Since the outbreak of the virus at the beginning of 2020, tourism in Australia has been impacted dramatically. According to reports, the industry lost nearly 3 billion AUD per month (“Australian tourism industry,” 2020). At the same time, the tourism industry is considered a vital economy drive for Western Australia, and the current pandemic endangers the tourism sector in the country. This report aims at investigating the marketing plan for Western Australia after the global COVID-19 pandemic.
One of the main tourist attractions in Western Australia, the city of Fremantle, is known as an art and culture city. Its beaches, along with the cultural heritage buildings and a large busy port, altogether constitute a distinctive competitive advantage for the town. Moreover, since 2014, Fremantle has been contributing to the market with its more advanced infrastructure and location, compared to other Western Australian cities.
This marketing plan views Fremantle residents as the target audience. Two reasons define this choice, in particular, the fact that Fremantle is a port town, which means that it can deliver its visitors via the sea to further destinations across the world. Apart from that, Fremantle as a harbour and the city of art and culture provides unique visiting opportunities for the locals as well. Nevertheless, ever since it was established as a tourist attraction, Fremantle requires more attention to its brand awareness. This report provides an analysis of the ongoing situation in the tourism industry in Western Australia and Fremantle, develops the communication goals, and suggests a repositioning strategy for it.
Situational Analysis
Industry Evaluation
Regarding Western Australia tourism, several primary marketing opportunities need to be discussed. Australia developed tourism planning practices and policies as political and public institutions were arranged (Hall, 1995; Jenkins & Hall, 1997). Put differently, the Western Australia (WA) government supports and positively impacts the local travel industry. Since 2010, the administrative authority has contributed to the infrastructure and transportation development in Western Australia, taking it to the superior level.
As a response to the COVID-19, $14.4 million were allocated to the WA Tourism Recovery Program by the government, aiming to help the tourism industry recover from the pandemic’s consequences (“WA Tourism Recovery Program,” 2020). In this regard, the crucial feature, which makes Western Australia special, should be mentioned. WA has not only the largest states and the second-lowest population density in Australia but also a more extensive untouched coastline than other states. In addition, the cost of living in WA is considered lower than in other areas.
After the COVID-19 impact, Western Australian tourism has an opportunity to succeed, combining the advantages mentioned above and choosing the right marketing strategy. However, in order to prosper, the WA travel industry needs to take into account some points mentioned below. After the pandemic, tourism might be limited financially for a short while. Besides, the geographical location and limitations resulting from the type of WA tourism may affect its success. Currently, the travel industry belongs to a rapidly developing market in Australia, with the worth of about $60.8 billion or 3.1% of the national GDP in 2019 (“Tourism research Australia,” n.d.). Therefore, the potential market for the Western Australian tourism industry is unrestricted.
Place Evaluation
Fremantle is characterized by a few attributes and advantages that attract tourists interested in history, art, and culture. In particular, Fremantle has a historical significance as the first settlement place in Western Australia. Due to the background as a colony, unique local characteristics mark the architectural fashion in Fremantle, distinctive from other WA cities (Destination marketing strategic plan, 2018). Furthermore, colonial navigation and prison contributed to the cultural development of the city. The features mentioned above form Fremantle’s unparalleled historical and cultural background.
In addition, Fremantle is a walk-friendly city with a developed art atmosphere and community. There are numerous street performers, cafes, bars, various museums, natural assets, as well as a lively farmer market and a port in the city. Fremantle can be a travel point to other destinations; besides, there are several ways to travel to Fremantle, such as by car, train, or boat. Hence, these features can be viewed as strengths for Fremantle, which other cities cannot offer. However, the weaknesses of the place should also be kept in mind. For instance, even though Fremantle is walkable, its acreage is small, and the landscapes are alike, which means that tourists are not likely to stay in the city for long.
The direct competitor to Fremantle, Rottnest Island, and an indirect one, Perth City, are discussed in this paper. The perceptual map of Fremantle and competitors is presented in Appendix. As for the strengths of Rottnest Island, its brand is already recognizable in the market and among tourists.
Nevertheless, public transportation to the place is inconvenient, and the cost of living and activities, as well as entertainment costs are higher on the island than in Fremantle. In turn, the location of Perth City is more advantageous than of Fremantle and Rottnest Island. However, even though Perth City is more popular as the capital of Western Australia, the cost of living is considerably higher than in other cities.
Australian tourism industry suffers 4 BLN USD loss in Q1 amid COVID-19 outbreak: Survey. (2020). Web.
Destination marketing strategic plan. (2018). Web.
Tourism research Australia. (n.d.). Web.
WA tourism recovery program. (2020). Web.
Appendix: Perceptual Map of Fremantle and Competitors