How to Boost Productivity in Staff by Hedderman

This article was written by Nick Hedderman on November 24, 2021. He tells from personal experience about how to boost productivity in staff. This article is in the Wellbeing Analysis section, which suggests that it will be a comprehensive approach to improving performance. In this paper, I want to show the critical aspects of the Hedderman article and the critical aspects of this topic in general.

Labor productivity, also known as work performance or efficiency in the workplace, is an indicator of an individual worker’s production. As a result, employees’ performance should not be misconstrued with worker productivity, which is a government’s or industry’s general economic production per work hour (Hedderman, 2021). Some individuals may take a long time to do a modest quantity of work — these individuals are more successful than prolific. Other people may do a large quantity of work in a short period of time – these individuals are more efficient than appropriate.

People who worked distantly said that the lack of transportation and fewer interruptions allowed them to be more productive not only at work but also at home. Considering the relaxation of COVID-19 rules, the issues appear to be intensifying, as many individuals feel less able to handle their labor and are away from distractions (Hedderman, 2021). In my opinion, Hedderman showed today’s realities with this proposal. I absolutely agree with his thesis since the pandemic came unexpectedly, and many people were not even aware of this and not ready for changes at work.

Leadership and management are critical success factors; employees may need to change their thinking to regard breaks from their workstations as an integral part of the workday. Managers’ roles are increasingly more critical in hybrid workplaces. Team leaders have a responsibility to play, whether it is modeling best practices or ensuring that meetings are accessible to individuals who are remote. Many of the opportunities afforded by a hybrid environment will necessitate team integration and the ability to operate asynchronously (Hedderman, 2021). Hedderman says that during the pandemic, ordinary workers did not get more work; instead, management and management are now working more than before. This is done so that employees feel comfortable and realize their involvement in the creation of a product at work because not everyone feels the same responsibility when moving to a remote location as they do in the office.

Productivity will increase if they are given the opportunity to strive for attainable goals. Goal setting enables workers to become self-motivated and confident in their abilities to achieve. Workers can be pushed to follow a defined process of performance assessment and claim control of it after goals have been defined. Setting relevant goals for the company and its workers may lead to increased productivity and efficiency. It can also motivate staff to work together and as a team. Business executives should follow in with their staff on a regular basis to discuss their objectives and personal development and then praise them for a job well done.

Workers who lack the necessary tools for the task are observed to be increasingly irritated and less effective. With the growth of Information technology and portable devices, which minimize capital expenditures and allow instant access to data, the dilemma of organizations being able to finance new technology and equipment is becoming less of a concern. Companies that lack open communication between management invite workplace productivity challenges (Hedderman, 2021). Supervisors should be available to their staff and convey goals and tasks efficiently. Because workers feel intimately tied to the organization’s vision and goals, this management consulting technique aids in enhancing worker productivity. Finally, putting in place, clear lines of communication may boost productivity and work happiness.

To sum up, my reaction to this article is extremely positive because I agree with all the listed facts and methods for improving productivity. Hedderman, in his article, showed a high level of professionalism not only in doing business but also in writing understandable articles for people who may not be connected with the business field. I can recommend this article to everyone for reading; In my opinion, here everyone will be able to find for themselves an exciting fact about which they did not know before.

Productivity growth, also known as organizational outcomes or workplace effectiveness, is an indication of a particular worker’s output. People who worked from home reported that the lack of commuting and fewer distractions helped them to be more effective not just at work but also at home. Given the loosening of COVID-19 guidelines, the problems appear to be worsening, as many people feel less capable of handling their work and stay free from distractions. The performance will rise if employees are given a chance to work toward achievable goals. Setting goals allows employees to become self-motivated and secure in their skills to succeed. This strategy consulting strategy assists in increasing worker productivity by making employees feel deeply connected to the company’s direction and objectives. Furthermore, having open lines of communication at work may increase productivity and satisfaction.


Hedderman, N. (2021). Nick Hedderman: How to boost productivity in staff. HRreview. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, December 21). How to Boost Productivity in Staff by Hedderman.

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"How to Boost Productivity in Staff by Hedderman." BusinessEssay, 21 Dec. 2022,


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'How to Boost Productivity in Staff by Hedderman'. 21 December.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "How to Boost Productivity in Staff by Hedderman." December 21, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "How to Boost Productivity in Staff by Hedderman." December 21, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "How to Boost Productivity in Staff by Hedderman." December 21, 2022.