounts are coded. The tables below show the chart of accounts of the entity.
Asset accounts
Liability accounts
Accounts for owner’s equity
Operating revenue accounts
Operating expenses account
Non operating losses, gains, revenue, and expenses
The audit trail is improved through classification of the accounts into allocation codes and groups. Besides, it promotes analysis of the financial statements provided.
Opening entries to set up the accounts
Brookside Daily Limited
Balance sheet statement as at 1st February 2013:
The balance sheet is prepared based on the assumption that the business commences on 1st February 2013. To start up the business, the owner will require a total capital amounting to $3,754,500. The owner will raise $1,637,500 and the remaining will be obtained by using long term debt facilities amounting to $2,030,500.
Brookside Dairy Limited
Trial balance as at 1st February 2013:
Conclusively, the business is likely to breakeven within a year due to strong investment rationale that the owner of this business has formulated in the business actualization.