Yahoo Incorporation has powerful strengths that can make it successful. Yahoo’s hybrid operating model supports its functions and departments (Palepu, Srinivasan, Lane, & Cornell, 2011). This practice has been supporting its business goals. However, a lot needs to be done to make Yahoo a leading competitor. The issues and recommendations presented below can be combined to produce a powerful organizational chart. This chart will guide the executive team to achieve the company’s goals. These executives will consider the best design drivers, options, and functions that can support the company’s mission. This essay describes a powerful executive team that can make Yahoo Incorporation more competitive.
Proposed Executive Team
Many companies use different high-level design options depending on their business expectations. Yahoo should consider two of these design options. The first one should focus on different geographic locations. This departmentalization process will ensure the right products are available to different customers on every continent. Every high-performance decision will consider the best practices that can attract more customers (Kesler & Kates, 2010). This strategy can make Yahoo more competitive. The second one should focus on different products. This design option will support Yahoo’s products.
The firm should also consider the four governance levers to have a powerful strategy. These two design options should embrace the four governance levers. For instance, diagnostic systems will ensure every department focuses on its goals. A powerful belief system will ensure every worker is empowered. Effective boundary systems make it easier for different employees to promote the best organizational behaviors. Interactive levers will also make it possible for Yahoo to create powerful teams (Kesler & Kates, 2010). Such teams will eventually produce competitive products.

The above governance levers can be used to identify the major roles of different managers. The Production Manager will monitor the performance of his or her unit. This manager will use various diagnostic systems to improve the level of production. The Human Resource Manager (HRM) will use the belief and boundary levers to promote the behaviors of the targeted employees. The HRM will also address most of the obstacles affecting the firm’s performance (Anderson & Brown, 2010). The quality Assurance Department will use different networks (or interactive levers) to produce competent teams.
The above high-level organizational chart has the potential to support Yahoo’s goals. To begin with, the CEO will be required to coordinate the performance of different departments. The Chief Executive Officer will also have to empower every manager. This approach will ensure every employee understands the targeted goals (Palepu et al., 2011). The above four governance levers will also be critical in every department.
Recommendations for Yahoo Incorporation
This firm should also use a relationship-oriented approach. This approach “will reduce the hierarchies that affect the performance of many firms” (Anderson & Brown, 2010, p. 2). The CEO will always present the vision to the managers. The managers will then implement the best policies that can produce quality outcomes. Programmers and web-developers will also be required to work together. The concept of teamwork should also be embraced in every department. These practices will create a continuum for a high-operational relationship. This “relationship has the potential to create synergy thus making it easier for many organizations to achieve their potentials” (Carlson, 2015, p. 65).
Every leader at Yahoo Incorporation should be ready to embrace the power of teamwork. The four governance levers will ensure every member of the team promotes the best practices. The managers should interact with one another to address the existing problems. According to the above organizational chart, different sub-units should collaborate to offer quality services. The managers should also embrace the best leadership practices. The CEO should produce relationship-oriented teams. Learning “should become a continuous practice whereby every employee is mentored to achieve his or her own targets” (Anderson & Brown, 2010, p. 17). The marketing team should monitor the expectations of different global customers. This practice will ensure the firm addresses the needs of its clients.
Talent Pivot Points: Recommendations
Yahoo has several pivot points. For instance, the employees have unique competencies that support the firm’s objectives. The “company believes that such employees are strategic resources” (Carlson, 2015, p. 74). The firm also uses powerful practices to improve the level of performance. Such talent pivot points have continued to support the targeted objectives. However, Yahoo is still facing numerous obstacles such as competition. This situation explains why the company requires new practices and ideas. Such strategies will support different individuals who can make substantial upward moves.
To begin with, an experience exposure will support this goal. A good high-level experience exposure is associated with a proper recruitment strategy. This process will attract competent programmers who can produce the best outcomes. The firm should also train its workers using quality programs. The strategy will ensure every employee supports the company’s future goals. New seminars will equip the employees with quality skills. These efforts will create new opportunities for people who can make substantial moves. Yahoo should also borrow new ideas from its major competitors (Carlson, 2015). This approach will ensure the firm acquires new competencies.
A Call to Action: Application of the 5-Step Process
The managers at Yahoo Incorporation can use the 5-step process to develop a powerful organizational strategy. The first step is to analyze its current performance. Yahoo will also identify existing gaps. The second step is identifying the root causes of such performance gaps. The third step will present the best solutions and improvements to the firm. Step 4 is used to “conduct a pilot study and evaluate the proposed solutions” (Anderson & Brown, 2010, p. 17). The final stage is to implement the best solutions. These solutions include the use of modern technologies and organizational practices. Some of the best organizational practices include the use of proper training, planning, and empowerment
The above strategy can be supported using a powerful Product Design Option. This option will ensure every manager focuses on the success of different products. For example, marketers and product developers should collaborate to achieve the best business goals. This strategy will also create a sense of teamwork. The managers should also consider the relevance of the above four governance levers. The above 5-step process will ensure Yahoo Incorporation implements a powerful team. This team will use the Six Design Drivers to support every organizational function. The use of modern technologies, R&D practices, and value-adding roles will make Yahoo successful.
Reference List
Anderson, C., & Brown, C. (2010). The Functions and Dysfunctions of Hierarchy. Research in Organizational Behavior, 1(1), 1-35.
Carlson, N. (2015). Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo. New York, NY: Twelve Press.
Kesler, G., & Kates, A. (2010). Leading Organization Design: How to Make Organization Design Decisions to Drive the Results You Want. New York, NY: Jossey-Bass.
Palepu, K., Srinivasan, S., Lane, D., & Cornell, I. (2011). Strategy and Governance at Yahoo! Incorporation. Harvard Business School, 1(1), 1-33.