Journal of Practicum Experience

The work conducted to study the basics of servant leadership has become a useful experience for me due to an opportunity to assess the implications of this managerial principle in the context of different situations. Due to analyzing relevant academic sources and other materials, I have realized the importance of adhering to a specific style of interaction with colleagues and the significance of self-dedication as a crucial factor of productivity.

My practicum project designed for professionals working with stroke patients can provide positive prospects for reducing mortality in the population after traumatic brain injuries. The evaluation of servant leadership from a Christian perspective has allowed me to understand the principles of this approach and draw conclusions regarding the benefits of such a methodology in relation to real working conditions.

Servant Leadership from a Christian Perspective

Servant Leadership in Relation to Credibility

When analyzing servant leadership from a Christian perspective, one can note that this type is one of the mildest approaches to personnel management. According to Krumrei-Mancuso (2018), the ability to focus on the needs of subordinates and put others’ interests above one’s own are the key features of this practice. According to the results of my research, such a leadership technique corresponds with the biblical canons that stimulate a person to sacrifice for the benefit of fellow creatures. As Lu et al. (2019) argue, operating modes using this management practice are credible and conducive to unlocking the potential of employees. I have managed to analyze the advantages of this methodology and evaluate its significance as a valuable practice in the context of an individual approach to work responsibilities.

Servant Leadership Paradigm to the Secular View of Power

The servant leadership paradigm that is revealed in the secular view of power may be expressed in the unconditional consideration of the target audience’s opinions and the satisfaction of its needs. Gerstein and Friedman (2017) analyze this topic in the context of creativity and impact on employees’ potential and note that providing maximum opportunities for professional development is a natural management practice. Respect for others’ opinions and views is a condition of a secular approach to power when subordinates have the right to knowledge and information. In this case, the leadership paradigm involves creating conditions and incentives for productive work.

Application of Leadership

Valuable leadership qualities that not only contribute to raising authority among subordinates but also stimulate colleagues’ high-performance work may be listed in the context of basic features. In accordance with my analysis, I have determined that honesty, compassion, leading by example, fairness, and the ability to listen are fundamental qualities. All of these features are virtues that, as Newstead et al. (2019) state, form a powerful leadership background and are essential character traits. I also strive to express these values ​​in my professional career and follow the selected virtues.

Honesty towards colleagues is an opportunity to maintain fruitful communication and have a positive image in the team, and I do not try to hide my omissions in order to have objective feedback. Compassion is also important, and I take into account the individual needs of all those who need help and support. Leading by example means striving for self-improvement, and I adhere to the principle of self-education. Fairness is a prerequisite for an objective attitude to work responsibilities, and I am not ready to follow individual interests in order to betray my colleagues or to be biased towards their work. Finally, developing the ability to listen to others is a valuable property that I develop in order to earn my interlocutors’ trust and establish productive interaction.

Practicum Project Preparation

The evaluation of my personal participation in training staff members for changes in work with stroke patients makes it possible to realize the success and advantages of this practice. The significance of the activities is explained by an opportunity to expand the success of medical practice regarding productive interventions. According to Jones et al. (2018), if a limited number of employees have appropriate stroke-specific training, this is a severe barrier to providing comprehensive care and successful rehabilitation. Therefore, the training process was carried out in accordance with the principles of expanding the knowledge of personnel about interaction with the target audience and the subsequent confirmation of the qualifications obtained.

To begin with, I offered to my colleagues to study the basics of interaction with stroke patients to have an idea of ​​the specifics of work in particular conditions. Further, we jointly discussed strategies for preventing falls, strokes, and other health problems that were common causes of head injuries. I tried to convey to my colleagues the importance of observing all the conditions of comprehensive care in order to improve the statistics of interventions, thereby satisfying both patients’ and medical staff’s interests.

There was no one training program, and various resources were utilized as an educational base. As Jones et al. (2018) remark, the integrative principle of staff development promotes the involvement of specialists and the provision of ample opportunities. As a result, all those involved recognized the importance of preparing for the upcoming changes and their individual significance in this process.

Leadership Video Reflection

The assessment of servant leadership in the context of its impact on the work environment is a valuable practice for evaluating personal abilities and growth opportunities. The video submitted by GCU Academics – Nursing (2016) immerses the viewer in the basics of this managerial practice and allows identifying the key differences between this style and others. According to the speaker, one of the hallmarks of servant leadership is “yielding the will of others to your own” (GCU Academics – Nursing, 2016).

Such behavior means that satisfying people’s needs for the common good is a more meaningful goal than following individual priorities and aims. Another significant property of this approach is an impact on others through personal decisions. The speaker notes that what we own affects the lives of others inevitably and entails certain consequences (GCU Academics – Nursing, 2016). As a result, servant leadership is seen as a practice that helps create an equal and unbiased environment for achieving positive outcomes of managerial interventions.


The analysis of servant leadership as a management approach that is consistent with Christian values ​​makes it possible to determine its significance and role in a positive impact on all stakeholders. From the perspective of credibility, this practice explains the impartiality of the tasks performed and the transparent intentions of power. I strive to develop important leadership skills, and an example of the project to prepare staff for working with stroke patients proves the success of decisions aimed at improving productivity in this industry. The evaluation of the proposed video makes it possible to analyze the key manifestations of this management style and identify its basic differences from other methods of interaction with subordinates.


GCU Academics – Nursing. (2016). Servant leadership – The issue of power [cc]. YouTube. Web.

Gerstein, M., & Friedman, H. H. (2017). A new corporate ethics and leadership paradigm for the age of creativity. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 18(2), 179-230.

Jones, S. P., Miller, C., Gibson, J. M., Cook, J., Price, C., & Watkins, C. L. (2018). The impact of education and training interventions for nurses and other health care staff involved in the delivery of stroke care: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today, 61, 249-257. Web.

Krumrei-Mancuso, E. J. (2018). Humility in servant leadership among Christian student leaders: A longitudinal pilot study. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 46(4), 253-267. Web.

Lu, J., Zhang, Z., & Jia, M. (2019). Does servant leadership affect employees’ emotional labor? A social information-processing perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(2), 507-518. Web.

Newstead, T., Dawkins, S., Macklin, R., & Martin, A. (2019). The virtues project: An approach to developing good leaders. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-18. Web.

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BusinessEssay. "Journal of Practicum Experience." November 17, 2022.