Organizational Structure and Management: Adapting to the Changes


In an organization, the structure and management can be considered to require the knowledge and ability to be able to have an optimum output. There are different issues that are needed to be considered. Included in the techniques to be able to achieve success in the management of an organization are the methods and paradigms that needed to be applied to be able to adapt to the changes that can occur through the course of the organizational operation.

The study of the issue related to the ways in adapting to the changes can be considered as a topic of urgent attention since the rate of change that is undertaken and encountered by the organizations is increasing in different aspects. Thus the challenges for the management of an organization become more difficult as there are different aspects that are taken into consideration.

The main objective of the study undertaken is to be able to present a view on the possible challenges being faced by the organization and the ways and methods that are used to be able to adapt to these changes. To be able to achieve the said objective, it is important to determine important issues such as the causes of these changes, the possible effects of these changes on the organization, and the possible resolutions to be able to adapt to these changes.

Determination of Caused of Change

The primary phase is the determination of the possible causes of the changes that can be experienced by the organization at a different level, both internal and external in nature. In the determination of the causes of the changes in the organizations, there are different methods, techniques, and approaches that are needed to be used.

Basically, it is important to consider that the nature of management and the organization research can be considered as the important superseding techniques that are needed to be taken into consideration every step of the way. This can be attributed to the fact that the resolutions that are applied to answer the challenges of adaptation are classified as management laws and models (Collins, p. 9).

The different approaches to the study of change that are needed to be resolved can also be considered as an essential issue in the adaptation of the organization to changes. The said approaches can be considered to involve the basis of approaches. One is the determination of possible resolution of organizational issues through the view of historical issues. In this method, the changes in the organization can be viewed on a longitudinal account that determines the development of the company. Through the said method, effective organizational management techniques can be considered and even modified to be applied to the present problems (Collins, p. 34).

Through this can be considered effective, the historical approach also has its limitations. Due to the fact that it gives more weight and attention to the chronology of the events, it can often overlook and discount the importance of the relationship between factors and issues. The said interactions and relationships can often be described by the social development approach (Collins, p. 35).

Also, other approaches that are based on interactions of the different components of the organization can be viewed as scientific or idealistic in nature. The scientific approach prioritizes the investigative nature of organizational management as well as the objective analysis of the different issues that can affect the organization. On the other hand, the approach wherein the analysis can be based on the preconceived theories and principles can be considered on the ideological view of organizational management (Collins, p. 37).

Upon presentation of the possible approaches in the determination of the causes of the changes in an organization, it is also considered essential to be able to determine the components of change. These include the factors that can be classified as either internal or external to the system. Factors that trigger changes in relation to the environment are classified as external. On the other hand, those that are internal can be either second-order or first-order issues. The first-order factors are included in the primary operation or included within the organizational system itself. The environmental changes are external and secondary (Fox-Wolfgramm 1; Mills 33).

Finding Solution to the Need for Adaptation of Organization

In cases wherein changes happen, specifically when it is inevitable, the ultimate goal is to be able to seek and achieve resolutions. The main description and definition of finding a resolution to the problems is an adaptation to change.

In the determination and analysis of the changes that are taking place, theoretical and situational analysis is inevitable and indispensable. The analysis is can be considered as a challenge since aside from the fact that it can cover different issues, it is also multi-level (Collins, p. 128). Based on the research conducted the issue of organizational change is one of the most important forces in an organization, thus, it is always examined. If negative effects can be observed, actions to reverse such effects are undertaken.

Aside from being a current issue, organizational change is also of strong historical importance. One of the most important trends through the course of history regarding organizational change is the shift of control from internal to external forces. This can also be another reason that can be responsible for the fact that contemporary organizations are always giving attention to organizational changes. This is to be able to prevent failure since the control of organizational change became external. The external forces such as sociological, cultural, and environmental issues can greatly affect and dictate the behavior of an organization (Mills, p. 128).

For that matter the decision of leadership in the organization transformed from giving priority to the endurance and success of the organization but on the changes in the external forces that can include the behavior of the market and even the opinion of the public. Thus, the present nature of an organization continuously considered the needs of the target market or the public. A successful organization in the present era can project and answer the needs of the people in advance. For that matter, organizational change became one of the most important gauges of leadership and the decision-making process of the leaders and officials in a particular organization.

The present state of an organization then can view change as an outside force that needed adaptation. On the other hand, change can also be the main way to be able to adapt to the changes in the environment and in society. For that matter, the adaptation to changes can be considered as a complex process of decision-making undertaken by the people that comprise an organization. It is dependent on different factors that can be classified into different aspects. One of the most influential factors in the management of the organization in the present era is technology and the continuous development of the field of technology.

Technical innovations commonly affect the management of an organization. In a society wherein technology often defines prowess, organizations commonly work toward the technological change that can produce both positive and negative effects. But importance often lies in the adaptation to change which is the main issue of the study (Kozlowski 2-3).

Technology can be considered as one example to present an agent of change in an organization. There is an intricate interaction of these factors that can promote and provoke changes in an organization either in an action from within an organization or from the components of the environment. Also, there is a diverse network of theoretical principles that are used to analyze such systems. The analysis is essential on the basis that the solutions that are needed to be undertaken are based on the results of such analysis (Collins, p. 37).

Due to the fact that an organization is composed of people, the most important consideration is the effects and the resolutions that can be related to the interaction of people. The people that comprise the organization interact within the system thus resulting in an effect that is two-way. One is that interactions can cause change within the system. Another is the fact that it can hinder adaptation to change in the environment. For that matter, the people and the different components of the organization is a complex interacting system commonly based on knowledge, skills, policies, and other driving forces that can ultimately change and cause the whole system to develop.

The Paradigms of Change

Upon determination of the interactive and intricate interaction of the different factors in an organization that can be considered possible in promoting and causing a change, policies, principles, and paradigms for adaptation and resolution to change is the subsequent issue that is needed to be explored.

Basically, in an organization, it is the management that is responsible for the seeking of solutions to the challenges being faced by the organization. There are different areas that are needed to be given attention. One is the structural organization of the system. In terms of the said issue, the presence of a specified and structured system can be considered essential. This is specifically needed to be able to objectively face any challenges and changes that can be encountered. Every subdivision is given a particular job to perform and must be trained to perform the said task well. Thus, aside from organization, the people factor is yet again another essential factor. Human resources can then be considered of equal importance and significance as every subdivision of the system (Collins 137; Levinthal, p. 140).

In the view of a particular organization, the structure and subdivision of responsibilities can be considered as the main reason for the strength of the system. On the other hand, it is the people, the human resource that makes the system flexible to be able to wither and stand different changes that can be encountered. Thus, the people and the proper handling of personnel can be considered as an important method to be able to adapt to changes.

Aside from the role of the people, other divisions of the organization serve as support systems. For that matter, based on the study that had been conducted, it is important to be able to have every member of the organization working at their optimum performance. This means that every component, machinery, factor, technology, etc. are needed to be given attention to be able to perform well.

Continuous research and development in the field of new techniques and methods for application are also needed to be undertaken. Basically one of the most important issues that can also lead the organization toward the adaptation to change is the leadership and the style and policies implemented by the management (Collins 180). This can be attributed to the trend that had been discussed regarding the increasing influence of the outer factors on the systems. Thus, due to the fact that the future and welfare of the organization is shifting toward the more uncontrollable outside components, the managers and policies are needed to take control.

Also, the vision of the organization can be considered as another important component. To be able to achieve an understanding of the needs of the organization and the possible causes of change, it is important to be able to have a wide theoretical view and reflection. The said view is inclusive of the different policies that are needed to be applied; the paradigms that can give a view on problem resolution and; the views on the operational process of the system.

Analysis of the Issue

The issue under study can be considered as a complex system that is needed understanding. The main target is the determination of resolution to achieve adaptation in cases of changes within an organization. It can be considered a relatively general issue. But simple components are needed to be given attention. These are the movement of the organization triggered by a change toward adaptation (Johnson, p. 154).

To be able to gain an understanding, background information is required which is represented by the causes of change under study. Given an example such as a new technology to be applied in the production to produce an increase in output is due to the fact that an increase of profit or a change is required. To be able to achieve the projected objectives the feasibility of the application of the said technology is researched, exhibiting the need for research and development in an organization.

The feasibility study includes cost analysis and applicability. These factors involve the whole system, specifically the human resource group that will require training in the scenario that the application of the new technology will be achieved. Upon generalization, changes in the environment can cause changes in the system. The process can even be considered inevitable.

For that matter, change can be considered as also inevitable since changes in an organization caused by the environment can also lead to influencing other groups. Thus, it can be considered a cycle.

Upon determination of the issues related to change, an adaptation which is the ultimate goal is needed to be given attention. Adaptation can be achieved within the system initially. To be able to adapt to the fast-changing modern society, technology can be applied.

One realization based on the study had been achieved though. It is the view that to be able to adapt to the changes occurring outside the system or the organization, changes are needed to be undertaken within the system itself.


Based on the study undertaken, the main method to adapt to changes in the organization is to apply modifications in the policies and the methods as well. The application of such methods targets human resources. Upon the adjustment of the members of the organization or institution, the whole system becomes more flexible to change.

Thus, the understanding of the people on their responsibilities, mission, and vision in an organization is the main key to the adaptation of the organization. All other factors, though complex and intricate in nature, conform to the action of the management and the people. Also, it is important to put into the mind that aside from the factors, the interaction of these factors is also considered essential.


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BusinessEssay. (2022, November 8). Organizational Structure and Management: Adapting to the Changes.

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BusinessEssay. "Organizational Structure and Management: Adapting to the Changes." November 8, 2022.