The Motorola Company’s Management Planning


Poor management planning practices can impede an organization’s performance, which is undoubtedly true for Motorola. Poor practices undermined Motorola company function. It is illustrated when the company which was a leader in the production of cell phones lost its market to Apple and Blackberry. With good management, a company competes fairly in the market and is able to maintain its leadership in market. For a company to survive, clear goals must be established for employees to have direction. With well-defined objectives that all individuals can work toward, the organization can move forward effectively and efficiently.

The company’s survival also involves organizing its resources. The resources must be organized so that each team has what they need to accomplish their tasks. The performance of the company may suffer if these tasks are not properly managed and tracked, as resources may become limited or diverted for other uses (Moccia, 2018). Finally, transparent communication between departments is key to ensuring that collaboration is effective and successful and that any changes within the organization’s operations do not go unnoticed. Suppose any of these management principles are neglected during Motorola’s planning process. In that case, optimal functioning could be significantly hindered or prevented entirely due to misalignment of needs and objectives or lack of coordination and information flow within the business. Therefore, it is critical that all management planning elements are addressed correctly for Motorola to achieve its optimum level of success.

Employee’s Perception and Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is a set of shared values, beliefs, and practices that defines an organization. The culture of any given organization is heavily influenced by the performance of its management, particularly concerning how their actions shape employee perceptions. This has undoubtedly been the case with Motorola; the company’s leadership has undergone a number of significant changes since 2009, which has had a noticeable impact on the attitudes and values of its employees (Anderson, 2008). On the one hand, this involves giving workers more freedom through more cooperative decision-making procedures and stressing creativity in problem-solving; on the other hand, it has also meant lowering expenses and staffing levels. As a result, Motorola’s management team has a significant impact on how its workers perceive the business and its culture, setting both good and bad examples for everyone to follow.

Employee perceptions influenced Motorola Company negatively. After Motorola’s acquisition by Google, it was broken into two Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions, which Google later sold to Lenovo. Google’s acquisition of Motorola failed because of internal conflict between its employees, and how they perceived their role within the organization led to the failure of Motorola. Motorola employees had high expectations for their roles within the organization. They expected to work in an environment that would be positive and would allow them to grow professionally. Unfortunately, this was not the case as Motorola continued to struggle financially.

Ultimately, managing change forces in organizations is critical for creating a harmonious organizational culture that employees can readily support. In today’s highly competitive business environment, companies must recognize that happy employees are essential for success. Poor management performance ultimately sends a signal throughout the entire workforce, indicating that progress must continuously be made if they intend to stay ahead of their competitors. Understanding this concept will help all leaders in any industry create an environment where employee engagement and mutual respect are valued and practiced at every level (Anderson, 2008). Motorolas’ approach to this challenge presents yet another example of how managerial decisions can dramatically affect organizational culture both now and in the future.


Companies that fail to communicate appropriately with their employees often experience decreased employee performance. This has been the case for Motorola, which has been struggling to come back even as other companies in its industry have seen great success. At Motorola, communication barriers such as a lack of transparency and respect between different roles have created an environment of low morale and broken trust. Furthermore, management has failed to take action on employee feedback due to its lack of organizational structure, leading workers to feel unheard and unimportant (Krackowski et al., 2014).

Communication is key when it comes to motivating employees. However, due to specific communication barriers within Motorola, it has become stuck in an unfortunate cycle of falling productivity and dwindling motivation. Suppose Motorola truly wishes to become successful once again. In that case, it must begin by tackling these communication issues head-on and fostering more open dialogue between different stakeholders in order to build trust, engagement, and respect among its workforce. Motorola can only expect to turn things around from the inside out at that point.

Management Plan Recommendations

The management process should be used to manage Motorola Company efficiently and effectively. The process can be enhanced by implementing some fundamental management communication principles and organizational culture. Since we are in the technological era, Motorola should adopt and embrace the change to catch up with the competitors’ products (Ritchel, 2009). Any issues or problems within the workplace need to be addressed immediately so that it does not develop into something more serious. Everyone must know their role within the company and how they fit into its plans. Communication allows for better decision-making between employees, leading to increased productivity and efficiency within the workplace.

Organizational culture is also essential for effective management because it ensures that employees understand how their work contributes to the organization’s overall success. This will help improve employee morale, increasing productivity and reducing employee turnover rates. It also helps reduce absenteeism, accidents, and injuries by motivating employees to work harder. Managing an organization’s culture involves setting standards for behavior and values that guide how people act at work. Exemplary management skills are the best way to keep Motorola Company alive. A company’s management skills will determine its success and profit.

Management in a company should involve conducting training sessions for all employees. The company should conduct regular training sessions to ensure that all employees understand what their responsibilities are within the company and what they need to do to ensure that their jobs will be successful. It will also help them become more knowledgeable about their jobs so they can learn how to perform them efficiently without any problems or difficulties. In addition, conducting training sessions will help improve communication between everyone within the organization so that everyone knows their roles in the company.

Motorola Company should integrate an inclusive management system to help create an effective and efficient workplace. The techniques and skills used in management can be applied in many different ways and situations, but their primary purpose is to improve employee performance. Several factors can affect employee performance. For example, employers must know their employees’ needs and interests to provide the best working environment. Similarly, employees need to know what is expected of them by their employers to be able to carry out their roles effectively. In order to improve employee performance, both parties must have a good understanding of each other’s roles and responsibilities within the organization so that there is clarity between them about what needs to be done.

The fundamental principles of management are based on achieving the goals of an organization through effective communication, decision-making, and problem-solving techniques. Motorola Company should embrace a rational decision-making model to help the company make decisions based on facts rather than emotions or feelings. Poor decisions delay the organization’s attainment of objectives and goals, which can cause long-term damage to the business (Melović et al., 2022). The rational decision-making model will help characterize decision problems and the company goals to ensure all needs and desires are met based on facts.


Good organizational culture and communication are necessary for the success of any company, including Motorola Company. Training employees is crucial when implementing and communicating change in a company. Employee performance should be a critical factor in every company. The company should embrace ethical principles in management. Many factors affect organizational culture and communication. These factors include training, employee performance, ethical principles, and leadership styles. How the leaders of an organization manage these factors determines how they will affect organizational culture and communication.


Anderson, H. (2008). 10 reasons why Motorola failed. Network World. Web.

Krackowski, C., Chudovo, & Irons, J. (2014). What happened to Motorola. Chicago Magazine. Web.

Moccia, S. (2018). Failure of leadership. In Strategies in Failure Management (pp. 79-94). Springer, Cham.

Richtel, M. (2009). Motorola scrambles to restore its lost cell phone glory. New York: New York Times, Web.

Melović, B., Veljković, S. M., Ćirović, D., Vulić, T. B., & Dabić, M. (2022). Entrepreneurial decision-making perspectives in transition economies–tendencies towards risky/rational decision-making. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-35. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2025, January 24). The Motorola Company's Management Planning.

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BusinessEssay. 2025. "The Motorola Company's Management Planning." January 24, 2025.

1. BusinessEssay. "The Motorola Company's Management Planning." January 24, 2025.


BusinessEssay. "The Motorola Company's Management Planning." January 24, 2025.