Organizational Leadership Issues and Trends

Issues of Organizational Leadership

First of all, I would like to clarify the meaning of the world leadership. In simple words, leadership can be defined as a process of achieving some purposes; however, one should take into consideration that there are in-depth definitions of leadership which require much more attention. To understand the deeper meaning of the word, one has to go into details of early history. Thus, some scientists suppose that there are individual attributes which leadership is based on.

Those individual attributes are related to the so-called trait theory which studies human personality. So, one may suppose that a leader is to be intelligent, persistent and adapted. Of course, the list of the traits the leader must possess is wider, but the most important traits are already taken into account. In other words, the interdependence between leadership and individual traits depends on such points as adjustment, extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience and general self-efficacy.

So, the next step is to define the meaning of organizational leadership. In my opinion, an organization (or a company, etc.) is considered to be the instrument of reaching certain goals. Thus, to understand the goal of an organization, one is to know what work structure is. It is obvious that the goals the company sets are different, so, a leader’s task is to define the priorities. For most of people, management and leadership are considered to be the same issues; however, one is to take into account that the principal difference between these two notions is that management means management by exception, while leadership is more related to personal relationships.

While speaking about organizational leadership, one is to understand that it is group leadership which is to be discussed. Thus, organizational leadership concerns with creativity increasing and costs reducing. It is not a boss who is considered to be a leader, but the team is. As far as the team consists of separate persons, it is obvious that there are individuals who must possess synergistic communication skills to be able to convince other members of the success achieving necessity.

Interpersonal relationship, an awareness of unity and the ability to act are considered to be the most important constituent parts successful organizational leadership includes. The distinctive characteristics of organizational leadership are ten settings, which are related to purpose, priorities, roles, decisions, conflict, personal traits, norms, effectiveness, success and training.

Nicole Papa states:

The leadership over an organization sets the tone of the corporate culture,

company expectations and a vision for the company. Various leadership

issues can arise in organizational leadership that can hinder the

organization’s effectiveness and productivity. Identifying and addressing

the organizational issues is the first step in resolving the issues and

implementing positive change (1).

So, the most important issues organizational leadership is related to are upward and downward communication, feedbacks providing and effective leadership style.


The first article is devoted to the in-depth definitions of leadership. The author highlights that the main purpose of organizational leadership is to reach certain goals. Interpersonal relationship, an awareness of unity and the ability to act are considered to be the most important constituent parts of organizational leadership. Intelligence, dominance, adaptability and persistence are recognized to be the most important skills a leader must possess. Purpose, priorities, roles, decisions, conflict, personal traits, norms, effectiveness, success and training are ten settings organizational leadership is based on.

Organizational Leadership Trends

Another point I would like to discuss concerns with modern trends of organizational leadership. First of all, I want to point out that trends understanding allows leaders to take right decisions and to overcome the obstacles these trends create.

  • The first trend I want to draw your attention to is the rise of complex challenges. The factors which impact on the rise are internal changes, market dynamics, talent shortage, globalization, rise in competition, technology development, customer expectation, mergers, etc. Thus, it is an organizational challenge which is important, but not a person as it seems for the first. Taking into account the first trend, the main purpose of organizational leadership is to develop some stronger skills. The skills of risk-taking and adaptability are of primary importance.
  • The second trend I want to discuss is the innovation revolution. Thus, organizational leadership meets the strategies which are to be used to create an innovation culture. One is to take into account that cross-functional innovation teams creating is the most important task of organizational leadership. Best practices research is also rather important issue. The innovation revolution means skills improving. Additional strategies are considered to be recognition programs establishment, performance metrics, organizational restructuring, etc.
  • The third trend is the art of virtual leadership. This trend means boundaries expanding. What skills virtual leadership must include? So, the most important skills are considered to be general/frequent communication as well as effective one, face-to-face contact, time management, emotional intelligence, consistent communication, honest communication and credibility.
  • The fourth trend is collaboration nation. In our days, collaboration is recognized to be one of the most important parts of organizational leadership. The point is the leaders must collaborate to accomplish an aim.
  • The fifth trend is the world of interruption. I would like to list the most widespread strategies which a company is to use to prevent/overcome interruption. Thus, door closing, calendar prioritizing, executive assistance utilization are the most important as well as popular ways to prevent interrupting. The idea to turn off phones (urgent calls accepting only) seems to be not bad. E-mail limiting, telecommuting are also of primary importance.
  • The sixth trend is authenticity. Thus, many leaders can not separate such notions as home and job. They can’t relax at home. The most important obstacles to remaining authentic are: fear of negative outcome, performance expectations, consistent communication and interpersonal dynamics with other leaders, external factors.
  • The 7th and 8th trends are related to the fallout from the baby boom and filling the leadership void. There is an opinion that there will be a shortage of the best leaders in some years. Under such circumstances, new management development is considered to be an urgent task.
  • The ninth trend is leadership for longevity. Thus, effective leadership is based on regular exercises.
  • The tenth trend concerns with future trend categories. Thus, instant gratification, collaborative technology, work/life balance, internationalization and internal alignment are recognized to be the categories of future.

The last issue I want to draw your attention to concerns with K. Russell’s words:

Many of the skills employees bring to the job are never utilized. More and

more employees today (but not all) seek to be more fully engaged in the

organization and its mission and to use more of their skills and knowledge

in the workplace. At the same time, organizations are beginning to

recognize the tremendous untapped potential within their employees (1).

So, one must think about the improvements to be made in the sphere of organizational leadership.


The second article highlights the most important trends of organizational leadership. Thus, the rise of complex challenges, the innovation revolution, the art of virtual leadership, collaboration nation, the world of interruption, authenticity, the fallout from the baby boom and filling the leadership void, leadership for longevity and future trend categories are recognized to be the most important trends organizational leadership is to assess.

Works Cited

Keith, Russell. Organizational Development, Leadership, Change And The Future Of Libraries. Web.

Nicole, Papa. Organizational Leadership Issues. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2021, September 26). Organizational Leadership Issues and Trends.

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"Organizational Leadership Issues and Trends." BusinessEssay, 26 Sept. 2021,


BusinessEssay. (2021) 'Organizational Leadership Issues and Trends'. 26 September.


BusinessEssay. 2021. "Organizational Leadership Issues and Trends." September 26, 2021.

1. BusinessEssay. "Organizational Leadership Issues and Trends." September 26, 2021.


BusinessEssay. "Organizational Leadership Issues and Trends." September 26, 2021.