Contributing to a Management Training Manual


The current presentation focuses on the processes of problem-solving and decision-making for outlining the best resolutions for the workplace environment. In addition, it discusses how managers can enhance employee motivation in order to achieve higher performance levels.

Managerial Problem Solving & Decision Making

Problem Solving and Decision Making: The Connection Between Them

Problem-solving and decision-making are two vital managerial processes that are closely connected to each other. While problem-solving refers to the action of adjusting the current strategy to address the issues that hinder the achievement of necessary objectives, decision-making is the process of choosing a specific pathway to solve the complications (Lussier, 2017). Through problem-solving, it is possible to clarify the difficulties that prevent the individuals or companies from meeting their goals, establishing promising techniques to eliminate the problems. However, to decide which of the possible alternatives is the most beneficial, it is crucial to initiate decision-making (Lussier, 2017). Therefore, after the problem has been identified and possible resolutions were suggested using problem-solving, decision-making has to be implemented to select the most suitable solution method, making these processes interrelated.

Problem Solving and Decision Making: The Role of Creativity

Finding resolutions to present issues often requires an appropriate level of creativity. Defined as a tendency to produce novel and distinct ideas, creativity is a vital part of the problem-solving process, as it enables individuals to approach the existing complications from a different perspective (Lussier, 2017). Obstacles that prevent goal attainment can frequently occur in the workplace environment, but they may be efficiently addressed by people who recognize non-conservative possibilities and are open to innovation. As such, using a different way of thinking might help individuals to create an alternative pathway to problem resolution, improving the efficiency of the company processes (Lussier, 2017). In this regard, creativity becomes a valuable tool for problem-solving, prompting employees to produce additional approaches to achieving the objectives.

Problem Solving and Decision Making: Decision-Making Styles

Decision-making styles are highly diverse, focusing on different aspects of pathway selection, evaluation, and implementation. For instance, the consistent style of decision-making is often manifested by individuals who carefully consider available options, avoiding quick choices and time-wasting (Lussier, 2017). Furthermore, people who use the consistent style usually like to rely on sufficient information, ensuring that the necessary knowledge has been gathered and examined. Ascertaining potential choices and carefully exploring the possible ramifications is also essential for making consistent decisions (Lussier, 2017). Therefore, consistent decision-makers choose the best alternatives more frequently than individuals who rely on reflexive or reflective styles.

Problem Solving and Decision Making: Decision-Making Models: 1 of 2

A decision-making model is a prominent strategy that allows to enhance the process of decision-making and ensure that the best possible choice is made. The model incorporates six steps that combine the numerous decision-making techniques into a structured framework, shifting the individual’s focus towards the aspect to be taken into account (Lussier, 2017). As such, the model proposes that the first step is devoted to defining the existent problem. After that, during the second stage, objectives for resolving the issue are created, clarifying what goals are to be achieved by selecting an option. Following this step is the process that uses creativity and innovation to outline feasible alternatives. The fourth stage involves the analysis of the established possibilities, while the fifth stage requires planning and implementing the choice that was evaluated as the most favorable. Finally, the sixth stage focuses on decision control, ensuring that the set objectives are met.

Problem Solving and Decision Making: Decision-Making Models: 2 of 2

Incorporating the decision-making model in the managerial processes can be exceptionally beneficial for the employees’ performance. As such, this strategy allows to clearly define the presented complication and adjust the criteria for its resolution according to its specifics (Lussier, 2017). In this regard, managers who apply the decision-making model can ensure that they are addressing the relevant complication, utilizing its characteristics as a guide for choosing the best opportunity. In addition, clarifying the expected results is also essential, as this process determines what option will become the most favorable for a given situation (Lussier, 2017). Managers can use the decision-making model to ensure that the anticipated outcomes are aligned with the problem and are properly addressed by the selected choice.

Problem Solving and Decision Making: Decision-Making Techniques: 1 of 2

Using decision-making techniques can significantly improve the manager’s efficiency in problem-solving, additionally promoting creativity and group involvement. A prominent technique involves the implementation of technological advancements which increase the speed and quality of decision-making (Lussier, 2017). By relying on the information available through the internet and data storage, managers can instantly access large quantities of information, which are essential for selecting the most favorable choice.

Problem Solving and Decision Making: Decision-Making Techniques: 2 of 2

After that, it is possible to facilitate decision-making by including team members in the discussion, such as using their insights through brainstorming (Lussier, 2017). Brainstorming is focused on presenting any ideas without consideration, which might be especially useful when no resolutions for the problem are evident. Another active group strategy, synectics, might produce potentially beneficial novel ideas, avoiding conservatism and bias.

Problem Solving and Decision Making: Group Decisions

Group decision-making can be a prominent strategy for outlining and implementing various alternatives. However, such factors as the desire to participate, conformity, and required time should be considered when this approach is implemented. First of all, the desire to participate is a crucial detail that influences the individuals’ motivation to engage in the discussion and produce feasible resolutions (Lussier, 2017). When the group members are not interested in the decision-making process, satisficing might occur, forcing the team to select the easiest option instead of the best one. After that, conformity might also influence the quality of the decision, as group participants might manifest the tendency to agree with the majority’s choice due to social pressure (Lussier, 2017). Finally, group decision-making typically demands more time to establish the best opportunity, meaning that these resources might be wasted if the process is inefficient.

Employee Motivation

Employee Motivation: Performance Formula

Motivating the employees can be an especially demanding task for the group leader. Nevertheless, using the motivation and performance formula considerably simplifies this process by highlighting the most crucial elements contributing to high levels of performance. According to the formula, the highest degree of productivity is based on the workers’ ability, motivation, and resources (Lussier, 2017). As such, leaders often consider this formula when the performance is decreased, examining each element to determine which of them should be influenced. For instance, several successful executives agree that passion is vital for excellent performance. Therefore, it is possible to suggest that motivation is the first factor to be considered when the worker’s productivity lowers. To inspire the individuals, leaders might offer them different tasks that correspond to their skills, which correlates to ability or suggest opportunities to gain necessary competencies, enhancing resources.

Employee Motivation: Motivation Theories: 1 of 3

Motivation theories are powerful concepts that can improve the leaders’ understanding of the employees’ inspiration for goal achievement. For instance, the hierarchy of needs theory proposed by Maslow focuses on the primary needs of the workers, aiming to understand which personal demands they intend to fulfill (Lussier, 2017). Maslow suggested that individuals possess five levels of necessities, attempting to satisfy low-tier needs prior to high-tier ones.

Employee Motivation: Motivation Theories: 2 of 3

Adams discussed motivation from the perspective of performed behaviors, arguing that the workers’ perceptions are essential to consider in this context. According to the Adams’ equity theory, employees become inspired if they evaluate their efforts and achieved outcomes as equal (Lussier, 2017). In this regard, to remain efficient and engaged, each worker should be certain that the tasks they completed were recognized according to their expectations.

Employee Motivation: Motivation Theories: 3 of 3

The reinforcement theory, initially developed by Skinner, highlights the consequences of one’s behavior as vital factors that compel them to act in specific ways, aiming to attain rewards, avoid negative outcomes, or prevent punishment (Lussier, 2017). Therefore, external factors that follow the employees’ behaviors can motivate them to perform according to the outcomes, withholding from certain actions or, in contrast, embracing them.

Employee Motivation: Rewards and Recognitions: 1 of 2

An excellent example of rewards and recognitions used by organizations is pay for performance. This strategy suggests that executives should incentivize their employees by recognizing their productivity levels and encouraging them to increase their outputs by elevating the base payments (Lussier, 2017). after that, work-life integration is also a prominent method that allows the workers to incorporate their personal life into the working schedule, creating a balance that benefits the team members and promotes their involvement during hours usually considered non-work. Such a flexible policy can serve as a perfect reward for employees who are more satisfied with a less strict working hour distribution.

Employee Motivation: Rewards and Recognitions: 2 of 2

Another advantageous rewards and recognition method is based on acknowledging the continuous input from workers. Recognizing the employees’ consistent involvement with the organization and respecting their decision to remain a part of the company for a specific length of time can positively increase the employees’ motivation and work satisfaction (Lussier, 2017). Providing extra bonuses or compensations on work anniversaries, long project completions, and at the end of the year may significantly impact the workers’ involvement, elevating their motivation and performance levels due to appropriate acknowledgment of their achievements.

Employee Motivation: Motivation Strategies: 1 of 2

In order to increase employee performance, managers can rely on motivation strategies that satisfy the workers’ needs and reinforce productive behaviors. As such, a promising strategy is based on the employees’ hierarchy of needs, suggesting that basic necessities should always be satisfied before attempting to elevate the individual’s performance. For instance, managers should ensure that the team members’ physiological safety and social needs are met, as failing to account for these demands might substantially decrease the person’s engagement (Lussier, 2017). By accounting for the workers’ primary necessities, namely appropriate payments, working conditions, security, and socialization opportunities, leaders can impact the employees’ motivation to achieve better performance goals.

Employee Motivation: Motivation Strategies: 2 of 2

Another advantageous method to enhance individuals’ inspiration in the working environment incorporates the concepts of the reinforcement theory. Proposing that consequences of the workers’ behavior are especially important for improving their motivation, this strategy encourages individuals to conduct actions that positively influence their personal development and company growth. In order to reinforce desired behavior, managers should set specific objectives and introduce relevant rewards, building the employees’ motivation to attain such goals (Lussier, 2017). When relevant aims and recognition methods are established, the workers will be more empowered to achieve the set targets, thus increasing their performance.


To conclude, decision-making, problem-solving, and employee motivation basics were discussed in this presentation. Managers should direct their attention to these processes in order to promote employee and company growth, thus ensuring that the necessary individual and organizational goals are met.


Lussier, R. N. (2017). Management fundamentals: Concepts, applications, and skill development. SAGE Publications.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, October 10). Contributing to a Management Training Manual.

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BusinessEssay. 2022. "Contributing to a Management Training Manual." October 10, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "Contributing to a Management Training Manual." October 10, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "Contributing to a Management Training Manual." October 10, 2022.