Social Responsibility of Bombas Company


Social responsibility plays a significant role in the development of business. In general, it is a duty that every member of society should fulfill. According to social responsibility, individuals’ actions should benefit the whole community (Agudelo et al., 2019). In business, this duty is usually called corporate social responsibility, and a company’s ethics determine its position depending on its goals. For instance, Bombas aims to help people, and they appreciate this goal and work in accordance with it.

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The One-for-One model is the proof of social values that the company promotes. For instance, this model assumes one pair of Bombas’ socks purchased equals one pair donated (Donations). Moreover, it is possible to find information about its values and donations on its website (Donations). The model works as a social responsibility act because it benefits members of society in need, providing them with socks.

There are four types of social responsibilities. The obstructive type lacks social responsibility and may harm society; the defensive type is neutral and is not socially responsible, while the accommodative and proactive types recognize social responsibility and take an active position (Kanobi, 2018). It seems that Bombas’ stance is proactive responsibility, as they believe social responsibility is their philosophy and priority. The founders of Bombas state that helping the homeless is the company’s core idea (CNBC Prime, 2021). In addition, social media is helpful in the promotion of Bombas, as media helped them distribute the hashtag #Beebetter, and many people acquired this company.


In conclusion, the company Bombas is a socially proactive organization. Its main aim is to help people, and the founders still promote this idea, which is the organization’s core value even nowadays. The company organizes various discounts devoted to helping the homeless and supporting them by donating money and socks. In addition, social media helps promote the company’s values and facilitates the distribution of knowledge about Bombas.


Agudelo, M. A., JĂłhannsdĂłttir, L., & DavĂ­dsdĂłttir, B. (2019). A literature review of the history and evolution of corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 4(1), 2-23. Web.

Kanobi, B. (2018). What are the four basic approaches to social responsibility? Classroom. Web.

CNBC Prime. (2021). From a nearly dead deal to over 200 million in revenue | Bombas. YouTube.

Donations (n.d.). Bombas. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2024, December 21). Social Responsibility of Bombas Company.

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"Social Responsibility of Bombas Company." BusinessEssay, 21 Dec. 2024,


BusinessEssay. (2024) 'Social Responsibility of Bombas Company'. 21 December.


BusinessEssay. 2024. "Social Responsibility of Bombas Company." December 21, 2024.

1. BusinessEssay. "Social Responsibility of Bombas Company." December 21, 2024.


BusinessEssay. "Social Responsibility of Bombas Company." December 21, 2024.