Business organizations should design powerful marketing models to deliver their products and services to targeted customers successfully. Marketing is the ultimate function of an organization that dictates its performance and profitability (Leland, 2016). To emerge successfully, companies should be on the frontline to implement powerful marketing strategies. Ashley and Tuten (2015) believe strongly that a company associated with a powerful marketing mix depending on the nature of its products and services will realize its business goals much faster. Marketing is a complex process that is characterized by several initiatives or processes. Such processes work synergistically to support a company’s business model. Some of these initiatives or processes include branding, targeting, segmenting, and promotion. A powerful strategy should focus on the emerging needs of the customers and the nature of the product (or service). This discussion uses a branding theory to propose and support a new product launch in the United Kingdom. The paper will describe how companies can focus on the power of branding to record positive business results and profits.
Branding and Theory
Defining Branding
Bakkour, Fort, and Mione (2015) define “branding” as the process involved in the development and creation of a powerful image and name for a given service or product in the mind of the targeted customer. To achieve this goal, marketing managers and product developers should use a wide range of strategies such as campaigns, advertisements, and promotions. The main objective of branding is to establish a new ground whereby the targeted product is embraced by more people in the community (Wang, Hernandez, Minor, & Wei, 2012). With proper branding, a given company will find it easier to attract more customers, retain them, and eventually realize the targeted objectives. With a proper branding strategy, a given firm will find it easier to add value and improve its business model.
Branding has gained much attention in the recent past because it is what determines the success of the marketing process. This happens to be the case because a customer will always focus on a given product or brand that is revered and capable of addressing his or her needs. Ashley and Tuten (2015) indicate clearly that the brand is the determining factor throughout the marketing process. It is therefore agreeable that marketing is a different concept. The role of marketing is to inform and encourage a given customer to purchase a given product. However, the brand is what resonates with the mind of the targeted customer. The success and position of the brand name “will determine if the targeted customer will embrace the brand for the rest of his or her life” (Bakkour et al., 2015, p. 6).
For a given product to succeed in the market, it should be characterized by a superior brand name and loyalty. The lived experience and opinion of a given brand will dictate its success and performance in the market. With a proper branding strategy, it will be easier for companies to attract and retain loyal customers. More often than not, the customers will eventually feel attached to the brand. The effective branding process will attract more customers and encourage them to inform their friends and relatives about the targeted products (Leland, 2016). Companies associated with a positive brand name will find it easier to pursue their visions and missions.
The branding process should be characterized by a powerful strategy. Successful firms will begin by formulating a sustainable strategy to inform or deliver the intended message to the right customers. How advertising is done is a critical aspect of the branding process. Throughout the process, it is appropriate to ensure the intended message is visible and capable of supporting the needs of the targeted customers. A “consistent branding process is what results in strong brand equity” (Leland, 2016, p. 67). This is the case because the strategy adds value to every targeted service or product.
The process of developing a brand is usually complex and tedious. However, companies should use a wide range of strategies and ideas to ensure the targeted goals are met (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). The first stage of this journey is defining the brand. It is appropriate for the company to ensure the strategy is informed by the company’s mission or vision. The unique features, attributes, and benefits of the targeted products should be identified to the targeted customers (Todor, 2014). The company should work harder to ensure the customers develop a positive image of the product. Firms that succeed throughout the branding process ensure the customers are aware of the superior attributes and benefits of the targeted product.
Branding Theory
Different theorists have presented various models that can be used to support the branding process. Before launching a given product, it is appropriate for companies to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses (Thomas, 2012). With appropriate marketing professionals and strategies, firms can launch their services and products successfully and eventually realize their goals. One of the outstanding theories of branding is known as the Brand Equity Model. The theory is also given the name Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) Model (Bakkour et al., 2015). The theory has been used widely in an attempt to support the branding process and deliver positive business results.
Pioneered and developed by Kevin Lane Keller, the CBBE model has gained popularity because of its potential to transform how companies promote their brands. The Brand Equity Model is one of the most effective theories for successful branding. The theory posits that a standard brand is the one that dictates the thoughts and ideas of the consumer. During the branding process, companies should come up with the best messages to ensure the customers think positively about the targeted product (Todor, 2014). Successful firms will promote the right thoughts, perceptions, and feelings about the product.
The main premise behind this model is that a strong brand will ensure more customers purchase the product. Additionally, consumers will be willing to recommend the product to more individuals. The level of loyalty will continue to rise significantly. Consequently, the existing competitors in the industry will find it hard to catch up with the company’s brand (Leland, 2016). The increasing level of loyalty encourages more people to purchase from the firm and eventually improve its business performance.
The theory follows four unique steps that have the potential to promote brand performance. The first step to support the strategy is brand identity. During this phase, the company should focus on the best approaches to create salience or awareness (Thomas, 2012). This means that the marketer should use the most appropriate approaches to ensure the targeted brand stands out. The approach will ensure the targeted customers can recognize, appreciate, and use the product. The second stage of the process is brand meaning (Todor, 2014). During this stage, the company should communicate the meaning of the brand to the customers. To support the process, the company should focus on imagery and performance. The concept of performance is used to examine how the intended product meets the diverse needs of targeted customers. Some of the key attributes to consider during this process include product features such as efficiency, price, durability, reliability, and effectiveness. The concept of imagery describes how the intended brand meets the psychological and social needs of the customers.

The third phase of the branding model is the response. The response of the customers is a critical issue throughout the branding process. The marketer can focus on the feelings and judgments of the customers. This is the case the customer will make his or her final purchasing decision based on the product’s credibility, quality, and superiority (Bakkour et al., 2015). Todor (2014) believes strongly that more customers will respond to specific brands depending on how they meet their needs. It is also necessary to promote a given brand in such a way that it evokes positive feelings and emotions. Product marketers should, therefore, go a step further to focus on specific feelings such as excitement, security, warmth, and fun (Wang et al., 2012).
The fourth step is known as brand resonance. The level or step focuses on how the consumer becomes connected with the product or brand. The marketer will attain this stage when the customers start to bond with the targeted product. Some of the unique attributes of this phase include increased interest in the product, repeat purchases, and a sense of belonging (Wang et al., 2012). During this stage, the marketer should embrace the best ideas and strategies to strengthen the level of resonance. By so doing, the process will eventually result in increased loyalty.
Proposed Brand Launch in the United Kingdom
Proposed Product
The targeted product for this analysis is fruit juice. The new product will not contain chemicals or preservatives. The packaged product will be delivered to more customers across the United Kingdom. The customers will be informed about the benefits and strengths of the product. For instance, the product is healthy and natural (Wang et al., 2012). The fruit juice comes in different flavors such as strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. The juice will also be produced from fresh fruits such as mangoes, pineapples, guavas, apples, bananas, and lemons. Every customer will be able to purchase the right flavor or fruit type. The product will be marketed and distributed using powerful channels to support the needs of the greatest number of customers.
The main objective of the targeted process is to ensure the product is launched and marketed successfully in the country. The marketers will use a powerful branding strategy to ensure the targeted product is available to more potential customers (Wang et al., 2012). The customers will be informed about the benefits, features, and attributes of the fruit juice. The success of the branding process is what will dictate the performance and success of the fruit juice in the UK market.
Brand Launch
The Brand Equity Model can be used to support the branding process for the targeted fresh fruit juice. The first step is to focus on the idea of brand identity. During this stage, the firm producing and marketing the new product should begin by identifying the right customers who can support the product (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). The best individuals to target include children and adults who are no longer interested in carbonated drinks. The fresh juice should be presented as a healthy alternative that can improve the well-being and health of more consumers in the country. The marketer should design and use the best message that can attract and increase the confidence of the targeted customers. Social media can be used to support the advertising strategy (Bakkour et al., 2015). For instance, the company can use a message that informs the customer about the health benefits of fresh fruit juice. This message will ensure the customers are willing to try the new product.
The second step that should be taken seriously is to develop a brand meaning for the product. During the stage, the marketer should address the issue of performance. This means that the company will outline some of the benefits and approaches through which the fresh juice satisfies the emerging needs of the customers. The elements to consider during this stage include product efficiency, price, health benefits, and effectiveness (Leland, 2016). The issue of imagery will be supported through the use of appropriate messages. For instance, the customers can be informed about the recyclable materials used to market the juice, the absence of chemicals, and the firm’s commitment to environmental conservation (Todor, 2014). These attributes will ensure more customers are pleased with the targeted product. Consequently, the customers will go a step further to purchase the fresh juice product. Throughout this stage, the company should focus on the best practices to ensure the targeted customers are informed about the unique attributes and benefits of the fresh juice.
The third stage that should be considered during the branding strategy process is the brand response. As mentioned earlier, the role of this stage is to analyze and explore the responses of the customers to the product. The consumer will always make adequate decisions and judgments regarding the intended product or service. During this stage, the company should focus on the judgments and feelings exhibited by the targeted customers. The perceived quality of the product by the customers should be analyzed at this stage. The company should examine how customers perceive the brand in terms of superiority (Bakkour et al., 2015). This is the case because more customers will focus on the nature of the product and compare it with some of the competing brands in the market.
The feelings aroused by the targeted product should also be considered. Some of the key feelings that should be monitored during this stage of the branding process include approval, warmth, security, excitement, and fun (Thomas, 2012). The use of this phase will make it easier for the marketer to understand how the fresh juice product is perceived by different customers. The marketer will go a step further to identify new methods for enhancing the brand’s credibility. The main objective of this process is to identify the most appropriate initiatives that can be implemented in an attempt to improve the perceived quality of the targeted product.
After completing this stage, the company will go a step further to identify the best practices that can encourage more people to try the product. The information gained during this process will be used to make the most appropriate adjustments and changes (Thomas, 2012). The performance of different competing products or brands in the market will be analyzed during the process. This approach will guide the marketer to identify the weaknesses and strengths associated with the product. The marketer will go a step further to make adequate changes and improvements that can support the performance of the brand.
The fourth stage of the branding model will be used to determine the kind of connection expected between the product and the targeted customers. This stage is known as brand resonance and is usually hard to achieve or reach. During this phase, the marketer of the fresh juice product will be required to identify new approaches to ensure the product resonates with the psychological needs of the customers. When this level of achieved, the company will find it easier to develop a powerful brand name that is revered by many customers in the market. For instance, the firm will be required to use the most appropriate strategies to ensure the customers are willing to purchase the product again (Leland, 2016). Repeat purchases will become evident because more people will be willing to consume healthy food materials. The presence of fresh juice in the market will address the health needs of the customers. Consequently, the customers will purchase and use the product because it appears to fulfill their needs.
Another goal that should be taken seriously during the fourth phase is promoting attitudinal attachment. The company and its marketers should use powerful initiatives to ensure the brand name becomes synonymous with health and quality. This is the case because fresh juice is healthy and capable of promoting sustainability (Todor, 2014). More customers will be ready to purchase and use the product because it does not have preservatives. With a proper branding approach, the customers will love the product and purchase it frequently.
In the United Kingdom, several issues have emerged that must be taken seriously. For instance, environmental protection is one of the issues attracting many stakeholders and activists. Many companies in the country have been forced to implement sustainable business models in an attempt to survive in the UK market. The company producing this fresh juice product should go a step further to promote the concept of sustainability. This goal can be realized and supported using the implemented branding strategy. The marketers should inform the customers and the targeted community members about the sustainability attributes associated with the product (Thomas, 2012). For instance, the customer should be informed about the measures undertaken by the company to conserve the natural environment such as the use of recyclable materials.
Throughout the branding process, the stakeholders will be informed about the unique attributes of the product. The company should have long-term goals that can guide the branding process. This is the case because branding is a powerful strategy that will eventually dictate the profitability and performance of the company. The customers should be aware of the initiatives undertaken by the company to meet their diverse needs (Todor, 2014). This knowledge will encourage customers to purchase the product and make it a favorite brand.
The marketing team should constantly review the goals and objectives of the branding process. The strategy should be implemented continuously until the realities of the fourth stage are realized. This is the case because the ultimate goal of the process is to ensure loyal customers are attracted and retained. Such customers will constantly support the company’s business model by purchasing the new fresh fruit juice frequently (Leland, 2016). With an effective branding approach, the company will find it easier to attract more customers who can become evangelists for the fresh juice. Since the product is healthy, chances are extremely high that the company will realize its business goals.
Although marketing is a powerful practice that delivers a firm’s services and products to the consumers, branding is the revolutionary process that dictates the success of its business model in the long term (Bakkour et al., 2015). The branding process can be executed using four powerful stages. Throughout the process, analysis and re-examination are needed to ensure the targeted product resonates with the emerging needs of the customers. The approach unearths the product’s vision and attracts loyal customers. The proposed fresh juice can, therefore, benefit from the four stages of branding. When implemented correctly, the company will find it easier to inform more people about the benefits of fresh juice. The consumers will purchase fresh juice frequently and make it a favorite brand. Consequently, the company will achieve brand equity and eventually become a competitive player in the UK’s non-carbonated drinks sector.
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