Executive Summary
A marketing campaign is an activity millions of organizations have to be involved in if they want to succeed in competitions and have a solid customer base. This project aims at discussing the latest achievements and future opportunities of Cofely Besix Mannai, one of the leading Qatar companies in the real estate market. Its main activities include a number of technical services, integrated management, soft services, outsourcing, and airport affairs. Being a result of joining two organizations, Cofely Besix has turned into one of the most important facilities in the Mannai Group that offers multiple services to different groups of people and huge corporations in the Middle East.
The aim of this report is to identify the strong and weak aspects of the company in order to understand what marketing campaign can be an effective solution for its employees. Using qualitative interviews as the main research methods, this report contains the results of SWOT analysis and a marketing plan with the idea of regular emails to customers. Millions of people are involved in online activities, and the Internet has already become the place where people are eager to spend their free time.
The employees of Cofely Besix Mannai understand the worth of online communication and want to use emails as a properly developed tool to introduce their products and services in a short period of time. The findings of this research prove that Cofely Besix Mannai has enough resources and the staff to succeed in the offered marketing campaign. It does not take much time to send emails, and the results of this step can be rather beneficial for a future organizational growth.
Cofely Besix Mannai is a company for a marketing analysis in this report. Cofely Besix Mannai is a worldwide leading real estate property that deals with plumbing, electromechanical contracting, repair and maintenance services for air conditioning and heating equipment, security protection, waste collection, and treatment services. It has very powerful opponents in the same business field, such as Zakum development Company, Arabtec Construction (L.L.C), Al-Rashid Trading & Constricting Company (W.L.L), and Hyundai Engineering & constrictions Co., LTD- Kuwait. Due to the organization’s creative products and services, it attracts a lot of customers.
The peculiar feature of Cofely Besix is that its leaders believe that customer orientation is a key to organizational performance. This organization aims at promoting and supporting its commitment to each service and idea offered.
The company was founded in 2006 as a joint venture between Mannai Corporation and Trans field Services. In 2014, the Cofely Besix Facility Management LLC acquired 48% stake in the company to create (CBMFM) LLC. Its country of incorporation is Qatar with an estimate of approximately 640 employees. The combined strengths of these two groups enabled us to choose it over the other competitors.
The company provides uninterrupted delivery of the highest-class facility management services (Mannai Corporation: Annual Report 2016). Cofely Besix Mannai performs all the tasks in-house, working with both single and multi-site portfolios. The organization currently operates in the countries of the Middle East. According to the company leaders, it owes its success to customer orientation since all the stakeholders involved believe that their work is not about buildings but about people who live in them and use the facilities.
The organization adds value to its operations by supporting activities and lifestyle choices of its customers. Their mission is to remain the leading and preferred integrated facility management provider in Qatar. Cofely Besix has its official site where much information about the company, its vision, mission, and organizational details can be found. It is one of the reasons for why this company is chosen for a marketing analysis.
It does not take much time to download its annual reports and observe the current progress and achievements. Another explanation of why Cofely Besix is used in this analysis is closely connected to their style of work. This company succeeds at developing high standards for services that can be offered to society. Qatar is a country where the best technologies, natural resources, and employment reach high rates. The success of Cofely Besix is a result good planning and competent workforce.
People are not only eager to earn more and follow corporate ethics and organizational goals. This company becomes one of the best examples to be followed by many service-providing facilities in Qatar and worldwide. Its progress and development, high revenues, and employee, as well as customer, satisfaction are the best evidence of why this company is a perfect choice for this marketing report.
Marketing Campaign Research Objectives
Taking into consideration organizational needs, employees want a new marketing campaign to aim at leveraging its finances, promoting its brands at the international level, increasing sales and gains, and increasing customer interest and commitment. Communication is an important tool in the organizational development. On the one hand, such activities as communication of goals and disparities that may exist between customers and employees may be a real challenge for some departments.
Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what the company has to do and offer to customers and what customers may expect from this organization. On the other hand, communication between people is what makes this company strong and effective in the Middle East region. Customers should have a chance to talk to the company’s representatives and discuss all their concerns and doubts to continue cooperating with enough guarantees. Employees should be encouraged to discuss their ideas with their leaders and colleagues.
Fair communication should increase understanding in the company and ensure loyalty and further cooperation between customers, stakeholders, and potential researchers. Research objectives include the development of a marketing campaign for Cofely Besix Mannai (the goals of which have been introduced above) using the opinions and experiences of the employees and the results of SWOT analysis.
Research Methodology
Research Design
There are several methods that can be used in marketing research with the help of which researchers can gather enough information for analysis and clarify if there are some gaps between what has been already reported in the company and what aspects of work have to be taken into consideration in future. In this report, an interview with Cofely Besix employees will be offered as the main qualitative research method for gathering information.
It is expected to communicate with 10 representatives of the company and obtain enough subjective data about recent marketing achievements and campaigns, their objectives, and results that have been already achieved. Personal interviews with Cofely Besix employees include seven open-ended questions. It is expected to develop these questions beforehand focusing on the goals of the marketing report and the material that is necessary for the analysis (see Appendix).
Awareness of all questions is an important requirement in conducting interviews (Harrison et al. 171). Then, it is necessary to obtain permission from the company’s leaders to conduct interviews and communicate with the employees informing about the goals of this research, providing each participant with anonymity and confidentiality, and explaining when and how these answers can be used.
As a rule, surveys are the most frequently used quantitative research methods for a marketing analysis, and it does not take much time to conduct surveys. In many cases, focus groups are defined as excellent explanatory qualitative methods to gather enough details and marketing examples for the analysis. In this report, an interview is chosen as the main research method because of several important reasons.
First, it is a chance to obtain credible information from the employees of the company under analysis (Babin and Zikmund 126). Second, interviews give subjective data that can be used for the analysis of marketing campaigns. Finally, it is possible to expand interviews during communication. It means that if a researcher finds out an interesting idea or concern that has to be explained during research, an interview promotes an opportunity to ask additional questions and clarify everything to facilitate this work and avoid any possible misunderstandings or shortcomings.
Data Collection and Fieldwork
Each interview with an employee lasted about one hour. 10 different people in the company were asked to participate in the interview, and 8 of them agreed. The two chosen participants could not answer the questions because of the necessity to be involved in urgent organizational activities. The main findings of the interviews showed that Cofely Besix developed several effective marketing campaigns that were characterized by different goals and techniques.
One of the latest campaigns was launched in 2014 through the representation of the flagship with its materials, industrial products, and business services. During the interviews, it was found out that Cofely Besix was ready to participate in different activities to improve their performance and attract new clients to their services. Several market media sources were used, including real photography, official website improvements, floor plan images, newspaper advertising, and exhibitions.
As it was expected, almost all employees were ready for a new campaign and offered their ideas and approaches to improve the corporate image and understand what steps had to be taken next. Direct communication with the employees of the company proved that Cofely Besix could be defined as a strong organization with the devotion of its employees being the main factor of its success, constant development, and worldwide recognition.
After interviews, it was possible to think over new marketing campaigns that could be appropriate for the company and its employees. Taking into consideration organizational needs and expectations, employees want a new marketing campaign to aim at leveraging its finances, promoting its brands at the international level, increasing sales and gains, and increasing customer interest and commitment.
Data Analysis Methods
Interviews were audio-taped and listened several times to transcribe all information correctly. All interviews were written in English. A content analysis was made by a researcher. In each answer, similar thoughts were underlined and evaluated. All these findings and conclusions are made regarding the results of the 8 interviews conducted in the company, as well as the results of SWOT analysis, in terms of which organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats should be identified to develop the company value, segmentation, and plans.
Company’s Past Experience
All employees who participated in this research interview agreed that past marketing campaigns were rather successful contributions to the development of the company and the establishment of good relationships with customers. On the one hand, the company provided its customers with clear explanations and instructions on how to avoid unpleasant moments in their purchase experience.
On the other hand, employees noticed that their customers were in need of support to deal with various business risks. For this purpose, surveys, training, audits, recommendations, and other methods had to be combined to satisfy every customer and promote good reputation of the company (Wheeler 24). Cofely Besix Mannai hires people with different experience and knowledge to introduce unique and effective products, ideas, and services.
For example, one of the participants shares his position about the choice of the employer made several years ago. “I am impressed that the company is able to underline the importance of culture and traditions of the nation and use the recent technological progress that never spoils the uniqueness of the company. We have people who make it possible to understand the present and future expectations and rely on our past. We admire our history and are inspired by our future.” Such attitudes to traditions and organizational requirements introduce a significant strength of the company.
The past experience of Cofely Besix Mannai may be properly described in SWOT analysis (see Figure 1) and used in the development of a new marketing campaign.

The company is able to identify its threats and opportunities and take the steps with the help of which certain improvements can be achieved. Cofely Besix Mannai has already introduced high standards in the chosen industry. It is high time to think about supporting these standards and creating new requirements to be followed in the market competition.
Customer Value Proposition
Several values of the company were identified through the interviews in this report. First, the company’s employees uphold a high degree of honesty and integrity in their relationships with each other and with their customers. This virtue improved their fairness and ethical behavior. One of the interviewees admitted that communication was “a key tool in the propagation of information about our products and services”.
Another interview proved that respect helped to achieve positive relationships between an employer and workers. The value of their work was teamwork, and almost all participants believed that this strategy improved the quality of work as the team strived to achieve professional excellence.
Owing to the company’s leadership, the workers developed a positive, passionate, and vibrant attitude towards their work and customers. This stand underpinned their entrepreneurial spirit as they encouraged inspiration, suppleness, and innovative approaches to the real estate business. Other values noted by the employees of Cofely Besix Mannai were flexible leadership, professional development, accountability, and striving for customer satisfaction. Still, the main customer value proposition was the provision of high-quality technologies and encouragement of trustful relationships between a customer and the company.
Company and Its Competitors
The primary competitors of the organization include the Zakum development Company, Arabtec Construction (L.L.C), and the Hyundai Engineering and Construction Company in Kuwait. These organizations have been operating in Qatar for many years and have already embraced certain approaches to marketing. They can easily dominate in the chosen field as they realize that the more the expenditure is, the longer the company’s house is likely to stay in the market for long.
Their market share would be at least 20% with others fetching about 5%. When it comes to the property management fees, they have the same structure, which stands at 7% and sales commissions at approximately 2.5%. However, some lower the board to nearly 1.5% depending on the property size, cost, and rivalry in the industry (Mannai Corporation: Annual Report 2016 23). Regarding such results and possibilities of all companies, as well as the opinions of the interviewees, it is possible to say that Cofely Besix Mannai is ready for competition and offers its clients appropriate services and ideas.
Customer Solution Delivery
Cofely Besix Mannai is going to deliver its services and products to the customer via the following channels:
- Vigorously entering the product into developing and local markets;
- Making sure to engage local athletes and celebrities;
- Implementing an aggressive advertisement plan;
- Time product launching;
- Developing communications strategy plans.
The peculiar feature of this company’s solution delivery is the intention to underline the importance of each customer and introduce mutual conditions promoting equality and teamwork. In the interview, one of the participants admitted that “our customers notice new marketing campaigns even better than some of our employees because they want to know what they can get with us”. Such interpretation of the facts proves the quality of the work demonstrated by the marketing department.
The opinions of the employees divided into several groups in the company. For example, several people believe that the services, as well as customer solutions, have to be delivered through visual advertisements and improvements. Taking photographs may be an interesting solution for the company. There will be a need to visit the business premises and take several photos of the best features of the estates.
The pictures will be significant for marketing the business, especially using the company’s websites and social media. Buyers want to see not only photographs but also specific information on various aspects, such as the estates’ floor plans. Every potential customer is regularly contacted for persuasion to purchase the asset (Chéron et al. 366). Details about the estate are important since this way potential buyers can see the layouts and have a better understanding of the property prior to their visit (Scholz and Smith 149). It is possible to include floor plans into our research since this can assist in data collection procedures. Employees are going to use either graphics or drawings.
Advertisement of the company on the Internet is paramount. That is why regular innovations and fresh ideas on its website is a crucial step that can show both its offices and properties. Such approach has been used as one of the leading market strategies during the last five years.
Company-Customer Relationships
Before the development of a new marketing product, the identification of the target customers is required. Cofely Besix Mannai has to know whether it will primarily deal with first-time estate buyers. There should also be a consideration that families may look for big or small houses depending on their sizes. This knowledge can help to anticipate future needs and make proper adjustments in brand marketing.
As the seller, one is expected to remain appealing to the emotional side of the target customers. Logical thinking about possible viewpoints of the clients is important for winning their trust and commitment to purchasing decisions. For instance, showing clients videos of various houses is likely to draw their attention as it convinces them that this idea could work for them. Furthermore, sharing personal experience and remaining real and open-minded allows the seller to build a powerful connection with the client.
Learning customers’ preferences prior to preempting the company’s information is important to avoid the situations that may demoralize ordinary people. The relationships between customers and the company should be based on trust and mutual understanding. Such aspects as honesty, constancy, and decency are crucial for winning customer’s trust. These virtues are central to every decision-making scenario. It is true that clients desire to know how the seller will be responsible for their monetary resources.
Role of Products
Employees think that the company is in need of facilitating goods with the help of which it can be easy to communicate with potential and regular clients and achieve the required goals and benefits. The company’s brand ensures that it helps the consumer with all utilities acting like a personal assistant in the running of day-to-day activities; the name is also a source of entertainment (Mannai Corporation: Annual Report 2016 24).
The company will solve the environmental degradation problems, product repair, housing, and facilities scarcity, as well as many other issues that plague other company’s brands. Regarding such expectations, it is necessary to make sure that people can learn about the company and use different sources to understand what product or service Cofely Besix Mannai wants to offer in a short period of time. The information about long-term goals is not as necessary as the fast facts about what is going on the company at this particular moment.
Customer Profiling
Targeting is a process of attracting customers who may buy products and services. Cofely Besix Mannai uses the following strategies to segment and target its potential clients:
- The demographic age of the target market ranges between the ages of 25-48.
- The target market level includes the representatives of a middle class so that clients can easily afford the product.
- The education level of for those who can use the brand is not essential as in this generation the user interface is quite comprehensible. For the optimal use, a high school level is preferred.
- The geographical target for this real estate is the urbanized areas in Qatar.
Marketing Campaign
Any marketing campaign includes a list of steps that have to be taken to meet a list of goals that have to be established. At this moment, it is suggested for the company to promote its brands at the international level to win a new customer segment that consists of young people. Such decision is explained by the demand for real estate and high-quality repair works. Therefore, a new marketing campaign should aim at establishing the real estate market for an effective competition with other market players and support excellent email reception apps, as well as the other powerful tools that Cofely Besix Mannai can install.
The promotion of products and change of a cynical view that has been developing in recent years over the real estate firm are required. The company has to increase sales from net profit to approximately QR 166 Million (with the revenue of about QR 2.31 Billion) to move in the industry of widgets from approximately #10 to #12. The company intends to increase the gains to 49% of the market share.
Finally, several communication goals can help to facilitate the work of employees with customers. Cofely Besix Mannai aims at measuring a new percentage of the target market through communicating every goal that it is trying to achieve to consumers, increase the percentage of targeted women aged between 25 and 48from 16% to 30%. Such approach can help to solve gender disparity in the region.
The following instruments of communication in the marketing campaign can be helpful:
Social media
Online platforms such as Facebook and Twitter will serve as powerful tools to connect and share information. There will be a need to design a plan on how to moderate the social media platform and how many people are required to integrate this idea.
Marketing using emails
It is important to lead customers who enjoyed some products in the past. Therefore, past experience should be linked to an email marketing campaign. Developing content and sending it via mail on either a weekly or monthly basis is a good idea. This strategy underpins other strategies involving newsletters, blog posts, and market apprises.
Direct mailing
In the wake of the Internet, communication via online platforms becomes an important tool for marketing. It is easy to transfer information through direct mails. This guarantees real-time communication on the products. Furthermore, customers can be updated using short flyers and monthly mailers where suitable news for the real estate business products and services are offered.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Designing a market campaign improves the company’s profitability gradually. The implementation of a new marketing plan will help Cofely Besix Mannai lead other businesses in the region. The firm needs to establish a well-organized management system that will implement the right restructuring plan. Currently, the strategy of emailing is a game changer for its products and services that are the best in the market now. Its functionality draws the attention of many customers.
This state of affairs has enormously improved the firm’s market share and expanded to the regional arena. The company has seized opportunities in the Qatar region and has enough opportunities to become one of the leading giant companies. In addition, there is a skilled team of professionals whose mandate is to make sure that the products and services satisfy all customers’ needs.
To succeed in the promotion of the chosen marketing campaign, the company has to be ready to improve its services and support a good working environment. Several steps can be offered to assist employees in marketing the company’s products:
- The promotion of expert knowledge is a necessity to have clear information about the market. Handling of particular real estate situations takes a long time and experience. Thus, there is a need to undertake sufficient research and ask for advice from other experts. Various challenges are met while seeking clients, especially among new agents. Most buyers want to know more about the product on sale. Thus, the agent must assure them that he/she makes every effort to impress and inform them. The testimonials of the former customers are important for the entire marketing exercise.
- The recognition of exclusivity in marketing is a step that aims at avoiding obvious bargains while marketing. For example, there is a situation when a house gives the client a unique experience and becomes a reason for augmented attention on the property on sale. It is necessary to highlight the right side to the consumers of the products and services. Customers need to hear about other similar products that have been sold and learn from the experiences of those owners. This statistical data is the critical measurement of the company’s prospects. Analytical synthesis of data outlines all successful deals of the firm.
- The choice of an effective catchphrase is a need to present a generalized front to the customers. Owing to the relentless theme adopted during the course of the branding process, the customer is likely to enjoy the sense of wholeness. This strategy also reinforces confidence in the agent’s product. A catchphrase usually works well in an effort to make the exhibition look desirable. Thus, the company’s agent should design a motto and abide by it. Email is this company’s campaign, and its slogan may sound in the following way: “Do not hesitate, email to actuate”. Retention of this slogan will serve an exciting purpose in the endeavors to market the brand. Since the human brain recalls ideas when two things are associated, customers will be in the position to see agent confidence.
- Attention to an individual symbol is an important tool to support a catchy slogan embraced by the agent. Thus, pairing a catchphrase with an eye-drawing individual symbol will boost its conspicuousness. People are more inclined to visual things. About 90% of the information that is transmitted to the human brain is gained from visuals. Various studies have indicated that customers are mostly attracted to the products that feature an actual person in the end.
Works Cited
Babin, Barry J., and William G. Zikmund. Exploring Marketing Research. Cengage Learning, 2015.
ChĂ©ron, Emmanuel, et al. “The Effects of Brand-Cause Fit and Campaign Duration on Consumer Perception of Cause-Related Marketing in Japan.” Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol. 29, no. 5, 2012, pp. 357-368.
Harrison, Matthew, et al. Market Research in Practice: An Introduction to Gaining Greater Market Insight. Kogan Page Publishers, 2016.
Mannai Corporation: Annual Report 2016. 2016. Web.
Scholz, Joachim, and Andrew N. Smith. “Augmented Reality: Designing Immersive Experiences that Maximize Consumer Engagement.” Business Horizons, vol. 59, no. 2, 2016, pp. 149-161.
Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Interview Guide
In this marketing research interview, seven open-ended questions are posed to all the participants. These answers are developed in English first. Then, they are translated in Arabic in case the employees do not know English. All interviews are audio-recorded for a further possibility to transcribe the answers, translate them in English, and use for a content analysis.
- What is your experience in this company and in its marketing campaigns?
- What do you know about marketing campaigns supported by the organization in the last five years?
- Do you find all marketing steps and ideas chosen by the company are effective? Give several descriptive examples if possible.
- What were the main challenges Cofely Besix faced during the last marketing campaigns? Were they used for motivation, intimidation, or support of employees?
- What are the general outcomes of marketing campaigns in Cofely Besix? Do you have some favorite issues in marketing?
- Do you think customers notice your company’s new marketing approaches? Has the number of clients been increased during the last several years? Please, explain why?
- Are you ready to introduce your own marketing campaigns that can be appropriate for the company? Do you believe you have enough knowledge and experience for giving such statements?
If there are some unclear points, additional questions may be developed during an interview. The participants have a right not to answer the questions without any explanations. All their options have to be discussed before an interview. Still, if a participant wants to clarify something during an interview, a researcher has to be ready to explain everything clearly.