Coca-Cola Company’s Quality Management Control

Identity of the organization

Coca-Cola is a multinational company with very strong roots in the United States. The reputation of the company around the globe is positive, and thus many people are bound to use its products. The branding of the company ‘Coca Cola’ is widely advertised in almost all agents of advertising like hats, billboards clothes, making it the greatest brand. The Coca-Cola refreshments are used by over a billion people in the world in a day, the propelling agent being its symbol ‘Coca Cola,’ which signifies Quality refreshment. The objective of the company is to conduct business around the globe while at the same time taking care of the interest of the local market.

The company’s philosophy is that its products cannot be substituted but by another product of their own. The products of Coca Cola Company are transacted by people who have been authorized by the company all over the globe.

The company does not own the bottling network around the globe but benefits majorly from the sale of the concentrate used to make the refreshments. The culture of the company revolves around coming up with successful marketing strategies and maintaining integrity as well as adjusting to the emerging challenges of the market. In every part of the globe, the company operates locally, and the company believes that all its employees and customers are their leaders within their respective communities.

Barriers of the organization

Because of the nature of the company and its ability to cut across the markets of the world, it has encountered several organizational setbacks. One of the major challenges is the entry of many competitors in the market with similar products. Cultural changes seem to be a hindrance in the efforts to implement quality control and hence the need to set up controls that respect the cultural values of all people.

The main challenger of the company is Pepsi, which offers a similar range of products at almost similar prices. Another challenge the company faces is its ability to manage risks associated with the business. The risks associated with quality management include; the risks of compliance with the environment; the risks associated with the availability of resources and energy; risks associated with policies; and risks associated with the internal management of the organization (.Loydn, 23)

Elaboration of the barriers

The entry of competitors into the market is a great quality risk because the management has to look for avenues to maintain business, the company has to look for ways of maintaining growth as well as reducing operating expenses.

The Coca-Cola company has encountered these quality challenges and put up quality control measures to reduce the effects of competition. The aim of using quality control measures in the organization is to come up with high-quality products at affordable prices as well as meeting the demands of the customers satisfactorily. The elements of managing risks in the company also pose a great risk to the quality of the services of the organization. Therefore, the company has to incorporate high moral values and accountability among its employees in its quality management plans.


An organization is said to have a quality culture when it strives to incorporate quality measures in its systems in order to create a good working environment for its workers and satisfied customers. Organizations encounter problems as they try to influence governments and consumers the benefit of understanding other cultures. Culture is demonstrated in several ways, which include the way people communicate, food, and beliefs.

An organization should, therefore, put into consideration the cultures of people as they design quality control so as to avoid cultural conflict. Brophy (51) clearly stated that a good approach to a quality culture in an organization is by having the management understand its significance and strife to implement the same in all levels of the organization. When the spirit of having a good culture starts with the management, there are high chances that the organization will embrace a good culture because the management understands the implications of adopting the system. The organization can offer training to enable the employees to adopt quality culture or through realization from the current challenges.

The coca-cola has ensured it attains a quality culture in providing its services by ensuring: the company, the distributors, and the customers benefit from its products; there is open and transparent communication in all its levels of management; every individual has access to procedures of operation; the success and setbacks of the business are regarded as learning experiences; and all stakeholders are focused on company processes. The above-listed elements of a good culture have helped the company attain much success and excellence in quality management.

Report on the findings

In my analysis of the company’s quality systems, I found out that the coca-cola company undertakes full measures to ensure that the right quantities of products are packaged, and packaging is of high quality to meet the market standards as well as win consumer confidence. The company modernized instruction design systems, which has enabled them to give clients what they want. The company ensures that there is consistency and reliability in the company procedures so that products of high quality are produced, which comply with set policies and regulations and company requirements.

The company has detailed measures to ensure that products produced are safe for consumption and are of high quality right from production to bottling and consumption. A system known as the Coca-Cola Management System (TCCS) is used to ensure that there are uniformity and steadfastness in production. The TCCM management program ensures that there is quality management of programs by regulating all operations to be of similar standards of production and supply. The system ensures that the final product meets the highest quality of the product, the environment of production, and health conditions.

The system has the goodwill of all the stakeholders of the company at all levels. It integrates the product guidelines and the objective of the business to ensure that the final product is safe and of high quality. From time to time, the company examines the relevance of its products to ensure that comply with the current regulations and are competitive in market. Due to the growing demand and technology in the food industry, the company has ensured that it updates its TCCS program so that it accommodates the most recent inventions (Buchanan, 122).


The management of the company has a lot of influence on procedures and culture of the company. As much as the company employees are aware of their roles, regulations and systems of the company is their way of life and hence their culture. To ensure that company culture is followed strictly, the company should organize seminars to sensitize their employees about the procedures of the company.

When the top management adopts a sceptical and doubtful ways, their employees will imitate the vices thinking they are relevant in the job. They will adopt these vices because they think it is the right thing to do to the managers. Therefore, it is the duty of management to set a good pace for the company by obeying the rules of the company so that other employees can stick to the culture of the organisation.


Chang (77) argued that in order for a company to realise quality management systems, the company should adopt the following procedures: to begin, the management has to have the goodwill to foster communication of ethics and develop laws and procedures that are consistent with the objectives of the company. Using this tactic will help address the issues of working in groups, creation of an open forum of discussion of policies and other arising issues.

I would also recommend that the management should introduce new rules in a systematic manner so that employees don’t see it as a means of dictating them. Before the management introduces new laws, it should highlight the relevance of the new laws to the company employees and to make them understand how the desired new laws will benefit the organisation. By closely monitoring employees and asking them what they want, the organisation will come up with programs and policies that suit their desires which will greatly enhance quality control in the organisation through the employees.

Encouraging cooperation among the employees can be very beneficial in transforming the culture of the organisation implying that an organisation should empower all the stakeholders to take active roles. In this regard, the coca cola company should set up recognition programs for individuals and organisations. The basis of these groups should not be entirely on monetary gain but to symbolise progress and success (Ekryt, 16).

In order for the company to succeed, the organisation should use inspection to monitor the progress of quality control systems. When a system is used to produce a given product for instance coca cola beverages, the final product should be assessed whether it conformed to all the requirements. Therefore this approach examines whether the existing program gives the desired products the quality expected of it. Finally, I advise the Coca Cola to include the quality of their products in the design stage. By doing it, they will win the confidence of customers.

Works cited

Brophy Coulling. Quality Management Organisation Managers. London: Aslib Gower, 1991.

Buchanan Marshall. Benchmarking Reference Services: step-by step. Medical Reference Services Quarterly.London: Mc Graw Hill, 2000.

Chang Johnson. Evaluating university libraries’ service quality. Nairobi: Mc Millan, 1996.

Ekryt Evans. The Management and Control of Quality. 3rd ed. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1996.

Loydn Armstrong. Customer focus – obtaining Customer Input In Total Quality Management in Organisation. Englewood, Colo: Libraries Unlimited, 1994.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, October 22). Coca-Cola Company's Quality Management Control.

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"Coca-Cola Company's Quality Management Control." BusinessEssay, 22 Oct. 2022,


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'Coca-Cola Company's Quality Management Control'. 22 October.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "Coca-Cola Company's Quality Management Control." October 22, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "Coca-Cola Company's Quality Management Control." October 22, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "Coca-Cola Company's Quality Management Control." October 22, 2022.