The modern man has valued usage of home appliances due to their significance in domestic life. The man began to value tools from the stone age. Thus, they have always seen it significant while using gadgets at home such as washing, preparing coffee, ironing clothes, warming food, and food preservation. Due to technological advancements, the current generation of the 21st century has been using more advanced and sophisticated home appliances daily. The desire to live a comfortable life while at home has resulted in demand for the significance of the home appliance, thereby defining man’s lifestyle. The case provides an overview of White Glove Home Appliances company, research on the target market, identification of ideal social media platform for marketing, and a discussion of how the research can be used to market the business both online and locally.
Company Overview
The company’s name is White Glove, and it will be dealing with the sale and distribution of home appliances. The company’s main office is located in Los Angeles city in California State. The company’s slogan is Get the Best of What your Home Needs. Below is the Logo for the company. The indicted details will be used to develop the brand of the company and be identifiable in all the company’s resources.

Target Market Research
The main local store is based within Los Angeles, while there are sub-branches distributed in the outskirts of the city. The Zip Code where any written letter can be delivered is 90001, Los Angeles, CA. The contact details are pinned in the stores and on the receipts for the products, and any customer is free to contact customer care if they need any assistance on the products they buy. They can also book for free delivery within the city as the company has an organized transport system that caters to the customer. The Products are sold to the local consumers in retail and wholesale to those who want to use them directly at home and for those who need them for business purposes.
The target market for the products sold by the company includes people of all ages, races, religions, and gender. However, the company has defined their most probable buyers as persons who have already settled in their families and earned a stable income from their businesses or jobs. These are the customers who are likely to purchase the kitchen appliances such as microwaves, fridges, and cookers. Their age bracket could be above 44 years, and they are likely to urge modern cookware and appliances. The other group of potential customers is the people who are operating hotels, restaurants, and fast foods.
They may need appliances that they could use to store food and serve their customers. The other target demographic is the group of students joining tertiary institutions in the city and those starting a family. These people have not invested in home appliances before, and they aspire to settle by acquiring the best appliances for their homes (Vijayalakshmi & Mahalakshmi, 2014). Having stable appliances could improve their lifestyle and also make their life easy. They could use the machines to wash their clothes, store food for long without getting spoilt and also have an alternative way of ironing their clothes, thereby saving time,
Between 2021 and 2025, the worldwide Home Appliances market is expected to grow significantly, according to the research. The market is slowly growing in 2021, but with major companies applying more strategies, the market is likely to grow throughout the forecast period. The global home appliance market study in 2021 includes definitions, classifications, applications, and the industrial chain structure (De Mooij, 2021). In addition, a worldwide market research report is also included, which includes development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and the status of major sectors’ development.
The market for home appliances is a comprehensive study of the industry’s key features, including drivers, historical, restraints and present trends, and technical advances. The report also includes company biographies, product photos and specs, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue, and contact information for the leading top industry players in the Global Home Appliances market. There is a potential that the demand for home appliances will continue even in the future. Thus, it will call for diligence in dealing with the customers to refer one to other buyers.
Social Media
The majority of people who buy home appliances have access to social media. As a consequence, Facebook and Twitter would be the best marketing tools in this situation. However, the most successful social media marketing tool available is Facebook. Developing and actively using a Facebook page as a communications channel to remain in touch with and attract clients is known as Facebook marketing (Iblasi et al., 2016). Facebook encourages this by enabling users to create personal profiles or business pages for businesses, organizations, or other entities to build a fan following for a product, service, or organization.
Facebook, which began as a social networking site for college students, has grown well beyond that group. Women make for slightly more than half of all US users, with over half of all users between 18 and 34. Furthermore, almost half of all user profiles in the United States are accessed via mobile devices and computers ((Iblasi et al., 2016). Due to its large user base, Facebook can reach a wide range of market sectors and has an engaged fan following for nearly any specialism.
Glovo may utilize Twitter advertising to promote interaction and campaign visibility by boosting its account to get new followers or pushing specific tweets. Setting specific, measurable goals is the first step toward success on any social media platform. It is impossible to determine whether the approach positively impacted the company without understanding what was done. Therefore, the firm will prioritize quantifiable, clear, and realistic goals. These objectives should be related to the general objectives of the firm and broken down into quantitative success indicators.
The research would be ideal in identifying the most appropriate customers that the White Glove company can sell its products to. In addition, it would be crucial in determining the best tools to use to market the business both online and locally. The first approach would be creating awareness to the consumers locally and in social media to get to know about the company’s products. The presence of the company logo in the social media posts and the on the banners will establish a brand for the company, thereby making it known to most people. More customers getting to know about the company would make them try out and buy the commodities. If they receive good services, they could inform other people and get retained as customers.
Interaction with the customers in the social media channels and the stores will provide the company with feedback about their products. When the customer’s feedback is adhered to, the company will end up understanding the customers more. In addition, the company will have the opportunity to improve on what they did not provide to the customers according to their tastes and preferences. Galvo White Company can benefit from market research in discovering new market prospects. It may also aid in identifying potential development areas and determining whether or not the market is ready for new goods or services. It may, for example, open a new retail store and need to choose the best location. It might also be planning to change its distribution channel and study the impact on its customer base.
The White Glove Home appliances company focuses on reaching the potential customers it needs to sell its products. The company has identified its most suitable target for the products as the university students, young couples who are starting families, and those who have already settled and harvestable income to purchase home tools. The business has the potential as items sold are in high demand by the current generation that looks for how they can perform duties efficiently.
The company has also identified Facebook and Twitter as the reliable social media platform they can use to communicate to the customers as they have a large following that is easy to communicate with upon consistent posts. In general, market researchers find it vital to identify the target market as well as the strategy used for reaching it. For this market research, students are established to be the primary consumers of the product, and the only way to access them is by using social media platforms because a good number possess smartphones, which they efficiently use to access social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.
De Mooij, M. (2021). Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage.
Iblasi, W. N., Bader, D. M., & Al-Qreini, S. A. (2016). The impact of social media as a marketing tool on purchasing decisions (Case study on SAMSUNG for electrical home appliances). International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, 4(1), 14-28. Web.
Vijayalakshmi, S., & Mahalakshmi, V. (2014). A Study on Consumer’s Ownership, Acquire and Usage of Home Appliances in Chennai. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, 2(7), 16-21. Web.