Management Changes and Fads

Since the time and situations never remain the same, every organization ought to introduce new changes and developments to keep it in line with the ever-changing circumstances and market trends. Therefore, many companies develop and implement their strategic plan to bring on the change and adapt innovative techniques to remain in the competition and keep on striving. As a result, some get fruitful results, whereas some face massive confrontations in implementing change, further producing conflict and disobeying, which leads to decreased performance.

I believe that organizations can bring change and stability with no or fewer confrontations if they take care of specific issues, such as employee involvement, effective and suitable culture, demographics, and proper communication. The strategies and new techniques adopted by the company fail due to these issues because the main asset of a company is its employees who are there to run it, so if they feel a sense of insecurity or uncertainty, then, of course, they would confront and would react poorly to the new system. Employees engage in organizational change (Daft, 1997) for specific reasons; first, they perceive a loss of their self-interest; second, they don’t understand the intended purpose correctly; third, they lack information about future events. And fourth, they perceive the implementation idea differently. This results in conflict within the organization and resistance to change.

Considering the above discussion, suppose there are two FMCG, and both are to introduce a new change. However, before designing or implementing change, one company considers its employee’s involvement, provides them with complete information and purpose, points out the advantages that the company and the employees would get after the implementation of change, and considers the laws, regulations, and cultural and demographic issues for it. Whereas the other company does not do so, even if they both have sound strategies and plans to adopt, the second one would fail by facing conflict and confrontations to change. So to bring a balanced relationship between the change and stability, an organization must consider the issues mentioned above; that can be done by adopting the following methods of conflict and instability.

To avoid conflict (McShane & Travaglione, 2003) within the organization, the company would have to reduce differentiation, increase resources, clarify rules and procedures, and improve communication and understanding. Moreover, the goal incompatibility can be reduced by introducing superordinate goals by which employees stick to the common objective beneficial to the organizations than to their different departments. Talking about the methods to manage conflict, companies can introduce Force Field Analysis. First, they can determine the primary factors restraining organizational change; this analysis has three stages: Unfreezing, Changing, and Refreezing. The change agent brings the disequilibrium between the driving and restraining forces in the first stage. In the second, the change is made according to the need and feasibility, and finally, the new systems and conditions are introduced that reinforce the desired behavior.

Other strategies to manage change include communicating correctly with the employees about their problems and new change, training them so that they can work efficiently with the new structure and system, asking for recommendations for the transition from employees, diagnosing and reducing their worries about change by having stress management sessions, negotiating with them where they don’t agree with the point, or the company can use coercion with which employees are told either to adapt to change or leave the organization.

Consequently, by abiding by the strategies mentioned above, the organizations can ensure the new change and the stability among the workforce and organizational culture, which would benefit the company to keep itself up with the competition and achieve its newly set goals and objectives.


Daft. R. L. (1997). Management. Fourth Edition. U.S.A. The Dryden Press.

McShane. S. and Travaglione. T. (2003). Organisational Behavior on the Pacific Rim. Australia. McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Limited.

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BusinessEssay. (2024, December 21). Management Changes and Fads.

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BusinessEssay. "Management Changes and Fads." December 21, 2024.