People Practice and Organizational Success

Principles Explaining Factors Affecting People’s Contribution to Organizational Success

Researchers have developed a variety of models and theories which demonstrate the factors which ultimately influence the way people contribute to organizational success. One of the most widely accepted theories even today was developed by Henri Fayol, and it is called the Administrative Management Theory. Fayol believed that organizational structure was the key to effective activity on the part of employees (Management, n.d.). He proposed the idea that a clearly-defined structure where every worker has a set of their own tasks and one manager to whom they may report can yield the best results for every enterprise.

Human Relations Management Theory is another theory that has been recognized as particularly influential. Its primary argument is that when employees can openly express their concerns, and opinions and share their success with coworkers and managers, they feel more motivated to improve their performance. As a result, a group of more satisfied workers can significantly contribute to organizational success. The X&Y Management is also popular in modern human resource management practices and has allowed many companies to enhance their results. It rests on the premise that the success of each organization depends on the correct approach of managers to employees. Companies that provide their workers with opportunities to develop as professionals and ensure that the workplace environment is friendly and accepting ultimately can achieve better performance.

Drivers of Change in Organizations

Economic transformation has always been the main factor that enabled organizations to move forward and introduce changes. Policies related to taxes, trade deals, and even migration laws force enterprises to explore new ways of conducting their business (Economic, 2017). The importance of technological innovation also should not be understated. In the modern world, machine learning and AI threaten to replace human workers, and organizations will eventually have to dismiss thousands of workers. Globalization is another factor that drives organizational change since teams with people of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds cause significant transformations in workplaces previously dominated by people of one culture.

When speaking of change in organizations, it is essential to have an understanding of the effects of change on employees. According to Lewin’s change management model, employees can calmly embrace changes if their organizations prepare them for it and then reinforce the new practices after the change process is complete. Otherwise, employees may demonstrate resistance which will ultimately lead to failure. Bridges proposed its own Transition Model and contended that during the first stage of the change process, workers might act emotionally and reject new rules (Lane and Clutterbuck, 2016). Thus, the obligation of every manager must be to communicate the uprose and advantages of the change. During the second and third stages, employees will become neutral and then will accept the newly-employed practices.

Steps to Increase Workplace Diversity

Nowadays, diversity in the workplace has become an issue of utmost significance for organizations. The main step which every company has to take is to introduce a “level playing field” which would eradicate any barriers to recruitment for all minorities. Positive action and affirmative action are other practices that can be utilized by organizations to increase inclusivity and diversity (Diversity, 2019). Not taking these vital steps can lead to considerable losses for organizations. Essentially, companies that fail to hire minorities and people with diverse backgrounds deprive themselves of talented professionals and fail to deliver on social-responsibility obligations.

Additionally, organizations have to implement better diversity and inclusion data collection tools and methods to be aware of all the areas where they underperform. The typical issues may concern the lack of female employees, gender pay gap, discrimination of workers with disability, and poor diversity training. The failure on the part of the organization to maintain high standards of inclusivity may harm its reputation and performance. For instance, women who work for an enterprise where they receive less money for the same work compared to their male colleagues will not be motivated to contribute to the organizational success to the full extent of their knowledge and expertise.

Influence of People Practice on Organizational Culture

People’s practice has a direct impact not only on the success of an organization but also on its culture and the conduct of its employees. Enterprises that wish to excel need to choose their workers correctly. Cultural fit is of particular importance. Conducting an interview with all applicants to determine whether their views align with the organization’s values can build a team of like-minded individuals. The unity among employees in understanding the organizational goals and being committed to attaining them is the factor that leads to an exceptional level of performance. Rewarding workers for their extra efforts is another beneficial measure.

For instance, when one of the companies I worked for decided to remove its fixed remuneration and replace it with a performance-based salary, employees not only improved their performance but also became more friendly towards the managers. An example of a negative people practice is the refusal on the part of management to help employees resolve their workplace conflicts. Another business where I was employed had a management team that preferred to stay oblivious to all of the confrontations which took place in the office. The lack of interference led to a toxic environment which caused many professionals to leave their job.

Wellbeing in the Workplace

Companies that follow the principle that workers have to desire to return to their job every day usually demonstrate great organizational performance. Well-being in the workplace is a major issue that constitutes one of the main areas of responsibility for organizations. Factors affecting the mental health of employees are numerous. One of them is financial stability. Not receiving enough to sustain a decent lifestyle and cover all the necessary expenses can undermine workers’ ability to concentrate on work.

Stress-related work causes such as large workload, pressure to attain the business objectives, long hours, and management style also plays a negative role in employees’ wellbeing (Health, 2019). Moreover, the toxic environment which may arise as a result of poor relationships among colleagues is of equal significance. Teams who are forced to cooperate despite the fact that their members despise one another will hardly be committed to joint work and will not achieve any positive results. All of these elements decrease the effectiveness of organizations’ operations and activity and require measures to be taken on the part of management. Additionally, situations, when people develop diseases as a result of job-related stress, can lead to these individuals being absent from work which also hampers organizations’ stability.

Evaluation of My Experience of Work

Employee lifecycle principles are extremely relevant for all human resources managers and specialists in the sphere of people practice. In my case, the lifecycle reflects my approach to work, and it helps me navigate and resolve complex situations. When assessing potential candidates, I always search for individuals whose skills and expertise will be consistent with the organization’s corporate strategy. I also attempt to minimize bias since it is an element that not only hinders diversity and inclusion but also prevents the organization from finding the best talent on the market. Training and onboarding are of equal importance since they essentially help professionals to assume their position and get acquainted with all intricacies of their work.

Preparing new employees for their job allows them to start contributing to organizational success faster. I believe that all employees have to be able to develop their competence, and training programs must feature diverse employees to maintain high standards of inclusivity. Apart from rewards and recognition, workers should have a chance to progress and obtain new positions in the organization’s hierarchy. Finally, I am certain that listening to the needs of the employees and implementing their suggestions can assist the organization in retaining the most valuable professionals.

People Practice and Other Organizational Functions

People’s practice and organizational functions are interlinked and cannot be viewed separately since, at the core of every organization, there are individuals who ensure it operates correctly. Therefore, when choosing which functions an organization has to perform, the factor of who will become the actors behind the company’s operations has to be taken into consideration. On the strategic level, for instance, a company may introduce a business strategy that implies an enhancement of the quality of services. As a result, the company will have to hire more skilled workers or conduct training for the current employees.

Workforce planning is the field that allows the organization to plan in advance and identify the potential employees to sustain long-term strategic goals. People’s practice such as training also positively affects employees’ ability to solve problems and develop innovative solutions (Strategic, 2021).

Companies that are committed to providing their workers with opportunities to increase their expertise and develop new competencies can stimulate these employees to introduce their improvements to the operational aspects of the organization. During the change period, organizations can provide training for employees whose skills are no longer relevant due to automation. Through this measure of people practice, the company will retain strategically important workers by teaching them how to perform other organizational functions.

Principles of Engaging with Internal Customers

Organizations can derive a lot of benefits from viewing employees as internal customers since it can help them focus on the particular needs of their workers and act to resolve any issues. There are many approaches for engaging with internal customers, yet all of them have the same end result, namely, improving organizational results. The first method of assessing internal customers is conducting performance measurements of the active employees. Data collected during an appraisal will assist the organization in adjusting its strategic goals, employee training, and compensation. In other words, by gathering information on how workers manage to accomplish their tasks, organizations will be able to highlight the areas which require improvements.

Additionally, internal customer satisfaction surveys can be accomplished. This measure will grant the employees a chance to voice their concerns while supplying the organization with data on how people practice will have to be refined. Additionally, investigations into workplace conflicts can be launched to determine the causes of the problems and take steps to eradicate them. All of these approaches to managing internal customers will allow enterprises to facilitate their communication with employees and improve their morale and subsequently organizational performance.

Key Components of Project Planning Strategies

Delivering products and services to customers can be a complex task if an organization fails to employ proper strategies in order to meet all the initial requirements. The primary component of any strategy which has to be introduced first is communication. Organizations have to s specify the channels for communication with the client and keep them updated on all stages of completion. Without proper communication, an organization risks making a mistake or incorrectly rendering the requirements of their customer.

Another major component of project planning strategies is establishing the scope of requirements, Namely, precisely outlining the department responsible for the order, its volume, and the deadline. Moreover, whenever a change happens, the manager in charge has to update the scope of requirements. In terms of human resource management, the team working on delivering a product or a service has to be experienced and competent. Setting up milestones also can keep the work organized and assist the company in ensuring that the project is developed in line with the instructions provided by the customer.

Finally, listing all of the potential risks which may occur throughout the life cycle of the project and planning the activity by taking them into consideration. This will keep the organization ready for potential negative scenarios and will help it to finish the project on time despite failures.

Reference List

Diversity management that works: summary of recommendations. (2019). Web.

Economic transformation is the biggest driver of change in organisations. (2017). Web.

Health and wellbeing at work. (2019). Web.

Lane, G. and Clutterbuck, D. (2016) The situational mentor. London: Taylor & Francis.

Management theory and organizational behavior. (n.d.). Web.

Strategic human resource management. (2021). Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2023, August 7). People Practice and Organizational Success.

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BusinessEssay. 2023. "People Practice and Organizational Success." August 7, 2023.

1. BusinessEssay. "People Practice and Organizational Success." August 7, 2023.


BusinessEssay. "People Practice and Organizational Success." August 7, 2023.