Written Evaluation for Leadership Group Skill Demonstration

In the group leadership video session where I tried to demonstrate my leadership skills, there were three stages. The first was the beginning, with a brief introduction and an outline of the current discussion agenda. After that, the middle part, where I interviewed everyone about their involvement, and the ending part where I drew a framework for the further activities.

Narrative of the Session

The session started with me introducing myself and asking everyone to introduce themselves. I said, “Good evening everyone, how is everyone doing?” (Charles, 2017). After everyone introduced themselves, I briefly outlined the topic of today’s discussion and invited Maddison to begin. According to the leadership skill demonstration rubric, I evaluate my performance in the opening as proficient. I believe the opening was consistent with the purpose of the session. In my view, it always helps to remind everyone what it is we are discussing. Here, according to Hughes, Ginnet, and Curphy (1993), I have demonstrated a coordinator attribute. When the tone and volume are concerned, I could have spoken a little louder and with more zeal to set the team to a working model. As for communicated warmth, I consider this task was also accomplished.

In the middle part, where the team members followed one by one with their speeches I have asked follow-up questions and added clarification. For example, after Maddison told about her experience in the hospital, I asked, “Are we ready to release him to his biological mother’s care with any medications or any follow-ups?” (Charles, 2017). According to the rubric, I assume that my clarification skills can be evaluated as exemplary. I timed my questions appropriately so as not to interrupt the speaker and asked him or her until I can fully comprehend the content.

The ending part featured me summarizing the further work that needs to be done taking into account the current situation. Among other things, I said, “I will be in touch with Amy to schedule interviews,” (Charles, 2017). I evaluate the ending part as proficient. To my mind, I have closed the discussion after all topics of importance were considered. I highlighted the group’s further work and allocated the tasks. I tried to be polite and genuine. However, I did not include in my closing speech the summary of the discussion. Besides, I only briefly thanked the members for their work and did not mention any positive qualities of the participants.

Further Analysis of the Session

The goals of the group featured the creation of the complete vision of the current situation, a discussion of possible ways of recovery and further crisis prevention, and an outline of the assistance that we all can provide. I firmly believe that the goals were achieved because judging from the lack of questions from the participants everyone understood the current situation and our further tasks. Judging by the tone of their voices, the detailedness of their answers, and their involvement in the discussion I reckon that everyone knew what to do and genuinely wanted to help. A further meeting may be required to discuss the results of the interviews with everyone else involved in the situation, the psychological evaluation of the child, and the house visit.

Group Facilitating Skills Demonstration

As far as my group facilitating skills are concerned, I used several different techniques to ensure the group felt comfortable, involved, and understood the situation and the tasks ahead. To create a warmer environment I greeted everyone, introduced myself, and invited the others to do the same. I said the following, “Good evening everyone, how is everyone doing… my name is Devon… we will go around and introduce ourselves,” (Charles, 2017). I tried to ensure that everyone understood the topic of our conversation, so in the beginning, I summarized the situation. I said, “Before we start, I wanted to go over my role and this case,” (Charles, 2017). After that, I encouraged Amy to ask questions if something was not clear. My words were, “If you have any questions on your behalf as far as the investigation goes you can ask them any moment… I’m here to answer any questions,” (Charles, 2017).

Furthermore, I used active listening to distinguish the members’ contributions and encourage them to speak. I asked follow-up questions to show my interest and desire to know more. For example, “Were services in place for truancy or bad behavior?” (Charles, 2017). Additionally, at the end of the session, I might have thanked the group members more extensively and restated the positive sides of their performance. The evaluation of the meeting might have also been in order.

Leadership Behavior and Skills Demonstration

In the course of my leadership demonstration, I used certain sources of power, influence tactics, FFM, and skills from OCM. Regarding power sources, I used legitimate and expert power as I was in a position of a CPS investigator. I clearly stated my role and pointed out that I would be interviewing everyone else. My exact words were, “I am CPS department investigator… my role is to interview everyone involved in the case,” (Charles, 2017). In my view, by using the sources I set straightforward guidelines as to how the conversation is going to proceed, and it went accordingly. Therefore, I reckon, I used them appropriately and effectively.

As for the influence tactics, I used inspiration appeal, for example, by saying, “Those are all great ideas,” (Charles, 2017). I also used personal appeal, when I directly spoke to Amy suggesting that she could ask questions any time she wants, saying, “To Amy, if you have any questions…you can ask them any moment,” (Charles, 2017). Amy as a mother of a troubled child needed support, so I assured her of her special position and gained her trust. Thus, the use of the influence tactics was successful. Concerning FFM, I demonstrated openness, saying, “I am here to answer any questions,” and asking follow-up questions like, “did you recommend him returning home?” (Charles, 2017). I also showed agreeableness as I suggested cooperating with Amy to arrange the further meetings saying, “I will be in touch with Amy to schedule interviews,” (Charles, 2017). In my opinion, I used these factors well as the session went smoothly and ended productively.

The skills I used from the organizational competence model included planning and interpersonal relationship building. These two traits were demonstrated in the form of an outline of the next tasks and insistence on further cooperation illustrated by the words, “I will keep in touch with Catherine… to collaborate… to schedule interviews…I will work with Amy to work out the best options,” (Charles, 2017). I believe I may have organized the future work in a way that would be less centered on me and rather involve other members of the group to join forces among themselves.

Strengths and Areas for Improvement

Overall, I consider active listening and inspiration appeal as my strongest points. However, I need to work more on my tone of voice, do not forget to summarize the key points of the discussion, and be more thorough with complimenting the members for their contribution at the end of the session. In addition, I would have planned the activities not only for myself but also for others to ensure everyone is involved equally.


Charles, D. (2017). Group leadership demonstration. Web.

Hughes, R. L., Ginnet, R. C, & Curphy G. J. (1993). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience. Burridge, IL: McGraw Hill.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, January 13). Written Evaluation for Leadership Group Skill Demonstration. https://business-essay.com/written-evaluation-for-leadership-group-skill-demonstration/

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"Written Evaluation for Leadership Group Skill Demonstration." BusinessEssay, 13 Jan. 2022, business-essay.com/written-evaluation-for-leadership-group-skill-demonstration/.


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'Written Evaluation for Leadership Group Skill Demonstration'. 13 January.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "Written Evaluation for Leadership Group Skill Demonstration." January 13, 2022. https://business-essay.com/written-evaluation-for-leadership-group-skill-demonstration/.

1. BusinessEssay. "Written Evaluation for Leadership Group Skill Demonstration." January 13, 2022. https://business-essay.com/written-evaluation-for-leadership-group-skill-demonstration/.


BusinessEssay. "Written Evaluation for Leadership Group Skill Demonstration." January 13, 2022. https://business-essay.com/written-evaluation-for-leadership-group-skill-demonstration/.