Managing Information System


I thank the Almighty Lord for granting me peace and grace in the period of my research. God has always been faithful, loving; he is a constant source of my endless love to him. May HIS love reign every day, AMEN.

I would also like to express my sincere appreciation for the professional guidance and academic support which have been offered by my lecturers. Their opinion has enabled me and given me the patience to carry out extensive research on the issue. Besides, I appreciate the contributions and support of my friends, my family members, and my partner who has remained solidly behind every move I make.

Thank you all.


I hereby declare that this report is my research except for the references as cited. The work has never been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for other assessments.


This paper explores an understanding of information management systems facing organizations in England and across the globe. Besides, the treatise applauds the ways by which these systems can be employed in ensuring organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Also, the paper defines the scope and objective requirements of an organization from which the information system is expected to operate. Besides, the paper expounds on a technical piece of advice on the introduction, use, and development of e-business and computer-oriented information systems. The paper highlights the tools, methodologies, and techniques relevant and applicable in managing information technology application projects. Besides, the paper expounds on the relationship between change and information system organization in the modern business environment. To understand the shift in methodology, the paper discusses the two main variables of information location and decision making criteria for organizations. In conclusion, this reflective module attempts to develop a comprehensive information management system of understanding enhanced organizational bundles of efficiencies supporting competitiveness.

Thus, this research paper presents a comprehensive information management system model that is most appropriate and sustainable for the smooth operation of Pampers Logistic Limited firm where I am working as the Information manager.

Keywords: Communication management systems, Models of communication management, and Operation of communication systems.


Background of the study

Often, emerging paradigm shifts in organization and storage of information call for multiple complementary changes in the dimension of information and communication system modeling decisions to be made by the relevant management department in a firm. This is dependent on the cost of designing and maintaining a sustainable model of the information system, thus, the MIS solution of information transfer (Bocij, P.etal, 2003). As part of this evaluation, analysis of various organizational structures laid down to support, govern, and analyze implications of a paradigm shift in information and communication technology should be part of the decision criterion. Processing and transmission of information also depend on the design in place, decision faculty, and efficiency in the collocation of rights of information modeling. A sudden alteration in the information system model is projected to attract radical structure change for the better when the decisions for remodeling are made in an efficient insightful planning facet. In retrospect, there is a need to addresses the variant interaction facets influencing the implementation of different information management models (Chaffey, 2010).

Purpose of the study

Despite quantifiable progress in the MIS solution, the interpretation of economic aspects of information management remains in infancy. Therefore, a successful, modern, and efficient information system model requires narrowing the gap between economic viability research and optimal performance of a chosen model of information system management. The midst of information system transformation is the organizational framework. In the modern business environment, organized firms present a hierarchical order of vertical integration and flexibility for industrial and internal departmental structures. Work is simplified by properly planned, well-executed, observable smaller units and networks controlled from a central point. For instance, a canonical example is the operation of a computer system (Bocij, 2003). Thus, this research study aims at developing a convenient, efficient, secure, and cost-effective information system for Pampers Logistics Limited. This is meant to ensure the firm remains relevant and competitive in service provision (International Journal of Information Management, 2011).

Problem statement

In the past, IBM and Digital Equipment dominated the industry of providing information management systems that were affordable to many firms operating on their market value chain. This included the production of processors operating in the vertically aligned management structure. However, in the recent past, this has been replaced by layers of system orientations arranged in series that are easy to monitor. This is necessitated by value coalitions of specialization to facilitate competence and tactical strategic operation. Internally, team structured system management is soon erasing the vertical order arrangement. To achieve security and efficiency in information management systems, there is a need to find out the most appropriate collection of information systems and models that can offer optimal Pareto efficiency in data management and communication network. (International Journal of Information Management, 2011).

Theoretical frameworks

According to Laudon ( 2007), Information systems are a set of components that retrieve, process, distribute and store information which is essential in the informed decision-making process and management of an organization( Laudon & Laudon, 2007). The main part of the communication system is the computer system consisting of software and hardware. Software controls the operating systems of a computer, while the hardware component forms the physical computer system. The software component is essential in developing security programs, operation systems, and utility support system management. Bocij (2003), states that software’s can be modified to perform the required information processing need and management while at the same time, monitoring security and access of the customized site (Bocij P.etal, 2003).

Research Hypothesis

Networks in computer systems link computers to facilitate the sharing of sources and information within a location. Examples of a network include internet linking the entire globe, intranet for internal business network, and extranet for a private user either in a firm or an organization. Thus, the hypothesis of this study is to find out the most appropriate and secure information management system relevant to the business climate of the twenty-first century. (International Journal of Information Management, 2011).

Literature Review

Metamorphosis of information management systems

Information systems have evolved over the past years due to technological innovations and the need to maintain relevance. In the period between 3500 BC and 1450 AD, written language dominated as a means of communication. After this era, mass publication in what was referred to as the Gutenberg press dominated until the mid of the 20th century. After the Second World War, electric power facilitated the automation of communication systems until the early 80s (Bocij, et al, 2003). Following the launch of personal computers, microprocessors, spreadsheets, and word processing, mass interaction replaced automation for almost a decade. Alongside these inventions, the communication environment developed infrastructures to support the functioning of the mass interaction instruments. These structures included LAN, GUI, and WAN. As the population discovered the power of information, the internet, and the World Wide Web turned the world into a global IT village as the population universally endorsed the need for efficiency and effectiveness in communication. Besides, Silicon Valley has undergone a metamorphosis to its present venture capital form (Bocij et al, 2003).

Components and Expenditure on Information Systems

The various products of these changes include internet components such as eBay, Yahoo, and Google. Also, the software component of Silicon Valley includes the Sun, Oracle, and Electronic Arts which were used to develop social sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, among others (Bocij, P.etal, 2003). In the findings of Laudon’s research, the expenditure on information technology usage was forecasted at approximately $1,900 billion. The manufacturing echelon spent $ 433 billion followed by the financial services at $ 503 billion. Also, the communication, services, and retail trade spent 202, 172, and 211 billion dollars respectively during the same period. As a percentage, the financial service provision led at 26% followed by manufacturing. The retail segment was the least at 11 % (Bocij, P.etal, 2003). An Information System is an interrelated component and works simultaneously to process, distribute, and store information that is essential in supporting control and informed decision-making process. The choice of a model of information management in an organization is controlled by performance and optimal bundles of efficiency.

Performance of Management of information models

Neely (2002), asserts that financial models can be used in measuring the efficiency of an information management model for balancing output and inputs of the operational matrix. The right balance of quantitative and qualitative data facilitates decision making after an analysis, sorting, collation, interpretation, and dissemination of quantitative data bundles. A good information management team provides a strong supporting system for the interpolation of data (Kennerley and Neely, 2002). When an institution assembles a holistic team of performance management monitoring, solutions are within boundaries for such a company.

This system is quantifiable when determining the security of data and infrastructure support. A balanced information management system provides a succinct segmentation of organization structures monitoring performance. Due to its multiple dimensionalities, it can comprehensively integrate the hierarchy and functionality. When properly executed, the information management system can focus on costs, satisfactory levels, usage, and quality of services for mutual benefits. Consequently, this is a meaningful inconsistent and systematic review of signal indicators of security and confidentiality. This process becomes viable when interacted with strategic performance indicators for impact creation (Kennerley and Neely, 2002).

Ethical and Environmental in Information Management

Organizational culture is important in maintaining the identity and cutting a niche in the competitive market. Organizational culture involves the unique blend of expected behavior as stipulated by the company’s code of conduct (Managing Information Systems). These conducts are designed in consideration of ethics of work, the confidentiality of information, and responsibility with company property. Generally, ethics determine the nature and dynamism of a workforce. Therefore, proper ethics orientation promotes organizational culture. Communication lines and information systems is a stable choice for passing down information. For instance, a mid-size company can manage the use and misuse of their intranet by limiting and monitoring deviant behavior among employees. Upon installation of tracking software, an attempt to log into irrelevant sites is immediately detected and signals sent to the main server from where the IP address for that computer can be viewed (Laudon & Laudon, 2007). Here, information systems are more efficient in managing the privacy of the company’s data bank and monitoring the progress of departmental sections.


Managers are entrusted with sound decision making on behalf of a company. Before a decision is adopted, swot analysis must be carried out to determine the consistency and viability of such a decision. For a decision to be viable, it must be positively skewed on Pareto efficiency bundles of operation. To develop a sound information management system, the managers are the focal point of designing systems. By use of open-ended questionnaires, the research target junior managers in the IT department who operates and monitor the intranet network. The use of questionnaires is the most appropriate method of data collection due to the smaller sample size. Questions to ask include the suggestion of the most appropriate information management system in the current business operation management. Besides, issues on security and performance of a variety of information models are included (Business Information Management). After collection, swot analysis using qualitative regression and correlation analysis of the various responses are factored in drawing an inference. The finding revealed that employees of Pampers Logistics Limited would rather prefer an internal network system to an outsourced hosting model (Keen, 2002).

Discussion and Analysis

Modelling influences on information management environment

Explanations of the variance brought about by paradigm shift in information management systems vary across different firms. A flexible technological system is a prerequisite for optimal achievement of service provision. A good system should be low in overhead inventory maintenance charges (Business Information Management). Each firm is unique to the desired information management system. Thus, it would be unprofitable to adopt a piecemeal evolution for an organizational design. As a result of competitive pressure, Pampers Logistics Limited should operate with an intranet network system controlled from the main server. It would not be cost-effective to outsource the complex global model of information management system since it requires more manpower in control and operation.

Due to changes in consumer’s preferences e and spending habits, mass marketing can be easily facilitated by an intranet network. The growth of IT solution systems is a result of the need to operate efficiently and remain relevant, competitive, and profitable in the face of uncertainty. New information management technology allows managers to widen their scope of control, and multitask (Schniederjans & Others, 2004). Besides, a well-organized information system saves a firm the labor of involving many people to control, and keep data. The intranet system requires fewer numbers or levels of managerial hierarchies. In today’s business environment, companies face the challenge of balancing and flattening the managerial structure pyramid. The redundant and disorganized managers can be monitored from the main server. The constant growth of information against a slower rate of processing has led to companies experiencing information explosion (Schniederjans & Others, 2004).

It is necessary to put into consideration the cost of running an information management system against an economic activity as a means of tracking sustainability. Pampers Logistics Limited in this case is the information processing institution. By embracing a new information system, it liberates its departments and facilitates decentralization in decision making while monitoring management awareness (Swart & Kinnie, 2003). Generally, this can create a free atmosphere for creativity, ingenuity, and motivation. As the information manager, my duty would only then be to offer guidance and professional leadership, remodel information growth strategies, and revitalize goals and expectations from the staff (Tapscott & Others, 2008).

Often, new changes in information management are expected to bring on board fresh ideas and approaches for structural functioning. This distinctive structural separation organizes units of information economics and communication needs across minimized complexity. In the end, these work hand in hand to lower hidden costs to manageable levels. Moreover, the interaction between the old model and the new efficient model facilitates tradeoffs from the less flexible, low quality, and less responsive system to a more efficient, friendly, secure, and customized (Swart & Kinnie, 2003). Due to reduced costs, it is projected that the IT system will skew towards a stable networking system that can be connected to the client’s server. Such a computing relationship has been made possible by the organizational transition. Having the responsibility of unifying and securing the system, I intend to collectively develop an intra-organizational network.

Technology can positively shift decisions (Tapscott & Others, 2008). If not properly monitored, information management systems are prone to information overload. As the speed of computers increase, humans are substituted by information systems. Once these systems are filled with information, the company is assured of safety and accuracy in stored data for a very long period. Computers process information in larger quantities at a faster rate than human beings. Information systems can be used to carry out many transactions at the same time. For instance, computer-generated e-banking and online banking have transformed the financial sector from the traditional era to a fast, reliable, and cheaper option. In light of this research, information overload may be assigned for monotony when reviewing the manager’s information cost. Arranging for the most appropriate incentives for empowered employee’s networks (Tapscott & Others, 2008).

System recommendation and implementation

A combination of hardware, software, and networks forms a complete information system. Information systems are essential in strategic business management as key drivers of operational excellence in terms of quality and speed of data processing. I recommend the use of an intranet network system to be managed from the main server by the company’s IT experts. This is due to the following reasons (Brown, 2004).

Products and Services Marketing

A company in need of marketing manpower may resort to an online advertisement for their new and existing products, business models, and services (Newell & Others, 2002). This mode of advertisement is relatively cheaper and reaches an extensive network of potential customers within a shorter time frame. Notwithstanding, a customized information system can give an accurate decision provided that the program is compatible with the decision-making criterion bundle. A top-notch information system offers a competitive advantage over other competitors who luck ultra-modern business solution information technology applications. Also, the objective of survival and compliance with legal requirements can be met when an organization adopts a secured and reliable computer monitoring system (Newell & Others, 2002). A proper network system should have a data bank and a backup substitution. With an organized system, it is easier and more reliable to track the workforce, purchases, sales, and profitability within a set period. From these, an organization is empowered to forecast and project on Pareto efficiency and optimization as part of the sustainability objective (Sharp, 2011).

Benefits as a contemporary Asset

Apart from the above benefits information systems are a complementary asset to an organization. For instance, an online payroll software program has become a necessity in the accounting management business model (Newell & Others, 2009). To facilitate payment processing while at the same time tracking accuracy in record keeping, accountants, auditors, and managers are empowered by the information act to model appropriate business processes dependant on information systems. It is necessary to put into consideration the cost of running an information management system against an economic activity as a means of tracking sustainability. Pampers Logistics Limited in this case is the information processing institution. By embracing a new information system, it liberates its departments and facilitates decentralization in decision making while monitoring management awareness

Fostering Organizational Culture

Generally, ethics determine the nature and dynamism of a workforce. Therefore, proper ethics orientation promotes organizational culture (Newell & Others, 2009). Communication lines and information systems is a stable choice for passing down information. For instance, a mid-size company can manage the use and misuse of their intranet by limiting and monitoring deviant behavior among employees. Upon installation of tracking software, an attempt to log into irrelevant sites is immediately detected and signals sent to the main server from where the IP address for that computer can be viewed (Laudon & Laudon, 2007). Here, information systems are more efficient in managing the privacy of the company’s data bank and monitoring the progress of departmental sections.

Threats to this system and recommendations

This system of information management is secure and easy to manage. However, it is prone to manipulation by the administrators who have personal interests above the company’s agenda. Besides, they have full access to the network connected to the global internet. Thus, unprofessional and unethical issues of misuse of a certain site for personal entertainment may compromise this system. Since the system is managed from one point, challenges of information overloading may slow down its efficiency when many people are using the system at the same time. In the recent past, hacking has been a serious challenge towards securing and privatizing company information. Since the system uses simple assortments of intranet components, hackers may crack the system password and render its operation null and void. Also, this system requires technical know-how to coordinate and operate it. Also, the system is prone to misuse by employees who double up as its administrators since they can change passwords at will (Boddy, 2008).

Conclusion and Recommendations

In summary, ethical issues in the information management system are key. Ethical facets include company culture, professionalism, and responsibility in the use of the system. Through the adoption of the Kaizen rule, the employees would be made aware of the consequences of information system misuse. Generally, the Kaizen rule provides a systematic guideline for what is considered professional and responsible assignment execution. The research paper has successfully discussed the most appropriate decision rights and information location. The default methodology to use depends on an individual. However, this must be in line with the laws governing information system management models.

The role of this system is to develop a scheme of operation that is efficient, organized, and informed when choosing from different bundles of decision making designates. It is important to note the difference between transferring decisions and transferring information. Each section of the paper addresses specific issues related to information technology. Insight is a product of explicit interaction. When an institution assembles a holistic team of performance management monitoring, solutions are within boundaries for such a company. This system is quantifiable when determining the security of data and infrastructure support. A balanced information management system provides a succinct segmentation of organization structures monitoring performance. Good communication and information management system should be accommodative, efficient, and secure in usage and data storage. I focus to implement this model within two years.

The literature used in this paper seeks to explore the performance of businesses. Introducing information and technology open brand new ways to handle and make business, it also helps increase and improve business processes, which turn out to be very effective, as well as reduce costs for handling businesses.

We have looked at various points, such as “highlighting the issues faced by managers in identifying, capturing, and systematizing information to improve organizational performance” (Sharp, 2011). The way to make organizational performance better through their exploring, and examining solutions to simplify problems have also been emphasized in the current paper.

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