OneSteel Manufactory in Sydney, Coles, and Woolworth

OneSteel Trip

What were the issues dominating your reflection?

The main idea of this reflection is to dwell upon my visit to OneSteel manufactory located in Sydney. I should say that the most important issues which bothered me while my visit were safety aspects and technology. Being a dangerous place to stay without special protective clothing, we were informed about particular norms of behavior at that manufacturing and we were given gloves, glasses and helmets, to protect us from the dangerous effect of the place. Two people followed us to help and warn about danger if it was necessary. Top-quality safety organization is based on the idea that if something goes wrong, people may get numerous injuries, so it is better to prevent hazards than cope with the outcomes. Highlighting the technologies, I should state that they are constantly updating. I noticed tracks, aeration and water system, the supersonic oxygen lance, a pile of scrap metal using a 10-ton electromagnet and other specific equipment which helped the company continue its production of the highest level.

What were the most valuable lessons you have learned this week?

Remembering the trip, I should say that working in a team and the use of innovative technologies in operation management are two specific lessons I learned. It was impossible to manage the production without a good team and a leader. Moreover, perfectly tooled operation management helped us understand the process of manufacturing superficially.

How can you apply what you have learned to your work, or studies (past, present or future)?

The tour to OneSteel was introductory, however, I got some specific information which may be helpful for me in the future. Having an intention to work in the sphere of logistics and supply chain management, a trip to the manufacturing helped me consider how OneSteel runs some specific processes. Thus, I managed to analyze a domestic market of the company and check the possibilities for making orders. I visited an operation room and considered the process of steelmaking. This information does not impact my future profession directly, but the knowledge I got may be useful for me as the understanding of the manufacturing process is important for those who plan delivery of the products.

What are the barriers to the application of the lessons?

I should say that I thought about two specific barriers which prevented me from applying those lessons, such as language and skill. The overcoming of those two barriers is the main challenge for me in the nearest future. I faced a language barrier when the communication dealt with a team work. I understand that language problem is a serious barrier which should be considered within as soon as possible. Skill barrier is also a challenge I should overcome as absence of appropriate experience in dealing with particular problems caused a number of problems. Thus, I did not have enough knowledge in operational management, so I did not understand some information which was told to us.

What are the connections of these lessons to other subjects or experiences?

Being focused on organization behavior at the moment, the trip to One Steel helped me see some specific lessons I learnt at class at practice. Thus, I understood that only good corporate organization and supportive environment may help employees feel comfortable and protected even working in dangerous conditions. I also got to know that having created the norms of behavior at the company, it is important to follow those norms without exclusions for anybody. Discipline and punishment in case of rules violation is one of the main restrictions for employees. Still, this is the only condition for safety implementation at the dangerous manufacturing. Theory and practice are closely interconnected, therefore the ability to see the whole process of manufacturing in such scope is going to help me understand theoretical issues better.

How have the sessions confirmed or changed your ideas about operations or logistics management?

This trip to OneSteel helped me understand that no matter how huge the manufacturing is and how many tasks it has to perform, only strong discipline and successfully organized operational management may create a strong manufacturing of any scope. This trip confirmed my convictions that only structured work with team-leader organization may be successful. I was always sure that the manufacturing process is closely interconnected and the break of one particular machine can lead to the cessation of the whole production process. The attendance of the manufacturing has just confirmed my belief.

What are the gaps in your knowledge and how might you attend to these gaps?

The application for this trip is connected with my future profession, operational management and logistics as I managed to see in practice how huge manufacturing is run. There were some things which prevented me from learning some particular information about the use of innovative technologies, but it was connected with security at the manufacturing. Moreover, it was impossible to learn everything within those several hours which we spent in the company. I always believed that such huge manufacturing should be organized by many people, even though the innovative technologies are implemented. Having attended OneSteel manufacturing I understood and appropriate organization, good discipline and safety at the manufacturing may be organized by a small department of organizational management who manage to deal with many processes. I understood that it is possible to maintain safety at the company where the working conditions require much attention due to dangerous manufacturing. However, there is steel one gap in the manufacturing process which should be solved. Even if one machine breaks, the whole manufacturing process stops.


What were the issues dominating your reflection?

The dominant issues I want to discuss about Coles are connected with computerization and mechanization of the distributing process. The presentation helped consider the distribution process of a big retailing organization, I got to know how the products are distributed without human assistance. The mechanization and the use of various innovative technologies in logistics make the delivery processes faster while human intervention is reduced to minimum. Computerization has become an inevitable part of any business. The ability to check everything within several minutes and to organize information and documentation about delivery and distribution of the products at Coles is important. Cores managed to become a leader is Australian food retailing due to those two parameters connected with top quality custom service and supply chain.

What were the most valuable lessons you have learned this week?

Having attended Cores, I have understood that appropriate and on time delivery, good management of warehouses and stress on necessary components are the most important processes which guarantee success. I have learnt this week that implementation of innovations and mechanizations at the manufactory without strong control is impossible. Looking at the delivery and distribution processes in Coles, managing the fullness of the warehouses and on time informing appropriate departments about future shortage of the products is impossible without computerization of the process. I have also understood that mechanization is impossible without computerization, however, human labor cannot be eliminated. The functions of control should be laid on specialists, nevertheless, the role of computers should not be underestimated.

How can you apply what you have learned to your work, or studies (past, present or future)?

The information I learnt while attending Cores is directly connected with my studies and with my future profession as well. I have learnt much about supply chain management of the store, its control issues, philosophy and decision making guide, its mechanization, performance measures and transportation aspects. All this information is extremely important in logistics and operation management as these two disciplines and my future profession requires to be aware of as much information as possible. The information I learnt while watching the presentation about the warehouses of Cores may be used for better understanding of theoretical knowledge. Moreover, while future employment, I will be able to apply the received experience to the company I would be hired to.

What are the barriers to the application of the lessons?

The lessons learnt from Coles presentation face several barriers. One of the main barriers to the application of the lessons is the fact that the information is too specific and cannot be applied at the manufacturing. Coles is a food retailer and the warehousing there differs from the warehousing at manufacturing. One of the main peculiarities is timing, as food has much shorter expiration date. Moreover, the language problem in my case remains crucial. The reaction to some specific situations should be immediate, but the inability for me to understand what is required prevents me from reaching the final goal. It is important to know that machines and technologies at the retailer are different and absence of appropriate knowledge and skills may cause serious problems.

What are the connections of these lessons to other subjects or experiences?

Remembering the attendance to OneSteel, I should say that Coles presentation enlarged my knowledge in supply chain management. The process of operation management at the manufacturing and at the food retailing has the same idea, however, the practices used are different. Moreover, the knowledge about supply chain management I have got about Coles can help me study harder as logistics and operation management is impossible without application of supply chain management knowledge. Considering Coles presentation, I checked the challenges the company should face (the process of replenishing that had to match demand and supply). I understood such processes could not be completed without theoretical knowledge, thus studying should become the priority for me to be able to organize the delivery of the products in the future with success.

How have the sessions confirmed or changed your ideas about operations or logistics management?

I have never thought much about food retailing seriously, however this presentation encouraged me to reconsider my point of view. I always believed that operation management and logistics for food retailing is similar to other manufacturing. Still, Coles presentation changed my perception. Time and appropriate conditions for delivery are much more important when dealing with food than with manufacturing of other products which do not have too short expiration date. Therefore, I understood that it is important to get more knowledge in the process of supply management when dealing with different types of products.

What are the gaps in your knowledge and how might you attend to these gaps?

The information learnt about Cores may be applied for this lesson. Learning operational management and supply chain management, I have understood that it is important to apply theoretical knowledge to practice as it helps think constructively. As I have already mentioned, my opinion about food market has changed. I believed that there was no specific difference in the type of manufacturing. At the same time, I confirmed my consideration that mechanization is impossible without computerization, however, human labor is important as well. The main idea for human assistance is a control of the process of delivery and distribution. One of the main gaps is the absence of practical skills in controlling organizational processes in food retailing where time plays much role. This gap may be fulfilled with considering more theoretical data about different types of business and logistics there and by means to trips to other places and gaining more experience there. Moreover, I need to pursue further studies, so in supply chain management to keep me abreast with upcoming issues as relates to my career line.


What were the issues dominating your reflection?

The issues which are going to dominate my reflection are going to be connected with human resource management, and particularly with employment and training and development, and innovative technologies. The presentation devoted to Woolworth, helped me get to know much about the specifics of human resource management in the company which allows it remain one of the most desired employer in Australia. Moreover, the specific attitude to the clients (a merit to the human resource management as well) helped a supermarket become the place where fresh food is always available and each customer is treated in a unique way.

What were the most valuable lessons you have learned this week?

This week I have learnt much about principles of employment and the importance of training and development. Even though we talked much about Woolworth’s advances in refrigeration technology, more attention was paid to human resource management. I learnt how to become a company with 188,000 hired people who want to get trained. Learning the principles of human resource management, I got to know that the opportunity for career development may be a good motivation for increasing employees’ knowledge and encouraging for further studying. Moreover, I have learnt that employing multicultural and diversified roster of employees, a company creates positive image among potential workers. Additionally, spending much finance on training and employees’ development does not mean spending money in vain. If training is conducted appropriately, in accordance with a specific plan, this financial input is going to be returned.

How can you apply what you have learned to your work, or studies (past, present or future)?

Logistics and operation management, like any profession, are connected with human resource management. Absence of appropriate training and development, the inability to run adequate employment strategy may lead to the problems in the department. Thus, the information considered about training and development and the process of employment may be used in the future professional work. Moreover, using the strategies successfully applied in Woolworth, I will be able to succeed, especially if attention is paid to program development and application to my working process.

What are the barriers to the application of the lessons?

However, it seems rather difficult to apply the learnt lessons in the reality due to high cost of training and development. Some time should pass in order an employer could see the advantages of training and financial input began to pay off. Trying to use the strategies of Woolworth while employment, it may also be difficult for small companies which are unable to have high number of elderly and disabled people due to lower performance capacity. This may be the barrier which can be hardly changed. Therefore, each company should evaluate its possibilities and only after this choose employment strategy, training and development opportunities, etc.

What are the connections of these lessons to other subjects or experiences?

Human resource management is the discipline which is closely connected with any work where people are involved in the process. Thus, it is difficult to imagine a vacancy where human resource management should not be referred to. No matter where I am going to work, knowledge and experience in the problem under discussion are going to be extremely helpful. Furthermore, paying attention to operation management or logistics, it is difficult to imagine a good working process without sufficient human resource management.

How have the sessions confirmed or changed your ideas about operations or logistics management?

The information about the employment of disabled and old people made me reconsider some specific aspects of human resource management. The reasons are strong and it is impossible to ague the issue that large companies should employ such people as they have an opportunity to do it. However, as I believed, small companies are unable to act in such a way as the working productivity of disabled and elderly people is much lower. Thus, providing operation management or logistics services within a small company it should apply such people the image of the organization is going to increase.

What are the gaps in your knowledge and how might you attend to these gaps?

Being aware of the general facts about employment and training and development, the today’s lesson may be applied to further consideration of the problem. I have learnt just the smallest part of human resource development issues and much should be also considered. I changed my point of view about employing elderly and disabled people, however I can agree to such steps only in large companies. I am convinced that small companies are unable to cover additional expenses caused by means of employing people who are unable to perform their obligations in the whole volume. I should learn more about the principles of human resource management to fulfill the gap I have in my knowledge now. I am convinced that to know the strategies for human resource management is not enough. One should be able to understand when the situation is appropriate for specific actions. More practice and research conducted on the basis of the already existing methods applied in other specific organizations may be useful for gaining more experience.

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BusinessEssay. (2025, January 25). OneSteel Manufactory in Sydney, Coles, and Woolworth.

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"OneSteel Manufactory in Sydney, Coles, and Woolworth." BusinessEssay, 25 Jan. 2025,


BusinessEssay. (2025) 'OneSteel Manufactory in Sydney, Coles, and Woolworth'. 25 January.


BusinessEssay. 2025. "OneSteel Manufactory in Sydney, Coles, and Woolworth." January 25, 2025.

1. BusinessEssay. "OneSteel Manufactory in Sydney, Coles, and Woolworth." January 25, 2025.


BusinessEssay. "OneSteel Manufactory in Sydney, Coles, and Woolworth." January 25, 2025.