Riordan Manufacturing Company: Evaluating the Integration of HRIS


The Human Resource Information System does help companies maintain good records of their employees. One can develop the system which will track the employees performance from the time before they got hired by the company, as it is in our case. This system interconnects the human resource work with information technology. The nature of human resource department is of an administrative kind. The data about employees is sensitive and can be a big challenge if not handled well. Introduction of a software solution to this potentially explosive sensitive job has brought relief to the handlers of the manual workload that human resources management is (Armstrong, 2008).

Riordan Manufacturing Company adopted this system in a quest for improving on efficiency and enhanced data presentation of its human resource department. The company needs to classify its employees on different job levels; obtain job title, have the name of the person working previously on that job, person being hired, hiring manager, date of hire and any other information that entails the company jobs (Armstrong, 2008). The company needed to enhance the ease with which its employees could access other data that was related to their salary, performance and how to apply for jobs among other benefits.


The need for this analysis has been initiated by the company after the new system’s implementation. The company is keen on getting to terms with how this system has helped both, its employees and their effectiveness on the part of the human resource department. By looking at the appendix a, we appreciate the different levels of jobs that are available to be filled in the company. The jobs range from top management to those who are working on satellite locations, but still play vital roles in the company. It also gives data on the number of days that have been spent on filling a certain job. The data can be used for improvement of the time it takes to hire new employees to speed up efficiency within the company. There is also the need to evaluate the new portal to try to understand what needs to be improved. This is done through the various surveys that were carried out. In these surveys the respondents were grouped and a total percentage was declared. The people who were contracted to carry out this survey were the company employees themselves (Armstrong, 2008).

Appendix B

The primary goal of this evaluation was to obtain data that are related specifically to jobs. This is in relation to the jobs that were added, created, filled, carried over or withdrawn altogether. The second goal was to obtain data on the new employees’ background, be it their diversity or criminal record. The third goal was to collect data about the company in relation to its hiring performance. The assessment is done as a pilot, to find out if the new implemented system has been able to address the goals which it was implementing. It also seeks ways of improving the program and what changes can be added to it.

Methods and Analysis

To satisfy our goals, data were collected from each employee’s details, right from the time before one got hired. The data was imported into the new system and a print summary was generated. It covered the entire workforce of Riordan Manufacturing Company.

The software generated a report that grouped jobs into four different categories. The first category is the exempt corporate jobs, the second is the exempt satellite jobs, in the third, we have the non-exempt and finally non-exempt satellite jobs. Each grouping has data that cover the hiring manager, date of hire up to the orientation date. The analysis is based on each group’s total number of jobs withdrawn, days required to fill a job, jobs added over the month, jobs filled over the month, jobs to be carried over the next month and the average days it takes to fill a job (Khosrowpour, 2000).

Data in relation to jobs show that the average days to fill jobs is the highest in the exempt satellite jobs followed by exempt jobs, non-exempt jobs and finally non-exempt satellite jobs. The average number of days for orientation is the highest in the non-exempt group followed by exempt satellite jobs, non-exempt satellite and one with fewer days was in the exempt grouping. It takes fewer days to fill the non-exempt jobs in 27 days, than exempt jobs which stand at 63. The report enables the company to realize any criminal background issues the employees had and the race group it has employed (Khosrowpour, 2000).


The report does cover the company’s need to have better administration on its employees. One is able to hire and retain best qualified staff. Criminal records, position predecessors, occupants, as well as interviewers are now obtainable within a click. This report conclusively meets the needs of Riordan Manufacturing Company.

Appendix C

Among the goals of this report were; to get employees to gain access to the web portal, provide the employees with human resource documentation and seek ways of improving the web portal.

Methods and Analysis

Information, in relation to the HRIS web portal, was arrived out at a web survey whereby the employees provided answers to various questions. The participants later gave comments on how they would like the system to be improved.

The web portal is an easy site to locate; user and human resource documentation is easily accessible. It is also easy to navigate with a slight majority usage. The report gives the most used applications, contents that the users like and dislike about the portal. Many various comments provided by the workers, border on the rating that they give in regards to the web portal (Khosrowpour, 2000).


The success rate of this report is very high. This is because it directly reflects on the goals of the company. The attitude of the employees has changed drastically. They, for example, are able to view and apply promotional opportunities. They are also aware of the importance of their opinions in making the changes on the web portal. I would rate this implementation as a success.

Additional Data Sources in Appendix B

I would seek to introduce a questionnaire to be filled by the prospecting employee’s past employer. This will act as a great aid in getting more details on the incoming employee’s industriousness. I would also seek to introduce performance contracts that would track the personal performances of an employee.

The advantage of having the former employer fill a questionnaire is in providing good detailed background of the employee. However, it is prone to bias and it can be a tall order to achieve if the former employer refuses to fill it. The performance contract would be a good way of tracking the employee progress (Armstrong, 2008).

Conclusion and Recommendations

In conclusion, new HRIS applicant tracking system is efficient for employee data collection. With this system, the company is able to detect places in its employment record that needs any improvement. On the web portal, it is easier for the employees to access important human resource documentation. They are also able to apply for any vacant job that is available in the company. There are various ways that the report has established for improving the system.

I recommend a yearly review of the new system to make it relevant for the users and the company. I also would like to emphasize on the need for implementation of the various opinions stated by the current system users.


Armstrong, M. (2008). Strategic human resource management: A guide to action. London: Kogan Page.

Khosrowpour, M. (2000). Organizational achievement and failure in information technology management. Hershey : Idea Group Publ.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, July 12). Riordan Manufacturing Company: Evaluating the Integration of HRIS.

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"Riordan Manufacturing Company: Evaluating the Integration of HRIS." BusinessEssay, 12 July 2022,


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BusinessEssay. 2022. "Riordan Manufacturing Company: Evaluating the Integration of HRIS." July 12, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "Riordan Manufacturing Company: Evaluating the Integration of HRIS." July 12, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "Riordan Manufacturing Company: Evaluating the Integration of HRIS." July 12, 2022.