Leading Organizational Development: The Most Effective Approaches

Executive Summary

Leading organizational development has a fundamental influence on the strategic management process mainly when it assists in the determination of functions and vision. This report discusses the most successful approaches to leading organizational development by mostly centering on strategic processes and change management. Evaluation progressions generate and support the constant improvement of the organization.

Strategic management process is not confined to a set of directives to be followed and has a practical approach to organizational performance. Since organizations continually experience change, an effective management process is imperative for improved development. Important steps that ensure achievement in the change management process include recognition of essential improvements, planning for change, provision of resources, checking resistance, celebrating success, and constantly improving. Effective communication should be a vital aspect in every stage as it assists in the detection and eradication of obstacles.

Both contingency and situation theories affirm that no leadership style is relevant in all situations. Autocratic leadership style hampers interactions and communication, which are critical for excellent performance in the organization. Contrary to autocratic leadership, the democratic style has a constructive influence on organizational performance.


Leading organizational development acts as a major determinant that is linked to a firm’s collapse or success. It has a vital influence on the strategic management process particularly when it assists in the determination of operations and vision of the organization. It also guides organizations in the execution of successful policies that help them thrive. This report seeks to establish the most effective approach to leading organizational development by mainly focusing on strategic processes and change management. Leading organizational development requires proper evaluation to guarantee the success of the entire process, which enhances the identification of shortcomings and necessary practices in line with change management. Evaluation practices generate and uphold the constant development of the organization (Göksoy 110-113).

Leading organizational development helps in the establishment of the current position of an organization, possible progress of remaining on the current course, and approaches it should embark on for enhanced success.

Strategic Management Process

Strategic management process goes beyond a set of regulations to be followed and has an idealistic approach to organizational success. The management team should first think strategically before application of thoughts to organizational processes. Effective implementation of strategic management processes is best done when the leader first makes every stakeholder in the organization comprehend the set policies. The five main decision categories to consider in strategic management process encompass goal-setting (clarification of vision), analysis, formulation of a strategy, implementation, and monitoring (evaluation and control).

The function of goal-setting is the clarification of organizational vision (Donate and Pablo 360-362). This entails definition of long- and short-term objectives, identification of the best progression of accomplishing goals, customization of operations for staff while offering every stakeholder duties in which they can succeed, and writing a mission statement. It is necessary to ensure that the set goals are detailed, practical, and match with the ideals of vision.

Analysis is a major decision category that influences other practices in the strategic management process. Under this category, there is a need to collect as many details as possible and gather data pertinent to the realization of the organizational vision. The focal point of analysis ought to be on the comprehension of needs of the organization as a sustainable establishment, its strategic management, and discovery of approaches that will enable it to grow (Jabbar and Hussein 99-103).

Internal and external concerns that may affect organizational objectives and goals are carefully examined. In strategy formulation, the first approach entails the review of data gathered from the undertaken analysis. Resources that the organization has and that can assist in the realization of the set objectives are determined. After prioritizing organizational issues by their urgency, the required strategy is created and alternative practices that target every phase of the plan developed.

Effective implementation of the strategy is vital to the success of organizational practices. This forms the action phase of the strategic management endeavor. If the formulated strategy fails to match the organization’s present structure, modifications should be made before the commencement of the implementation process. Once sufficient financing and resources are ready and all stakeholders are prepared, the plan should be executed (Al Khajeh 5-7). Evaluation and control of external and internal concerns enable the management to identify any considerable variations in the business setting. If it is established that the strategy is not helping the organization to grow, corrective actions ought to be undertaken.

Factors to Analyze in Strategy Formulation

There are numerous factors to analyze when the management is formulating a strategy. These include the articulation of a vision and a mission, assessment of the internal and external environment, creation of goals, and determination of action steps. Vision holds an inspirational statement that describes what the organization wishes to be with time while the mission presents its objective of existence. Understanding the internal and external environment necessitates realistic identification of the organization’s weaknesses and strengths such as human resources, funds, equipment, and practices.

It also entails the determination of threats and opportunities that include economic, demographic, and political factors that influence organizational operations and development (Al Khajeh 6-7). When assessing to create organizational purposes, there is a need to come up with goals that are specific, quantifiable, achievable, practical, and time-bound. Action steps should ensure that an organization moves closer to the set goals, realizes its goals, and accomplishes its long-term ambition.

Change Management Process

Since organizations constantly experience change, a successful management process is vital for enhanced development. Essential steps that ensure success in the change management process include identification of necessary improvements, planning for change, providing resources and using data for valuation, monitoring resistance and risks, celebrating success, and continuously improving. Establishing necessary improvements involves the examination of human and physical resources that will enhance organizational growth. Understanding the required modifications forms a strong basis for transparency, ease, and effective implementation (Al Khajeh 5-9).

Planning for change offers guidelines that establish the beginning, course to be followed, and objectives. After planning, the management should seek the provision of resources, funds, and data to be used in the course of change. The lucidity of unambiguous reporting on the change progress facilitates effective communication, suitable and timely distribution of resources, and measurement of success and objectives. The provision of open and vivid forms of communication all through the process is a crucial component of all change practices.

There is a need to monitor resistance and risks in the change management process. If not well addressed, resistance may threaten the success of the course of action. It mainly arises from the fear of the unknown when there is a considerable amount of risks linked to the looming change. Anticipation and readiness for resistance by offering change leaders the necessary tools and methodological approaches to managing it ensure a smooth change process. Celebrating success is crucial in the recognition of achievement milestones (Hornstein 291-293). It is vital to recognize the efforts of individual employees and teams involved in the change process for enhanced organizational success.

It also assists in easy adoption of the implemented change as well as the management process. Irrespective of realization of change being agonizing and difficult, it should be an ongoing process as the organization is continuously improving. Even change management processes should be constantly adjusted depending on the problem at hand. Clear communication should be a critical aspect in every phase as it assists in the identification and eradication of barriers. Dedication to assessment and analysis of organizational operations helps to determine when change is required, the needed data, and essential resources.

Minimization of Resistance to Change

A wide scope of methodological approaches to leadership and development helps to minimize resistance to organizational change. They include proper communication in advance, promotion of participation, and creation of trust. Before implementation of change, organizational leaders should offer workers who will be affected by the underlying plans information concerning the rationale behind the set modification, its nature, when it is required, and its possible impact on their operations. Hiding details on how the planned change is likely to affect the lives of employees and practices in the organization ought to be avoided as much as possible (Hornstein 291-295). Nevertheless, sometimes competitive survival of an organization may necessitate withholding some information regarding future changes until shortly before the occurrence of the intended modifications.

Change leaders should promote the participation of employees in the change process. People who are actively engaged in the occurrence of change have a high probability of being supportive of the future endeavors of the organization. They are proud of the progress of the organization and feel that they are crucial in its development. The management should also engage in practices of building trust for employees to support the planned initiatives (Kirk 45-46).

If leaders have a reputation for offering timely and reliable information to workers, their explanation of the significance of change has the possibility of being believed. Although sometimes change might still be resisted, if leaders are trusted by workers, problems are likely to be minimized.

Leadership Styles and Theories

For effective organizational leadership and development, leaders should receive and incorporate feedback on decision-making processes, conflict resolution practices, and teamwork behaviors with the help of a team-based coach. The team-based coach should establish and critically consider suppositions that influence judgments and actions on management, leadership, teamwork, and connection building (Amis 25-27). However, some assumptions such as the need for lay-offs to boost organizational success may instead result in organizational failure due to the dismissal of highly talented employees.

This necessitates change leaders and team-based coach to carefully assess the existing theories and leadership styles. Contingency theory centers on factors associated with the environment and that may establish the best leadership style for a given situation. This theory affirms that no leadership style is germane in every condition. Effective management does not just entail a person’s qualities. It should seek to establish the right equilibrium between behaviors, needs, and situations. Successful managers should have the ability to evaluate the needs of employees, carefully assess the problem, and adjust the required aspects accordingly.

Situation theory affirms that managers should select the most effective course of action depending on the existing issue. This means that different leadership styles are suitable for varying forms of decision-making. For instance, if the manager is the most knowledgeable and skilled member of the organization, the autocratic style is the most suitable. However, if all the members in an organization are skilled professionals, a democratic style is the most appropriate.

Autocratic managers are not creative and just encourage one-sided communication, which negatively affects motivation and the rate of satisfaction of employees and teams. Although, it could be successful in the short-term, autocratic leadership style hampers socialization and communication in the organization, which are crucial for excellent performance (Kirk 44-46). It also results in organizational conflicts that hurt the overall performance. The autocratic style is effective where projects are to be finished within a short deadline.

Unlike autocratic leadership, the democratic style has a positive influence on the performance of an organization. It allows employees and teams to make decisions and share them with change leaders and managers. In a democratic style of leadership, the manager offers criticism and praises without prejudice and sentiment of responsibility is realized among employees (Amis 25-27). It leads to the excellent performance of organizations because employees have the opportunity to articulate and implement their innovative notions over and above participating in the decision-making process. Moreover, the democratic style of leadership prepares future leaders and promotes organizational development in the long run.


Leading organizational development aids managers in the implementation of successful policies that help them flourish. This requires a proper assessment to guarantee the success of the entire progression, which facilitates the identification of limitations and necessary practices in proportion to change management. Before implementing change based on organizational purposes, there is a need to create goals that are specific, quantifiable, attainable, practical, and time-bound. Ensuring open and effective communication all through the process is vital for success. Different leadership styles are appropriate for diverse forms of decision-making and situations.

Works Cited

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"Leading Organizational Development: The Most Effective Approaches." BusinessEssay, 4 Nov. 2022, business-essay.com/leading-organizational-development-the-most-effective-approaches/.


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'Leading Organizational Development: The Most Effective Approaches'. 4 November.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "Leading Organizational Development: The Most Effective Approaches." November 4, 2022. https://business-essay.com/leading-organizational-development-the-most-effective-approaches/.

1. BusinessEssay. "Leading Organizational Development: The Most Effective Approaches." November 4, 2022. https://business-essay.com/leading-organizational-development-the-most-effective-approaches/.


BusinessEssay. "Leading Organizational Development: The Most Effective Approaches." November 4, 2022. https://business-essay.com/leading-organizational-development-the-most-effective-approaches/.