Staffing and Training Development Process

General Aspects

It seems reasonable to state that within the scope of staffing, non-compensatory and compensatory approaches can be formulated as follows. The latter implies that during the processes of hiring, decisions regarding whether to give a chance to an employee takes into account positive and negative attributes of them. It means that there is the opportunity to consider alternatives in the framework of positive attributes compensating the negative ones. Such an approach contributes to a great extent of flexibility in terms of HR practices and is relevant, for instance, for national retailers that follow liberal strategy in this vein (Conte & Landy, 2019). Then, non-compensatory methods adhere to the principle that if a potential or actual employee does not meet particular criteria, they cannot be hired or kept within a company, respectively. This strategy is suitable for organizations that appeal to firm and strict rules regarding their staffing affairs.

Then, a number of efficient ways in which staffing outcomes are evaluated should be depicted. In the company, each employee develops typical behavior in work situations. The decisive situation assessment method involves the analysis of employee behavior on a 5 or 10-point scale. Based on the data obtained, the points are summed up and HR receives a rating of employees for the correct behavior in decisive situations. Further, there is the rank method, the basis of which is the scaling of the employee’s personal qualities. It is used to understand how he or she fits the position (Conte & Landy, 2019). When conducting a ranked assessment, it is important to rely on the employee’s job descriptions. The analysis of the employee’s work takes into account the time spent on tasks, the quality of their implementation, the speed of decision-making and the amount of material resources used.

The testing method helps to determine the qualifications of the employee, his or her personal qualities and physiological characteristics. Testing is convenient because it can be used to quantify most of the evaluation criteria. In addition, it is possible to process the result using a computer. Using the testing method, the HR specialist receives complete information about the employee and can decide how best to work with him to obtain the most effective results. In addition, it is possible to foresee the behavior of an employee in various work situations and understand whether he corresponds to the corporate culture of the company and the team.

There are several legal issues that are to be mentioned at this point. The crucial ones are related to employee misclassification, discrimination, wage, hours, immigration, and contracts with clients. It should be noted that personnel service employees perform daily work related to the hiring, dismissal of employees, and their timely transfer to another job (Conte & Landy, 2019). These employees also need to prevent the emergence of conflict situations associated with violations of admission, dismissal, etc. One of the main conditions for the effective work of the personnel department is a clear regulation of the rights and obligations of all participants in labor relations.

This can be achieved only by establishing legal norms of a centralized or local nature. Recently, the sphere of local regulation of relations related to the work of personnel services has been expanding. Regulatory support for personnel work is equipping personnel service employees with the necessary regulatory legal documents that establish norms and rules of behavior in a specific field of activity (Conte & Landy, 2019). Legal means as elements of legal support include regulatory legal acts and legal norms enshrined by them, as well as individual legal acts and the prescriptions contained therein, regulating the powers and activities of personnel service employees.

Training Development Process


The first step may be formulated as the need to set purposes of the anticipated training development process. The following aspects can be determined – quality and productivity od staff; foundation for employee reserves; workers’ development. It seems reasonable to notice that the format of training usually defines its efficiency; hence, it should be chosen appropriately. If there is a big organization, as is the case with a national retailer, its departments are all around the country and the staff is ok with various computer programs, one can focus on distance learning.

It is essential to prepare training courses and related activities. Organizations that possess their own employee development centers often create their particular training approaches. The latter ones are to fully align with the needs and requirements of a firm, as well as to be done professionally. In other cases, it would be better to appeal to courses provided by competent trainers. Thus, it is crucial to hire and prepare these trainers; however, it seems rational t note that the training processes are arranged by both in-house trainers and outsiders (Conte & Landy, 2019). If companies have their own trainers who can teach, it is critical to monitor their capabilities and competencies, undertaking various improvements for their qualifications on a regular basis. In the aftermath, they can be considered as employees as well, and the relevance of the actual skills is crucial.


The next step is to conduct an analysis and approve training schedules and programs. A number of organizations run the mentioned programs during weekends. However, they are ready to compensate for this time by providing some extra days to the following vacations. Employee training can be undertaken in the form of the following options. First, these are constant briefings – generalized information regarding the potential and actual functionalities. With this approach, it is easier to take new positions and soften the adaptation to new workplaces.

Second, it is mentoring, which implies the training of young specialists by experienced employees. They, for an exact period of time, are assigned to newcomers, taking patronage over them. Then, there are conferences and seminars that provide the staff with the opportunity to figure out solutions to issues through brainstorming. During the seminars, the lecture materials are consolidated, as well as their understanding is verified. In many cases, these seminars are conducted in the form of active conversations within the scope of a particular theme (Conte & Landy, 2019). This allows them to consider the latter from different perspectives, analyzing complicated issues.


At the next stage, one should consolidate and assess the covered materials. It would be reasonable to state that the appropriate way to test competencies is testing. The answers are firmly fixed, and any disagreements with them can be easily challenged. After this process is completed, one can analyze the learning outcomes and take stock. All employees who have finished the training may be asked to fill out questionnairies that would define the extent of their satisfaction with courses (Conte & Landy, 2019). Moreover, the necessity for further training activities and advancement of the current ones may be revealed. Given the obtained results, staff reshuffles can be undertaken, wages may be changed, or some employees can be even fired. Such an approach would keep them motivated to improve themselves in various areas.


Conte, J. M. & Landy, F. J. (2019). Work in the 21st century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology (6th ed.). Wiley.

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BusinessEssay. (2023, March 9). Staffing and Training Development Process.

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1. BusinessEssay. "Staffing and Training Development Process." March 9, 2023.


BusinessEssay. "Staffing and Training Development Process." March 9, 2023.