Interpersonal Intelligence Test Creation

Tests are basically designed to test ability of individuals. On the other hand, intelligence is the ability to solve problems, think, understand norms, customs, and social values and analyze situations. Intelligence tests are tests designed to test or ascertain the mental ability of individuals in different areas. There are different kinds of intelligence tests, for instance, musical intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, verbal and linguistic intelligence, movement or body intelligence, spatial intelligence, naturalist intelligence and logical intelligence. Furthermore, these kinds of intelligence tests different aspects or areas of intelligence hence use different questions to ascertain the respect intelligence level. Intelligence tests are broadly divided into computerized tests, individual and group tests. This paper focuses on interpersonal intelligence with main focus on performance test.

In 2010, Jeffries, a widow, executed her will leaving her entire estate to her children, John, Faith and Helen per stirpes. However, in 2011, Helen, Faith and John were engaged in a quarrel and Jeffries decided to redraft the will. She collected a preprinted will form from a supply store office and filled it with her own handwriting. In her new will, she stated that she had disinherited Helen and Faith because they are disobedient to her, and instead bequeathed and given her property to the University. Jeffries then signed the will and dated it, but no one was present while she was signing and dating the will hence no one signed as witness. During this time, Jeffries was addicted to alcohol and prescription pain killers. However, John died in 2012 survived by Thomas whom he adopted as his son. Similarly, Jeffries died same year, 2012, leaving behind her estate, which is worth $ 2,000,000.

Jeffries’ 2011 will have been presented for probate:

  1. What legal claims can Helen and Faith reasonably use to oppose Jeffries’ will 2011? Discuss.
  2. Does Thomas have legal claim to a share of Jeffries’ estate? Discuss.
  3. Was Thomas entitled to a share of Jeffries’ will? Discuss.
  4. Was Jeffries’ will 2011 legal according to law? Discuss.

The test that has been used and questions proposed are mainly on interpersonal intelligence with main focus on performance. Basically, there are two tests that can be used, they are; self-report and performance test. However, I prefer use of performance test due to several reasons, mainly its advantages over self-report test. Though both self-report testing and performance testing are essential in evaluation of interpersonal skills, performance testing is more reliable because it assists in reducing chances of losing partners, customers and clients because they are basically dependable on performance.

Furthermore, performance testing assists in elimination of unnecessary expenditures and costs in operation of firms and companies. Effective evaluation of performance may assist in determination of reasonable operational costs and expenditures. It also assists in elimination of system rework and turning efforts that can be avoided, eliminates delayed system developments and assists an organization or company improve and hence increase their market share and profit levels. Generally, performance testing is effective and the most appropriate due to other reasons too. Organization either large scale or large greatly depends on performance to ascertain their profits, market share and expected changes and improvements in the organizations among others.

In organizations, the most important resource is the human resource, and performance testing is directly concerned with human resources and machines, which are operated by the human resources. Therefore, application of performance testing in evaluation of a business is essential in ensuring effective testing of workers intelligence in an organization or company because it directly assesses their capability in different areas of concern. It also assesses workers mental capability at the work place and ability to solve problems, think, understand norms, customs, and social values and analyze situations. Therefore, it is not only essential in testing of intelligence, but also determination and identification of employees for promotion to different levels of responsibilities within an organization or company hence ensuring quality performance, operation and appropriate assignment of duties to employees.

Application of performance testing is appropriate citing the different advantages of the testing kind, for instance, the above example questions are for law professionals to be or practicing professionals. They test the ability of the professionals to handle a case from different legal perspectives, and measures law professionals’ ability to interpret the law effectively. It may also be used in determining performance ability of law practitioners. Generally, performance testing is important in determining ability to solve problems, think, understand norms, customs, and social values and analyze situations among others.

Performance testing is concerned with employees or workers’ ability to solve problems, think, understand norms, customs, and social values and analyze situations hence determination of workers or employees’ capability. It is also important in determination of the most competent employees for promotion leading to appropriate posting and giving of assignments to employees. Though self-report can also be used in testing intelligence, performance testing is more appropriate and reliable because it is concerned with ability to solve problems, think, understand norms, customs, and social values and analyze situations, which are essential in determination of intelligence level.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, July 18). Interpersonal Intelligence Test Creation.

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"Interpersonal Intelligence Test Creation." BusinessEssay, 18 July 2022,


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'Interpersonal Intelligence Test Creation'. 18 July.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "Interpersonal Intelligence Test Creation." July 18, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "Interpersonal Intelligence Test Creation." July 18, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "Interpersonal Intelligence Test Creation." July 18, 2022.