Use of Power in Organizations


Organizational behavior is counted as the set of behaviors that are displayed by the people within an organization while working in the workplace. In this case, the knowledge related to the behaviors is implemented in an organization in order to make sure that the success levels within the organizations rise.


The main point that is to be highlighted in this paper is the use of power within the organizations. Power, in the business literature has been defined in many ways. The use of power can be referred to as a way to success if the power use by the managers and the higher authorities is more strategic. This paper highlights many rules that have been implemented within the organizations in order to make sure that the outputs from the employees is higher thus helping the organization in gaining the goals in a competitive environment within the market. Dimensions of power within the organization are described briefly in this paper, highlighting the main dimensions that increase the success of the organization including the dimensions related to the organizational behavior.

Factors for success in organizations: Power

It has been argued by Roberts, (2002) that the success for the organizations is defined by following a certain set of rules. The higher authorities in the organizations have implemented these rules in one way or the other but still there are failures within many organizations on a global scale. Consequently, there is a need to realize the pragmatic factors that are involved in the success of the organizations other than the usage of power by the authorities in a non-strategic manner. In some cases, it has been seen that the power by the higher authorities is, for instance, used to change the dressings of the employees in the workplace, and in this case, the use of power is not strategic. Power in a pragmatic and a rather strategic manner is the one that leads to a positive and an increased outcome for the organization by making sure that the goals that are designed for the organization are achieved. Power can also be used to change the outcomes for the organizations.

Power in organizations

There are many facets of power and the power can be used to implement the strategies that are important for the success of an organization. Exchange in the employment, training and skill development programs as well as the conflicts that are common incidents within the organization can be overcome by the use of power. The authorities in these organizations can make changes in the existing organizational frameworks in order to increase the output and efficiency.

Sources of power

Alston, (2000) argues that there are many sources of power within an organization and it does not only rest with the bosses. Many organizational structures, rules as well as regulations along with their implementation are also counted in power. An ability to deal with the uncertainty is counted as a successful use of power. Defining the stages of action in the employees thus increasing the chances of the higher and better outcome in the organizations is also counted as power.

Power and knowledge

Some of the important factors that are covered by the literature related to the power include the management of the scarce resources and starting all the projects by keeping in mind the risk factors that play their roles. Power can be defined in a strategic manner by making use of the strategic decision processes along with realizing the fact that an implementation of knowledge with the updated technology in an organization can lead to better success and efficient outputs.

Organizational behaviors

Dickson, (2002) argues that the organizational behavior is defined by the system approach that is adopted by an organization. This is the approach by the help of which, the relationships between the organization and its employees can be strengthened and improved. These relationships cover various groups of people, entire teams, managers in the organizations, social systems as well as an individual who play their roles in the organizations. It has been observed that the human objectives are to be followed by following the rules of the organizational behavior theories that can help in increasing and improving the relationships within an organization. Organizational objectives and the social objectives are to be achieved by the help of the organizational behavioral theories.

Objectives in the organizations

Warner, and i Molde, (2007) have argued that the objectives that are set by the higher authorities in an organization cover wide range of topics as the human resource relationships, changes that are required within an organization, and social changes. The organizational behavior encompasses the philosophies, values as well as vision and the goals that are set by the organization in order to achieve the goals. These factors help in increasing the formal organization as well as the social environment within the organization.

Culture plays an important role in the organizations that determines the leadership observed in the organizations along with the rules and regulations that are being followed. This includes the group-based dynamics being followed in the organizations. These factors are counted as being necessary as the work life of the employees improves as the motivation related to the work is increased. Outcomes that are gained include the individual performance as well as the higher satisfaction level in the employees. All of these models help in building the framework that helps in building the organization in an improved manner.

Frameworks for the organizational behavior

Mullins, (2007) argues that four major frameworks help an organization in its operations. The first model has been referred to as the autocratic model, which refers to the fact that the power within an organization is used by the managerial authorities making the employees more obedient and dependent on the higher authorities. In this case, one of the main employee needs that are accounted for is the subsistence and survival. However, this is the framework that has not been appreciated on a large scale and the performance output in this case is minimum.

Blanchard, (2006) has argued that power is a factor that has played an important role in the development of an organization. Power is counted as a skill as well as an ability that helps in making major changes in the organization by achieving the unexpected and this is the unanticipated that is unable to be achieved in the normal conditions. When the powers are being used, it usually means that the employees are being ordered to complete the tasks; thereby the authority plays a role. Here it can be said that the authority is the willingness to fulfill the orders issued by the higher authorities and the employees accept the orders, as the ordering is the right of a person who is issuing the orders.

Kerzner, (2009) discusses that the second framework is known as the custodial framework, which is based on the use of the economic resources having the orientation towards managing more resources. Security has been seen to be the main aspect that is achieved by the employees within an organization. The main output that is achieved is the cooperation within the employees and the higher authorities and this has been seen to be passive.

Supportive framework is the managerial orientation that is required for the support within the organization. In this case, it has been observed that the employees are seen to be more oriented towards work and job performance is improved. Thereby the main anticipations that have been associated are the higher success rates in the organizations. Moreover, Shirky, (2008) has argued that one of the main employee needs that are covered is the status recognition within the organization. Thereby because of this model, it has been observed that there is an increase in the motivation of the employees and the drives that makes the employees work harder.

Kavanagh, and Thite, (2008) have argued that, comparatively, collegial framework is the one that is collegial framework which is based on the fact of the managerial orientation of the teamwork. The orientation of the employees in this case is towards the responsible behavior and more orientation towards the work thereby orientation is greater towards the success of an organization. Self-discipline has been seen to be the most important factor in this case. It has been observed that in this case the most important need of the employees that is fulfilled is self-actualization. It has been observed that the enthusiasm that has been in turn seen to be moderate.

Schmidt, Geddes, and Hochner, (2008) have argued that these are four main points that are to be followed by the organizations. On the other hand, it has been observed that none of the organizations is following a single rule in an exclusive manner. In the modern days, the models that are being followed are the ones that are overlapping. These models can be linked to certain kinds of organizations.

It has been observed that the autocratic model is being followed by the organizations were working in the era of the industrial revolution. The managers in these days have evolved since the older time and it has been seen that the managers are not following one single rule. The collegial model is the one that has been thought to be not the only choice for the organizations.

Wellens, (2002) has argued that there are several factors that have been included, as these factors are linked with the growth of the individuals in a professional manner in relation to the skill level within an organization so that the individuals have a better job satisfaction level. Graber, (2003) has argued that better employee performance for the individuals in an organization is important and the motivation of the employees is increased by following these main rules. The organizational model has been considered as a successful model when the human resources are being used for the betterment of the society.

Upgrading the knowledge

Jackson and Carter (2007) argue that the modern era is known as the knowledge era. In this era, the businesses and the organizations are in a need to upgrade and bring major changes in the older rules that do not fit best in the modern days. Talbot, Atkinson, and Atkinson, (2003) argue that there is a need of the business to upgrade their knowledge so as to move faster than the others in the competitive market. The frameworks that have been discussed are important for the organizations but these need to be changed in case of an up gradation of knowledge and the development of skills as well as self belief in the employees that not only enhances the drive of the employees to work harder for the organizations but also in gaining greater benefits for themselves once the organization achieves the goals.

Diedrich, (2004) has argued that the modern day organizations need to realize the fact that knowledge along with the skills is important and there is a need to upgrade the knowledge. However, one of the main lags that have been noticed is the lack of knowledge. There is a need of the constant up gradation of the knowledge. There is a need to upgrade the knowledge on a daily basis otherwise the success can be called as very different. Tammen, (2000) has added that there are rapid changes in the information technology in the modern days that is a challenge for the knowledge, which is not being upgraded by the organizations to a higher extent. These knowledge differentials have brought main changes in the leaders in the fields as super computers as well as the spreadsheets. This is known as the power of learning that has an effect on every activity that occurs inside the company as there are many chances of having greater rates of the success outside in the competitive market if there is a constant up gradation of the knowledge.

Global organizations as examples

One of the main organizations that are taken into account is Ford motors. Ford motors have been known as one of the most learning organization of the 1990s, that has been achieving what is wanted since the beginning. Within the organizational framework, it is observed that the managers in the Ford motors pay tribute to their mentors for the development of their skills and most importantly there self-belief. Thereby the main rule that has been implanted in the Ford motors is the constant learning and the up gradation of the latest knowledge in the world of information technology.

van Knippenberg, and Hogg, (2003) have discussed that the skill development has been the main factor that has been realized by the modern day organizations. The training programs in the modern day organizations help the employees in gaining skills so as to increase the output of their work in the organization. Samuel, (2005) has added that the learning and improvement is a process, which is for everyone in an organization and it has been realized that the managers as well as the employees are all involved in the learning process so as to improve. Arrogance within an organization can lead to failure as is observed in the case of the British Leyland Motor Corporation, which is now reduced to Rover. This company is notified as an example of the failure stories of the companies who once became successful, and they did not try hard enough to continue the success by using the rule of knowledge up gradation, as well as improving the learning process within the organization.

Cashman, (2008) has pointed out Rank Xerox that has been known as a successful organization, as it is reported that in the year of 2008, the number of employees who were trained in the field of customer support and managerial authority rounds to 30,000 thereby helping these employees in the improvement of their skills and knowledge.

Park, Lee, Duk, and Yŏnguwŏn, (2005) has added that the self believers in Ford motors are in constant struggle as they are aware of the fact that every step they take in the competitive market is full of risks having higher chances of failure and lesser chances of success. Chances of success are increased by an up gradation in the knowledge. Self-believers in any successful organization are the ones who are conscious of their strengths that can help them gain control of their skills in order to be successful. The number of self-believers is to be increased in the modern day organizations by training and development including the skill development provided by the training programs. The main rule that the modern day organizations have to keep in mind is that within a learning organization, every one learns that excels the process of achieving the success.


The failure organizations in the modern world are not aware of the process of implementation of power as there is a difference of the power that the managers have and the strategic ways in which it is used in order to make sure that the output and efficiency from the employees in increased. Power can be used in order to make changes in the theoretical rules and regulations in the organizations thus helping to gain success in an innovative manner.


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BusinessEssay. "Use of Power in Organizations." November 25, 2022.